Chapter 51 - This Timeless Love


Reii was inside the kitchen busying cooking seafood pasta. She hummed timeless while stiring the pasta sauce. The song doesn’t feel so sad now. Instead, the song sounded like a promise, a promise for their forever love. *When is he coming?* Reii couldn’t help thought while stiring the pasta sauce.



Junhyung send her back home after they left the alley since he had a schedule to rush to.

‘Im sorry I couldn’t accompany you any longer’ Junhyung softly caressed Reii’s cheek with his thumb.

Reii softly smiled as she felt his touch ‘Its okay’ she had meant what she said. It was already enough for her to be able to see him and for him to accept her even though she was the one that pushed him away in the first place.

‘I’ll come after I finished my schedule, you’ll cook something nice for me wont you?’ Reii nodded while Junhyung broke into a smile. It felt nice for him to be able to be with her again, to stay by her side and to see her smile. It was like the puzzle in his heart was finally all fixed back into place now. His heart that was previously broken was all healed now. He couldn’t feel any pain, he could only feel happiness waiting for him.

‘I see you later then’ Junhyung reached over and plant a kiss on Reii’s forehead. Reii nodded and left the car. Junhyung watched Reii left before he drove away with a smile plastered on his face for the first time after 6 months.

------End Of Flashback----


‘Ding dong!’ the door bell rang and Reii immediately rushed out of the kitchen and went towards the door. There he was, Junhyung was standing in front of her with a bouquet of flowers in hand when she opened the door.

‘For you’ Junhyung passed Reii the bouquet of flowers and Reii gladly accepted the wildflowers Junhyung had bought for her.

Reii motioned Junhyung in ‘Come in’ Junhyung stood inside while Reii closed the door behind him. She inhaled the scent of the wildflowers and planted a kiss on Junhyung’s cheek. ‘Thank you’ she smiled and went to put the flowers away.

‘Take a seat, dinner will be served soon’ Reii shouted as she walked into the kitchen. Both of them hadnt meet each other for half a year yet nothing seemed to change between them and if something had changed, it was their love. Their love for each other had grown stronger after all they had gone through.

Reii added seafoods in and slightly seasoned the sauce. She removed the spaghetti from the pot and placed it into the plates. Junhyung wrapped his arms around Reii’s waist from behind and planted a kiss on her shoulder. ‘You know you really looked like my wife now?’ Junhyung said as he rested his chin on Reii’s shoulder and watched her poured the pasta sauce onto the spaghetti.

Reii lightly chuckled ‘Are you proposing to me now?’ she placed the saucepan on top of the stove again before she turned around to look at him.

Reii placed her hands on Junhyung’s neck and lightly fixed his hair. ‘Would you agree if I propose to you?’ Junhyung smirk as he casually threw the question back to Reii but his eyes were serious as he looked at Reii.

Reii gave Junhyung a smile before she answered his question. ‘I would agree if you propose to me but not now when you’re climbing towards success as an idol.’ Reii gave Junhyung a peck on his lip and turned around to pick up the plates of spaghetti. ‘Help me get the utensils from the drawer, the food will be cold if we don’t eat now’ Reii walked out of the kitchen. Junhyung found himself smiling like an idiot before he turned away and get the utensils from the drawer.

Both of them sat across the table as they enjoyed their dinner. Chuckles and laughters filled the air as they converse during their dinner. The house that was once filled with lonliess was now lighted up with happiness and love. After they had washed up their plates, Reii rest her head on Junhyung’s shoulder while they sat on the couch and watched some tv.

Reii was busy switching channels while Junhyung was whispering sweet nothings to her and kissed her forehead once in awhile. Reii chuckled and blushed hearing his sweet words. Junhyung smiled at the cute sight of Reii blushing and continued to twirl her lock of long hair at the end.

‘Oh B2st!’ Reii placed the remote down and had her full attention in front of her.

‘Oh Junhyungie!’ Reii sat up straight in her seat and focused on the Junhyung inside the tv. Junhyung raised his eyebrow as he watched his girlfriend. ‘Junhyungie? Since when did you started calling me that?’

Reii was too focused on the tv that she didn’t really heard what Junhyung had said. ‘Uh’ Reii just replied for the sake of replying. ‘Uh?’ Junhyung folded his arms and turned completely to look at his girlfriend.

‘Sssh..’ Reii placed a finger on her lips and focused on the tv.

*She even asked me to keep quiet now?* Junhyung frowned at the sight. Junhyung watched as Reii giggled and squeal once in awhile at what he did in the tv. Although it was still him, he couldn’t help but felt jealous about it.

‘Reii?’ Junhyung called

‘Yeah?’ Reii replied with her eyes still glued to the tv.

‘Do you-’ before Junhyung could finish his sentence, Reii squeal at the sight of him rapping inside the tv programme.

*That’s it* Junhyung grabbed the remote control beside Reii and switched off the tv.

‘EH?!’ Reii turned instantly and tried to get back the remote control but Junhyung refused to give her no matter what. ‘Why do you switch off? You were rapping halfway and you looked so sauve back then.’

‘Why would you look at the Junhyung inside the tv when you have the real one beside you? People would die to be in your place, with the real Yong Junhyung of B2st beside you’ Junhyung raised his brow and looked at Reii slightly pissed.

‘Why would you be angry when Im looking at the Yong Junhyung of B2st in the tv?’ Reii raised her brow as she looked back at him. Junhyung felt himself caught off by the question that Reii had just asked.

