Stay with you

In your atmosphere

Saturday morning you were up earlier than usual, your aunt had left you a note saying she was out at work so you called Kikwang and he too was awake.

“Want me to come over?” he asked.

You brightened at the suggestion. “If it’s okay.”

You could almost hear him smile. “Of course it’s okay, I’ll be there soon.”

You hung up and decided to make breakfast for him, leaving your pyjamas on you put an apron on and began making the food.

15 minutes went by.

“Aigoo,” you sighed as you stirred the ramen noodles. “Aw crap!” you hissed as you remembered the Kimchi stew, you left the ramen and stirred the stew. You took a spoon and tasted it.

“At least it tastes good,” you mumbled to yourself, suddenly you heard a gently knock at the door.

Opening the door you smiled sweetly at Kikwang, who was handsome as ever. He wore a bright, cheerful smile on his face.

“Hi oppa.”

“Hey baby,” he kissed you lovingly, then grinned. “Are you this comfortable around me?”


Then you realised what he meant. You stared down in alarm as you realised you were still in your Pikachu pyjamas with a bare face, you squeaked and covered your face with your hands.

“This is so embarrassing,” you whispered in horror, you heard Kikwang chuckle.

He tried to hug you but you held out your hand to keep a distance. “I look hideous, let me go change and put some makeup on.”

You were about to go but Kikwang held onto your wrist and tugged you close. He pried your hands away and cupped your cheek, the love in his eyes radiated out and filled the room.

“You look beautiful without makeup and your fancy clothes,” he said softly. And he wasn’t lying, your fresh, face bought made you look younger and innocent. A childlike quality he’d never noticed with your chic and polished makeup, you looked utterly adorable in your pyjamas.

You pouted. “Are you sure you’re not biased?”

He made a cross over his heart. “I promise, though you could be standing here in a black bin bag and I would still think you look beautiful. But right now, I could eat you up-,” he was about to kiss you but at the word ‘eat’ you gasped.

“Crap! The food!”

You sprinted to the kitchen and turned the stove off, you checked to see how the Kimchi stew was doing.

Kikwang leant on the doorway watching you work, he had always hoped that one day he would get married and when he came home from work he would silently watch his wife cook. He found it extremely feminine and heart warming, now when he pictured his future wife, the face was no longer blank but the face was you.

He tilted his head. *Do I want to marry ~~~~~~ ah?*

You turned back and was a little shocked to catch Kikwang watching you so intently. You were touched that he had complimented how nice you looked without makeup, Junho had called you ‘average’ and it had taken a knock on your self esteem.

You took a sip of the stew again.

“Is it nice?” he asked. You nodded and then beckoned him over.

“Here try it,” you said. You held out the spoon with your hand at the bottom just in case it spilled. You slowly put the spoon in Kikwang’s mouth and waited anxiously for his review.

Kikwang swallowed and smiled, he gave you two thumbs up. “It’s great!”

You clapped. “Yay. It’ll be served soon.”

The two of you ate breakfast on the front room on the floor, well, you had a bowl of food but you were feeding Kikwang as he sat behind you with his legs on either side.

“How’s omonim?” you asked, meaning his mother.

He shrugged. “She’s doing fine, she’s managing to stay sober. Maybe she did mean it this time, all thanks to you.”

You shook your head. “No, it was all omonim, I was just there to listen. That’s all she wanted I think.”

The phone rang and you sprang up to answer it, when you finished Kikwang began to tidy up.

“Who was it?”

“The doctor at East Seoul, he just wanted me to have a check up for my leg. I guess I should go, but I don’t want to listen to him tell me I can’t dance anymore. It ,” you said frowning. Kikwang kissed your cheek.

“Want me to come?”

“Please? It will make me feel better.”




You and Kikwang sat in the modern waiting room, people with you looked as if they had stepped straight out of a Vogue magazine. Everything they wore was designer, you wanted to laugh. *I used to wear every piece of clothing that was designer, how much have I changed since then? Ever since I’ve moved to West Seoul, I’ve become a different person.*

“Choi ~~~~~~~ ah,” your doctor called. You and Kikwang stood up and followed the doctor into an examining room. “How have you been feeling? No pain?”

You shook your head. “Nope, nothing like that recently.”

“Good, now if you would like to put your leg up here, I’m just going to do a few checkups.”

You sighed as the doctor squeezed your calf and gently moved it side to side, he then asked if you could go to the x-ray room to get an x-ray.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“Nothing like that, it’s just part of the procedure.”

Sometime later you were called back into the examining room.

“Please have a seat,” the doctor said. You took a seat with Kikwang next to you.

“Is there something wrong?”

The doctor sat down in front of you and showed you the x-ray. “Quite the opposite Miss. Choi, your leg has healed remarkably well. The bone’s looking strong and almost as good as new. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

You blinked fast. “Healed? But I thought you said I could never dance again?”

“I said you would need some intense physiotherapy but the chances were slim, but as you have now witnessed, some doctors are wrong. Your leg has healed perfectly, it’s quite unexpected.”

“D-Does this mean…I can dance again?”

The doctor nodded. “Yes, it does.”

You contained your excitement, but when you and Kikwang were outside of the hospital you screamed and hugged him. He laughed with you and spun you around.

“Omo! Oppa, I can dance again! I can dance!!”

He smiled at you. “I’m so happy for you, quick we have to go and get you back into your company…”

You were about to agree but then stopped. “Wait, I don’t want to go to the company.”

“Then do you want to go to another one? Actually, you’re Choi ~~~~~ ah the greatest ballet dancer in Seoul, any company will take you.”

His enthusiasm and supportive smile made your heart melt.

“No, I meant…I don’t want to be in a company because I don’t want to dance professionally.”

Kikwang stopped for a moment. “But, I thought it was your dream to have this life?”

“It was, when I was the East Seoul Choi ~~~~~ ah. Now, I’m the West Seoul ~~~~~~ ah. I don’t want my life constantly in the newspapers, my friends will never have privacy and honestly I didn’t like how they crowded around me, I’ve always been claustrophobic. I want to dance because I like it, not to make a living out of it.”

Kikwang took your hand in his. “Are you sure?”

You nodded. “When I was with Junho I rarely saw him, mainly because I knew I didn’t want to but also because I had rehearsals all the time. I don’t want to spend any time away from you oppa.”

Kikwang kissed you deeply, his heart bursting with happiness. *She’s not dancing because she doesn’t want to spend time away from me!*

“I don’t want to take away your dancing though, you belong on a stage shining like a star.”

You smiled and shook your head. “No I don’t. I belong here with you by your side.”


Hope you all liked it ^^

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!