Chapter 8 - Its Okay To Cry In Front Of Me


Doojoon ran inside the house to see Reii sitting at one corner with her left hand bleeding. Pieces of glasses were everywhere around her. ‘Reii, are you okay?’ Doojoon ask as he bent down to looked at her bleeding hand and check to see if there was any shattered glass on her hand.

Drops  of blood were dripping onto the floor but Reii didn’t seems to care. There was no emotion on her face, there wasn’t even pain on her face, she just stare endlessly into the space in front of her. ‘First aid kit, do you have it at home?’ Doojoon looked up from her hand and meet eyes with Reii but there was no response from her.

Reii just looked like a living dead. Doojoon scanned around the house for the sight of a first aid kit but he decided to go buy it instead. Although the house wasn’t big, it was too messy to find it now and it takes time to find it too. ‘Wait here, I’ll be back’ Doojoon said as he stood up and ran out of the house.

He ran to the nearest pharmacy and bought some medicine before rushing back. Reii was still at her original position with her hand bleeding, staring without any emotion at the space in front of her. Doojoon took her bleeding hand with one of his hand and the other with the medicine and began treating her wound, afraid that she might get wound infection.  ‘It’ll sting a bit but try to endure it’ Doojoon said and tried to apply the medicine on her wound as gently as possible and blow on them.

‘Leave me alone’ Reii said for the first time and pulled her hand away from Doojoon’s grab. However Doojoon held it back and continue applying medicine again.

‘Why cant you just leave me alone like the others? I don’t need your help and concern! Leave!’ Reii shouted as she pulled away her hand and pointed to the door.

‘Listen, I told you we’ll be best friend and I don’t intend to leave you alone until we’re one. I mean what I said and I wont give up until I achieve it. So get that in mind because I will never leave you alone.’ Doojoon said while looking into Reii’s eyes. His previous gentle tone was replaced with fury and seriousness. He grabbed her hand back and started to put bandage on it. Reii on the other hand just remain silent while she looked at the person in front of her but her senses kicked in and she looked away. She couldnt give in, because she doesn’t deserve happiness, she doesn’t deserve love and concern.

She stare into the space again. ‘Leave, my wounds are already treated’ Reii said emotionlessly. However instead of leaving, Doojoon began clearing up the shattered glasses on the floor. Reii stood up and grabbed onto Doojoon wrist to stop what he was doing before she spoke ‘Look, I said leave. Stop wasting your time here. I don’t deserve neither your help nor concern. Just leave!’

*She looked so weak yet she pretends to be strong. She need love and concern yet she pretend she doesn’t need any of these.* Doojoon stood up and face Reii.

He hugged Reii in that instant, surprising the latter. ‘You don’t have to pretend everything in front of me. If you’re sad just cry, not hurt yourself. And you definitely deserve my concern and help' Doojoon said. Reii tried to struggle out of his embrace but Doojoon held on tighter.

‘Its okay to let down your guard in front of me and its okay to cry if you want to’ Doojoon said as he soothingly patted on Reii’s back.

‘But im a murderer. Im a killer, I killed my mom’ Reii felt her tears b as she loosen her guard.  All her emotions she had been hiding was beginning to flow out all at once.

‘Ssh its okay, it must be an accident.’ Doojoon soothingly said even though he didn’t know anything about it.

‘Its not! If I hadn’t been stubborn, if I had listened to my mom, if I didn’t went to picked up the teddy bear, my mom wouldn’t have gotten hit by the car. I killed my own mother.’ Reii said as her tears started flowing.

‘She already told me she would buy me another one but I insisted on picking it up. If I didn’t picked up that birthday gift, my mother wouldn’t have died protecting from being hit by the car. Even till the end she could still smile and asked if Im alright. I don’t deserve it, she should’ve blame me instead.’ The tears from Reii were making Doojoon’s shirt wet but he didn’t mind it.

‘Ssh, its not your fault. You didn’t know there was a car approaching. Besides, I would have done the same thing to prevent you from getting hit by the car. I believe your mom would choose to do the same if she was given the choice to choose.’ Doojoon said as he patted on her back.

Reii stopped her tears and looked up at Doojoon. There was no sense of joke in Doojoon’s face and Reii knew that he mean it. She knew that Doojoon wasn’t just saying that he would sacrifice himself to save her.  He would have really done it if it happened.*Why? Why is he so nice to me?*


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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<