Reii raised her eyebrow as she looked at him, waiting for his reply. She tapped her finger on her folded arm as she waited for his answer. Her eyes suddenly widen and glint with mischieved. Junhyung gulped, not liking what he was seeing. ‘Don’t tell me you’re jealous of yourself?’

‘No way!’ Junhyung blurted but he hesitated for awhile. *There’s no way I would be jealous of myself right? Why would I do that? Im not that insane or a jealous freak am I?*

‘Well care to explain why you switch off my tv then?’ Reii tapped her finger as she looked at Junhyung.

Junhyung couldn’t find himself any excuse and heaved a sigh ‘Fine, Im jealous of myself! Happy?’ Junhyung looked away, thinking that he was crazy enough to be jealous of himself.

Reii just chuckled and turned Junhyung’s face to look at her. ‘Silly, why would you even be jealous of yourself? Its not like Im looking at other guys. Im looking at you and Im in love with you. I just want to know more about you. Its not fair that you’re always the one that knows all about me’ Reii lightly Junhyung’s brow and stared into his eyes.

Junhyung felt himself melting away in an instant just by looking into her eyes. Jealousy was the last thing in mind now. ‘But still you could have just asked me, Im just beside you’ Junhyung replied slightly pouted.  

Reii chuckled lightly and pinched Junhyung’s cheek ‘Aigoo, I cant believe that the almighty and cool Leader of B2st Yong Junhyung had this side of him too’ Reii lightly chuckled and placed a quick peck on his pouted lip.

‘Shouldn’t you feel honoured about it? You get to see what the fans cant see.’ Junhyung smirked, back to the old arrogant self.

Reii chuckled and pinched his cheek again ‘Neh, neh, I feel so honoured about it Mr Yong Junhyung sshi’ Reii sacastically replied.

‘Yah are you mocking me now?’ Junhyung raised an eyebrow and Reii daringly held her chin up and replied back ‘So what if I am?’

‘Well, then you’ll see what you get for mocking the almighty Yong Junhyung’ Before Reii could replied, Junhyung started tickling her sides making her all ticklish.

‘Hahahas stop!’ Reii laughed because of the ticklish feelings she had but Junhyung didn’t budge in ‘Are you still going to mock me?’ Junhyung smiled in triumphed as he continued tackling her.

‘ahahas Im sorry I know my mistake now’ Reii placed both of her palms together and used her puppy eyes to stop Junhyung.

‘Fine then I’ll let you off this once if you give me a kiss’ Junhyung pointed to his lip while he continued to tickle her. Reii nodded and he immediately stopped. Reii lean forward and placed a peck on Junhyung’s lip but before she could pulled out, Junhyung hold the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

Both of them smiled as they shared the kiss, it was a sweet and loving kiss just like their love now.

‘I love you’ Junhyung said sincerely when they pulled out of the kiss.

‘I love you too’ Reii placed a light kiss on Junhyung’s lip before she pulled back and gazed into his hazel brown eyes. Junhyung pulled out a necklace with a ring dangling inside. ‘I went back to the accident area where everything happened that night.’

Reina’s face fell slightly but she nodded as she listened to what Junhyung had to say. ‘Luckily it was still there when I went to find it. This ring, Doojoon wanted to propose to you with this ring that night.’ Junhyung took Reina’s hand and placed the necklace containing the ring on Reina’s hand.

‘I didn’t want to propose to you before not because I didn’t want to but because I wanted you to have a better life. I wanted to be a husband that is capable of giving you a better life that’s why I waited until today. Im finally going to debut now and Im finally capable of giving you a better life so would you marry me Reii? I promise I’ll love you with all my heart, and I promise I’ll never let you suffer as long as you’re by my side. Would you like to be Mrs Yoon from now on? This was what Doojoon had wanted to say to you on that day yet he never had the chance.’ Tears flowed down Reii’s cheeks when she heard what Junhyung had said.

Junhyung tenderly wipped the tears away from her cheeks and looked lovingly into Reii’s eyes, ‘From now on, I’ll take over Doojoon’s duties. I’ll love you together with him in my heart and I’ll continue on with his promise, I’ll never let you suffer as long as you’re by my side and I’ll love you with all my heart. Until the day when Im finally capable of giving you a comfortable life, I'll strive to work hard for us and on that day when I finally capable of doing that, I’ll propose to you again with this ring. So you’ll help me keep this ring for now wont you?’ Junhyung asked while he stared into Reii’s eyes and wiped the remaining tears away. Reii nodded while Junhyung took the necklace from her and help her put it on. ‘Keep it safe. Keep the ring for me and Doojoon until the day I propose to you’ Junhyung smiled while Reii smiled back, feeling bliss.

Junhyung leaned in and gave Reii a light kiss again before he pulled back. Both of them broke into a smile as they gazed at each other, *Timeless love, our love that never will end*




This is supposed to spilt into 2 chapters but I decided to put them together. :) The story has finally come to an end. Im not going to do a sequel for it. At least not for now. I dont want to destroy this story like what I had done when I came out with a sequel for Back To Me. For those who are insterested in my stories, do check out my other 2 fics that are ongoing now. They are called Kiss For Sale and One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends-to-be. But they are not Beast based though. Do check it out if you're interested. Btw I had another story called Untitled wrote by my best friend. Do check it out if you're interested. That story is B.A.P based so if you're a fan of B.A.P do check it out! :)

Comments are loveed! Thank you for subscribing this story! I love you all! :) Silent readers are loved too!! :)

I hope I could receive more comments for this ending. Hope i didnt spoil the ending of the story.

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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<