My friends...

We are Enemies /Haitus/

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school again. I felt more excited to go than usual. I made sure my curly hair was up in a neat pony tail, and my clothes were to school code.


“Maybe I’ll have classes with Luhan too.” I thought as I left my house. I walked down the streets alone at first. Then I met up with Baekhyun and him.


“Bacon!” I called out to him. He waved happily and I ran up to hug him.


“How is my little angel?” He asked sweetly. I shrugged.


“So far so good,” I answered, grinning.


“Do you two really have to act so disgusting in the morning?” Chanyeol commented from behind us. I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same.


“Yah you two, will it kill you to get along?” Baekhyun scolded us. I pouted and stopped. Chanyeol did the same. We walked calmly down the street but as I stared around the streets I didn’t notice the uneven pavement. I took a careless step and found my self in a familiar situation.


This time I was sure that I was going to hit the ground. However, I felt arms holding me tight around my waist.


“Wow shorty be careful.” That annoying voice whispered next to my ear. I don’t know why, but knowing he saved me sent me in to shock. I was so close to him. I smelled the musky cologne and the mint in his breath. I don’t know why, but he was driving me crazy.


I quickly stood up and pulled his arms off of me.


“Thanks,” I muttered. That earned a laugh and a cheesy smile from the tall creeper.


“Ah Jaeri… how nice it is to see you in the morning,” he cheered. Baekhyun merely laughed at the situation.


I don’t know why, but I felt so embarrassed that I couldn’t even look Baekhyun in the eyes.


Stupid Chanyeol… making me feel this way. Ugh makes me hate him.


Looking down and mentally cursing Chanyeol I ran in to something hard. I look up and see Luhan looking down at me.


“Ah Mianhe, I always seem to run in to you.” I apologized.


I seem to be extra clumsy today too… I mentally groaned.


Luhan chuckled lightly. “Maybe we are attracted to each other.” He added in a teasing tone. I couldn’t help but laugh. Yeah, maybe we were like magnets, and that’s why I keep running in to him.


“Uwa Lulu! Yeolo told me that you were going here, but I didn’t believe him.” Baekhyun, greeted Luhan from behind us.


“Yeah, I finally got my paper work set and I’m going to class today.” He answered.


“What’s your first class?” Chanyeol asked calmly, his attitude totally different from when he was teasing me.


There goes bipolar Chanyeol again…


“English,” Luhan answered shortly. I grinned widely as I heard that.


“Uwa Luhan we have a class together!” I cheered. He high fived me cheeringly.


“That’s awesome! Let’s walk together,” he suggested, offering his arm at me. I nervously wrapped my arm around his. Baekhyun eyed us suspiciously and Chanyeol looked uncomfortable.


“Well I’ll see you guys around. I have other stuff to do.” Chanyeol said quickly, leaving. I frowned since I didn’t have a chance to , but I watched him go.


“So you two, what’s your story?” Baekhyun questioned.


“I literally ran in to him yesterday.” I confessed. Baekhyun’s face softened in to laugh.


“Pabo-yah,” he called as he patted my shoulder. I lightly punched his shoulder with my free arm as we walked in to class.


“Oh Jaeri, you didn’t text me yesterday. I don’t have your number yet.” Luhan reminded me. I hit myself with my free hand.


“Ah Mian… I don’t know why I didn’t think that I never gave you my number.” I scolded myself. He patted my head where I had hit myself.


“Yah don’t beat yourself up. Just send me a message later araso!” he told me. I nodded. Baekhyun shot us a smile.


“Well since I know you two are friendly I’ll head to class. I’ll see you guys at lunch.” Baekhyun waved as he turned towards a different direction. We waved and walked back to class.


Today sure started off as an eventful day.




Luhan had proved to be very popular, just as Baekhyun and Chanyeol are. This wasn’t good news for me. I had eyes glaring at me at almost every second. I tried to ignore it, but eating lunch with the 3 didn’t help.


