
In your atmosphere

The next day at school, you were studying on one of the benches outside. Out of nowhere, girls began cheering and screaming. You looked up to see all 6 of B2ST striding into the school campus.

You met eyes with all of them, but they just looked away quickly. *They must all really hate me.*

You jumped as someone threw their bag onto the bench; you looked up to see Hyuna glaring down at you.

“You’re in our space,” she hissed. You looked behind to see the rest of 4minute impatiently waiting for you to leave.

Scrambling off you hurried away, Hyuna rolled her eyes.

“What did Kikwang ever see in her?”




You were running down the hallway, not really looking when you bumped into someone.


You moaned in pain. “Junhyung oppa! You fell on my foot.”

Junhyung moved but frowned at you. “Aish, who runs at 8:30 in the morning anyway?”

You pulled yourself up and bowed in apology. “Sorry, I’ll be out of your way.”

Junhyung sidestepped so he obstructed your path. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I really miss you,” he hugged you tightly, like a brother welcoming his little sister.

You did your best not to cry. “I miss you too oppa.”

He chuckled but then pulled back with a serious look. “But you hurt Kikwang. We’re loyal to our friends.”

You miserably looked down. “I know I did. If I could take it all back, I would…in a heartbeat. But that’s all in the past now, I can’t undo what’s happened.”

The bell rang loudly. Junhyung gave you a small smile and lightly bumped your shoulder with his fist. “I’ll see you around.”

You waved and turned to head for your form room.

Kikwang had been hiding around the corner, listening in on your conversation with Junhyung. *I wish I could take it all back too.*




You had a free period and you were in outside in the fresh air, studying. Your phone was ringing and you picked it up.

“~~~~~~ ah!” your dance teacher said lovely. “You are going to love me!”

You frowned. “I am?”

“Yes! I’ve decided that you are going to be the Swan Queen in our production of ‘Swan Lake’, and I’ve landed you interviews with the national newspaper and you’re going on Happy Together as their star guest.”

You sat up a little straighter. “Wait…I’m the Swan Queen? But I didn’t even audition.”

“Oh who are we kidding here?! You’re the best dancer in my company, and no one else can pull of the part but you. Think of all the publicity this is going to get you, you’ll be earning the big bucks plus you have your trust fund,  you’ll be one of the richest women in Seoul.”


“Of course! Which means you can move back to East Seoul and attend Seoul High again!”

You thought about it. *Earning some money would be good, since I can’t use my trust fund till I’m 21 and I can support myself and imo with the money I earn. But…I can’t leave here, I can’t leave B2ST and especially Kikwang.*

Sighing you began to speak. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it. I need a little break from the spotlight, I like my life now. No hassle.”

“But ~~~~~ ah…this is your chance to make it back to the very top! Think about what you’re throwing away?!”

“I have sunbae, and I think it’s best if Sooyeon has the part,” you said and then hung up. *That was the biggest opportunity ever, and I threw it away. I can work on building my relationship with Kikwang and B2ST, it’s worth it…hopefully.*

You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes, enjoying the soft breeze and the warmth of the sun. Until a figure blocked the rays.

“Yah!” you yelled at Hyuna.

“I can’t believe that after all you put Kikwang through, you’re just going to sit there calmly and not even feel guilty?”

You shot up and stood face to face with her. “How do you know I haven’t been feeling guilty? Of course you wouldn’t, you’re too busy trying to get into Kikwang’s pants.”

Hyuna smirked. “And with much success.”

You paused. “W-What?”

She blinked. “Didn’t you hear? Kikwang and I are ‘seeing each other’. I thought it was just me, but last night he came over and things got a little…heated. I have to say, I didn’t think he had it in him.”

“Y-You’re lying,” you stammered nervously. *He can’t have moved on this quickly? Could he?*

“Want proof?” Hyuna asked then took out a video camera and played a video. You’re throat grew thick and your heart shattered as you saw Kikwang and Hyuna engage in a hot kiss. “I didn’t want anything to be filmed but he insisted. It was but I love his wild side.”

You swallowed and grabbed your bag, you sprinted off back into school running past Kikwang. He stopped when he saw your crying, fleeting figure.

“~~~~~ ah?” he tried to grab your arm but you snatched it away. “~~~~~~ ah, what’s wrong?”

You stopped and swept away your tears with your hands. “I hope you live a good life. We’re going our separate ways now. Good bye.”

You ran into t he girl’s toilets, leaving Kikwang perplexed. *What was that about?*




Hyuna texted Junho as soon as you left.

Hyuna: The video I sent you last night worked. She really is yours now.

Junho: Good.

Hyuna: doesn’t know even know that the video was edited. I only had to edit out the parts where Kikwang shoved me away.

Junho: Stop talking to me.

Hyuna didn’t seem perturbed at how rudely Junho dismissed her, instead she sighed happily. “She’ll reject Kikwang and he’ll come back to me, and there will be a point where he can’t resist me any longer. I’ll wait till that day comes.”




You sat inside a toilet cubicle with the toilet seat down, you cried and cried. You knew that Hyuna and Kikwang were friends…but to lead onto something more, it hurt so bad you didn’t think you would ever recover.

You sniffed and looked at your phone. Biting your lip you dialled a number and put the phone to your ear.

“Seoul Ballet Theatre,” your dance teacher said out of routine.


“~~~~~ ah?”

“Yes, I’ve changed my mind. I want the part in the production and I’ll move back to East Seoul.”

