The Best

In your atmosphere

You stepped out into the dance floor surrounded by other dancers, your leotard hugged your nimble, lithe body and your hair was pulled back into a tight and intricately beautiful bun.

The other dancer stared at you warily, whispering to each other as you confidently strode over to the front, and admired your reflection in the mirror. You had it all, the rich parents, the hot boyfriend, the good grades…and the dancing talent. Everyone wanted to be you and you knew it.

“Rehearsal everyone!” the dance teacher at Seoul Ballet Theatre said loudly over the buzzing conversations.

You stepped away from the Barre and stood in first position at the front, you held your head high and you took a deep breath. You were the star in the show, well actually, you and your male partner were the stars of the show but no one ever pays too much attention to the male lead. Always the female. You.

“We are performing ‘Nutcracker’ in one week, I do not see any beauty in these moves,” the dance teacher said loudly across the room, and then his gaze ran to you. “Of course…~~~~~ ah, my star, you are forever perfect.”

You bowed smugly, and ignored the whispering behind you.

“Okay, we will take this from the top. ~~~~~ ah, I need you to seduce the audience and bring the dance to life.”

“Don’t I always?” you asked yourself. Then with one powerful leap into the air, you threw your body into the air and allowed your male partner to catch.

“Fantastic ~~~~~ah!” your dance teacher shouted, then faced the other dancers. “That is how it is supposed to be done.”

You went on pointe and tittered away from the guy. “Make your Prince want to follow you, make him want you.”

The guy took you by the waist and held you up. “Brilliant! My star you are shining!”

The guy lowered you down and you shrugged complacently. “I know I am.”

An hour had passed of praises only for you, others had gotten insulted or told to correct some certain moves. You were perfection and flawless incarnate.

“Okay everyone practice is over,” everyone left the studio. “~~~~~ah stay back, I have something to give you.”

“I bet they’re sleeping together. That guy doesn’t take his eyes off her,” one girl ed about you. You ignored it. In actual fact, you had refused your dance teacher’s ual advancements, not everyone had to be like that to be the best.

“Sunbae?” you called, he jumped out with the most gorgeous pair of ballet shoes you had ever seen. The satin must have cost a fortune and the way they rounded perfectly at the tip for going on Pointe…it was utter perfection.

“For my star,” the dance teacher said reverently, you took them without hesitation. “Since you are playing Clara, a beauty should deserve beautiful shoes to show off.”

“Thank you,” you said bowing.

“Only the best deserve the best,” your dance teacher said winking. “Now off you go, get home safely.”

You left the dance studio and went to your own private dressing room, the mirrors had white bulbs surrounding the outside and your dresser was littered with professional stage make up and normal make up. This was the life. For you anyway.

You took your worn out ballet shoes and tried on the new ones. They fit perfectly, you quickly tried a pirouette and you relished the way they allowed you to turn smoothly and swiftly.

You released your hair from the tight bun and shook it, you applied a little make up and pulled a skirt over your leotard and shrugged on a leather jacket.

“Hey baby,” your boyfriend greeted you.

“Hey, you didn’t have to wait for me,” you said as he hugged you intimately. He kissed you forcefully.

Junho was the hottest guy in school, he was tough, rich and…hot! People like the two of you always dated. *I deserve the best boyfriend too.*


I know you might seem a little spoilt and sobby, but it's only part of the story ;) remember the forewords ;) And I LOVE 2PM but I had to have them as the bad guys...and I love I don't really hate him but he's just a bad guy in this story ^^ Hope you liked it :DDD Please...




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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!