“So guys we should all go bowling this weekend!” Baekhyun suggested. He always wanted to try new things and insisted we do it with him.


“Sounds good to me,” Luhan answered. I nodded.


“Really? Do we have to go bowling?” Chanyeol groaned. I frowned in his direction.


“Yah, can’t you just go along with it?” I questioned. He stuck his tongue out at me.


“Why just because you say I should? I don’t think so.” He added. I groaned.


“Gawh Chanyeol I hate you…” I muttered looking down to the floor. Then when I looked up Chanyeol had a spoonful of my rice in his mouth. He shot me a smile and a peace sign when I caught him.


“Yah! Why are you eating my food!” I yelled at him. He rubbed his stomach and pouted.


“I’m hungry and I already ate my food.” He told me. I grabbed bridge of my nose in frustration.


“And you thought eating my rice was okay why?” I questioned. Luhan chuckled at the scene.


“You two are cute.” He stated. My eyes widened.


“I don’t want to be cute with him.” I told him. Luhan patted my head.


“Just give him a chance.” He told me. I frowned. Chanyeol waved a hand between Luhan and my eye contact.


“I’m still here you know.” He added.


“Aish Chanyeol you’re hopeless.” Baekhyun commented. “We are going bowling and if Chanyeol isn’t in we’re still going.” I nodded. Chanyeol frowned.


“fine… I’ll freaking go bowling.” He sighed. I smiled at his displeasure. Soon lunch was over. One thing was for sure. I was looking forward to the weekend. I actually had some company this time around.

Aish stupid AFF deleted my update... grr.

Anyways I thought I would say i might double post today. I will be gone tomorrow around this time so i might double post or post early tomorrow so please look out for that ^^

Oh and i hope this isn't going too slow for you guys >_< starting a story is hard so i hope you guys aren't getting bored with it. Ask my past readers once i get in to a story it gets pretty good, just hang in there ^^; So let me know what you guys think ^^

Thanks to those who regularly comment <3 I love you guys! you know who you are ^^ <3 <3 <3

To the silent readers please drop by a comment every now and then ^^ I promise i don't bite :)

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I'll try to get more Chanyeol just wait for me ^^


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Gosh it has been so long since I have been on here and I am going to re-read this story. I miss commenting on this story and I miss the author keke
Chapter 38: Waaahhh!! Authornim, I didn't know you started writing Exo fics. :DD I was a really huge fan of Heiress of L O V E....and now I'm lovin this Chanyeol fic just as much. Hopefully you update soon, this story is awesome. But anyways, fighting~~!!!^^ <3
Chapter 37: @Deowce: Thank you! please anticipate my writing. I know i at updating but I will try my hardest for dedicated readers like you.
@iamaesomeness: ha ha they do right? but maybe they dont? XP
@minka_ichigo911211: ha ha well we shall see won't we? thank you for your comment! <3 I appriciate it!
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 36: New reader here :D

Soooo, it looks like double dates for me..kekeke
I hope Hayoung would only make short appearance..hahaha
starlightdust #5
Chapter 36: take your time ^^ asdfghjkl; JAERI AND LUHAN REALLY DO DESERVE MEDALS FOR THEIR LYING xD
Chapter 36: @iamawesomeness: Sorry... but at least Chanyeol didn't get mad right? Everything worked out! Well sorta...
@CookieDookie: umm please don't give me much credit... x.x really see how bad of a hiatus i went through T.T forgive me? anyways everything just might be okay...maybe xP.
CookieDookie #7
Haha thank you for all the love you give me ^-^ I feel special :D but it is hard keeping a story running, I know I wouldn't be able to pull it off so I admire how you always find a bit of time to update :3
But ummmmggggggggg they're gonna see each other for ice cream o.o the title says it all : trouble is brewing :U
starlightdust #8
omg no no no no i already had a bad feeling about this when u started talking about chanyeols point of view >< what have u done authornim D: now those two will argue even more and get mad at each other more