Your dance teacher shouted with excitement. “I’m glad you changed your mind! I must tell the reporters! This will be huge!”

He hung up, you stepped out of the cubicle and wiped the smeared mascara. *Maybe this is good for me, being away from him…might help me move on.*




After school you went to the cemetery to visit your parents’ grave, kneeling down you looked at their tombstone. You snivelled.

“It’s been a while since I last visited you guys, I’m so sorry,” you apologised in a whisper. “I’ve done a bad thing, I lied to Kikwang, when he was the one person I trusted the most.”

A soft breeze swept your hair back slightly, you breathed in.

“But now…I’m going back to East Seoul to pursue my dancing. I’ll try and make you proud of me,” you kissed two fingers and touched the tombstone. “I love you, Umma and Appa.”

Someone put their arm around you, startled you looked up at Junho who was looking down at your parents’ grave.

“And I’ll look after her,” he promised. You couldn’t help but notice how that promise felt slightly empty, but you let it pass. “Hope you’re doing alright in heaven.”

He pulled you up and the two of you walked back to his limo.

“Thanks for coming again, I hate how every time you come see me, I’m an emotional mess.”

Junho laughed. “Don’t worry about it, I’m your friend and I’m here to help. Besides, when you called me and said that you were going to take the lead part in the production, moving back to East Seoul and going to see your parents, I couldn’t leave you alone.

You smiled at him. “Thanks Junho, you’re a good friend.”

He hid his mischievous grin from you. *I can be an even better boyfriend, who will use your popularity for a good cause. I’ll be in the newspaper again by next week I think.*

“So…how are you going to live in East Seoul?”

“Sunbae said that I’ll be earning money while I’m casted as the lead role in the production, so I guess I’ll be renting a flat. But of course, I’ll be sending money to imo too.”

Junho stopped then smiled at you, while he tilted his head. “Why not…live with me?”


“Think about it? I have my penthouse and if you feel uncomfortable with me being there, I can move back to my parents’ mansion, they have room there.”

You waved your hands. “It’s your penthouse, you can’t move out…but it would be nice to live with a friend.”

Junho clapped. “Great! So you’re going to be living with me!”

“I’ll pay half of the rent, and cook and clean and…”

“~~~~~~ ah, I have maids for that,” Junho reminded you, then casually slung his arm over your shoulder. “We’re going to living with each other! Isn’t that great?!”

“Yeah,” you said. You looked at his arm and frowned slightly. *I wish it was Kikwang’s arm instead of Junho’s…but he’s probably with Hyuna. He’s moved on and so should I.*




Your aunt was helping you pack, she was just as tearful as you.

“You were born for this life,” she suddenly said. “I’d watched you perform on TV and you’re incredible.”

You cried and hugged her tight. “You’re incredible, for having me. I’m proud to have an aunt like you.”

She kissed your forehead. “I’m proud to have you as my niece too.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? I don’t have to move in with Junho.”

She clicked her tongue. “Don’t be silly child! I’m sure you don’t want an old hag like me tagging around,” she gently your cheek. “Just be safe sweetheart.”

You nodded and sighed, looking around the small room. “Junho has a guest bedroom all ready for me at his penthouse, so I guess I don’t need to take any furniture with me.”

“That’s good, at least it means that you can come visit and stay over.”

You hugged her again. “Of course I’ll come visit.”

There was a knock at the door, Junho smiled at your aunt. “Evening ahjumma.”

Your aunt gave a pointed look at him. “You look after my niece.”

He bowed politely. “I will.”

You only had 2 suitcases, Junho helped bring them down to his hummer since you didn’t need a removal van.

You kissed your aunt’s cheek. “I’ll call you later tonight.”

You helped Junho get your suitcases into the car and then got into the passenger seat.

“You ready?”

You looked around the shabby streets which you had come to call home; you nodded for the sake of it.

Junho drove off, and for some reason…you didn’t feel complete. As if you had left a big part of you behind, half of your head stayed in West Seoul.




Later that evening, B2ST were at the supermarket, buying junk food when they ran into your aunt just as they were coming out after having done their shopping.

“Oh Kikwang,” she greeted him. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, sorry. I might come over tomorrow, see you and ~~~~~~ ah.”

Your aunt hesitated. “Didn’t you hear?”

Kikwang exchanged confused looks with s, then looked at your aunt. “Hear what?”

“~~~~~~ ah was given the lead part in the company’s production of ‘Swan lake’, she’s moved back to East Seoul.”

“What?” Kikwang breathed, he felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach. He couldn’t breathe properly.

“She left earlier,” your aunt said. She narrowed  her eyes. “I thought ~~~~~~ ah would have told you.”

Knowing that Kikwang couldn’t speak, Doojoon spoke. “No, she’s probably been busy. Thanks for telling us ahjumma.”

She smiled. “No problem. I better get my shopping done.”

She left; Kikwang sank down to the ground crouching down. “S-She left.”

He wanted to cry and shout in rage but the shock was too overwhelming, he could barely move his limbs. His chest ached as he felt his heart crush and shatter, it was like someone had stamped on it repeatedly. *~~~~~ ah left me…*

B2ST exchanged sad and anxious looks. “I’m sorry dude.”

Kikwang wiped a hand over his mouth. “I can’t believe she left…without saying a proper goodbye, without even telling me.”

*What became of us? I didn’t even get to tell her I still love her.*


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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!