Run and Hide

In your atmosphere

"Get out of my face you gay fool," Junhyung growled as he shoved Yoseob away. All 6 members of B2ST sat on the college field away from the main campus, under the shade of a large tree.

Yoseob grinned evilly. "Aww hyung! You're so mean to me."

Junhyung wiped his face with his hand. "I feel sorry for the poor girl that will end marrying you one day."


"Quit arguing!" Doojoon scolded lightly. "The two of you argue every  10 minutes."

Yoseob pointed at Junhyung. "He started it!"

Hyunseung shook his head. "Dude, you're such a freak. Girls envy how much aegyo you have."

Dongwoon laughed along with Hyunseung.

All the while the 5 bantered and laughed, Kikwang sat quietly listening to his music. He envied how his 5 friends could laugh so easily, as if they had no sadness in their lives whatsoever.

Dongwoon saw Kikwang look longingly at them, he scooted closer.

"What you listening to hyung?"

Kikwang didn't say anything but he held up his iPod and showed Dongwoon.

"Sweet, you've got to give me some of these songs."

Kikwang nodded and went back to minding his own business.

Dongwoon sighed. *I know hyung wants to talk, but it's like...he doesn't want to be happy.*

"Hey guys, do you think we should go see ~~~~~ ah?"

Doojoon shrugged. "I don't mind, we all know sort of where she lives."

"Oh yeah! ~~~~~~ ah lives with her aunt, yeah it would be nice to see her. She seemed cool."

"~~~~~ ah?" Kikwang piped up.

Yoseob rolled his eyes. *Trust Kikwang to talk when a girl's involved...actually wait...Kikwang rejects the hottest girls ever sometimes! Aish that kid!*

Junhyung nodded. "Yeah, a new girl. Lives over the big block of flats by the park."

Kikwang nodded as he immediately knew about the park Junhyung was talking about. *Near Miss. Choi? And her niece? Miss. Choi never stopped talking about her, though Miss. Choi never mentioned her niece's name.*

"Why you asking?" Hyunseung said with a smile.

Doojoon nudged Kikwang. "You interested?"

Kikwang rolled his eyes and smiled a little, but he ignored their questions. Doojoon took that as a 'no'. *Babo, ~~~~~~ ah's smokin hot*

"I like ~~~~~~~ ah," Dongwoon voiced. "She wasn't fawning over us on our first meeting."

Doojoon nodded. "I know right?! First time a girl saw me and didn't faint or scream over my good looks."

Junhyung snorted. "What good looks?"

Doojoon socked him on the arm.

Hyunseung ignored them. "I know what you mean though...she didn't seem to care about how we looked. I wonder why?"

"Well I know one thing for sure," Yoseob said. "She's definitely not from around here."

Junhyung snorted. "And you know this how?"

"Pur-lease! That girl had the accent of one of those news reporters you in the cafe TV. Plus...she was wearing decent clothing and her coat looked expensive. If I was to guess...I'd say she's an East Seoul girl, born and bred."

Doojoon laughed. "You could tell this all from one meeting?"

Dongwoon sided with Yoseob. "I think Yoseob hyung's right, ~~~~~~ ah did just seem a little proper. Remember she threatened to use her whistle on us?"

"And  her pepper spray," Hyunseung added with a chuckle. "Man...she looked so stuck up but so innocent."

Junhyung sighed. "Well, so long as she isn't some deluded fan girl...she's worth of my company," he said with a smirk.

Yoseob shivered. "Speaking of deluded fan girls...look over there."

Everyone looked to the right and saw a barbie pink car roll into the school parking lot, Junhyung made a puking posture.

"I was having a good morning to start my you ruined it. Thanks a lot Yoseob," Junhyung said annoyed.

Hyunseung actually looked pale. "I'm sorry but it Hyuna and her gang of dweebs come near us again today...whilst we're pissing...I have no choice but to-..."

"Hyunseung! We don't hit girls," Doojoon reminded him firmly.

"I wasn't going to hit them!" Hyunseung defended himself. "But nothing's going to stop me from dropping their stuff from the 5th floor or some bad birdy might decide to land on that ugly car and scratch the windshield with it's lovely sharp beak."

Dongwoon looked at the pink car. "I don't know why you guys are being so weird.  Hyuna's obssessed with Kikwang hyung...not you."

All 4 of the hyungs seemed to look relaxed.

Doojoon draped his arm over Kikwang's shoulders. "Tough luck dude."

"How do you ignore her? Her voice literally gives me nightmares," Junhyung shivered.

Kikwang shrugged. "I just ignore her."

"That girl can make a nun swear!" Yoseob cried out.

"IT'S B2ST!!!!!" fan girls screamed loudly.

"Oh great," all 6 boys scrambled up and sprinted towards the school.

"Oppa's!" Hyuna shouted.

"Doojoon oppa!" Gayoon squealed.

"Junhyung, I want you!" Jihyun said with dreamy eyes.

"I'm so not in the mood for this," Junhyung groaned. "Where do we go?"

" here," Yoseob said and pushed open a door. They all stumbled into an empty classroom, and heard the girls run past the door. Yoseob leaned against the door. "Phew...that was close. Consequences of being the Kingka's at West Seoul High."

"B2ST?" a tinkling voice called out.

All 6 turned to look. "~~~~~~~ ah?"

Kikwang stared wide eyed at you, and you mirrored his actions. You pointed at him.

"You?!" the two of you said in unison.


Quite a long chap ^^ hope you liked it hehe.


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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!