Chapter 45 - Remember


After a walk at the park near Reii’s house, Reii invited Junhyung back to her house. She thought that she should showed him the house already since they had been dating for 2 months now. She was ready to show Junhyung the house where once she and Doojoon lived in. Reii punched in the password of her house and went into the house with Junhyung following behind her. ‘Take a seat, I’ll go get us some tea.’ Reii walked towards the kitchen leaving Junhyung behind to explore the house by himself.

Junhyung looked around the house while Reii walked into the kitchen. He saw the photo frames placing on top of the tv console and picked it up. Junhyung looked at Reii who was smiling so happily in the photo. *She looked so blissful back then, I will work harder to make her smile like that again*

Junhyung shifted his eyes and looked at the person standing beside Reii. His eyes widen when he saw the face of the person. The dreams that he was having every single night, the accident he had a year ago all flashed across his mind clearly. He could felt his head throbbing because of all the memories.

*My head* Junhyung gripped tightly onto the tv console while his other hand was grabbing onto his throbbing head.


Junhyung’s POV


‘Come here darling!’ I shouted

‘No!’ a female voice was heard.

‘Come here, don’t make me catch you!’ I stood there waiting for her to come.

‘Merong!’ she stucked out her tongue.

‘Yah! Reii! Stop there!’ I ran over to her

‘Ah!’She let out a squeal when I caught her.

‘Caught ya!’ I caught her and spun her around.

‘Hahahaas stop!’ she squeals

‘No! Why should I listen to you?’

‘Stop! My head’s getting dizzy’ she pouted.

‘Arasso’ I placed her down

‘Pabo! Merong!’ She ran away again.

----End Of Flashback----



‘What are you doing?’ I hugged her from the back.

‘Looking at the stars, isn’t it pretty?’ she turned and looked at me.

‘Nothing is more beautiful for me than you’ I said as I nuzzle my nose with hers.

‘Corny’ she said as she pushed my head back.

I rocked her from side to side, ‘Its sure peaceful out here’ I said as I enjoy the breeze.

‘Yeah’ she nodded as we stared at the stars

-------End of flashback----


Those memories of the dream I had that I could never remembered no matter how hard I tried, those faces of the guy in the memories no matter what I do, I wouldnt be able to see it. When I could finally see them now, those were the memories of Doojoon’s. I could finally remembered them now, but why does it have to be him? Why is he the one that I ran into that night? Why am I the one to run into him? Why did he had to die because of me and I managed to survive because of him again. I could remember everything now, including the memories of that night.



‘Damn, I shouldn’t have drank so much. My head hurts, I cant focus well’ I used one of my hand to grabbed onto my throbbing head while the other was on his steering wheel. I lightly shook my head to clear away the dizzy image in front of me.

‘Bang!’ It was then I was wide awake now. I managed to saw the face of the person I had ran into before that person was knocked down.

------End Of Flashback----

I hoplessly dropped onto the floor as I held onto the photo of them. Reii quickly placed the cups of tea on the coffee table before she ran towards me. ‘What wrong Junhyung? Did your head hurt again?’ Reii looked at me in concern.

Why do I have to be the one that destroyed their love? I felt so guilty looking into Reii’s eyes now. I don’t even deserve her love now. Why is fate so cruel? Why is god so cruel? Why does he have to separate them and made me fell in love with her? Im a murderer, Im a murderer that killed the both of them that night. Why did I asked for her love? How can she love me when Im the one that take away the one she loved more than anything? Why do I have to be the one that received Doojoon’s heart? Why didn’t I died on that day when Doojoon was officially dead? What should I do now? How do I face her now?

‘Junhyung? Whats wrong with you, don’t scare me like that’ My heart hurts even more seeing Reii so concern about me. She was more than frightened now seeing the state I am in.  I didn’t know that I cried until Reii starting using her thumb to wipe them away.

In one swift moment I just pulled her into my arms. ‘Im sorry Reii, Im sorry. Trust me, Im really sorry’ I keeping chanting these words over and over again while I hold her in my arms. I truly am.

Reii managed to pull out of my embrace and cupped my face to look make me looked at her ‘What wrong Junhyung?’

Whats wrong? It’ll kill the both of us if you knew what I do. It’ll kill you if I tell you the truth. ‘Just promise me one thing will you?’ I looked into her eyes as I asked her desparately. ‘Promise me you will forgive me no matter what. Promise me huh?’

Reii was confused but she just agreed nonetheless. I pulled her into my arms again ‘Thank you so much. Trust me Im really sorry’ as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t let her go. Im sorry Reii, forgive my selfishness. Forgive me because of my love for you. I’ll try to love you more than I do now, I’ll give you all the love I had to wash away the sins I carried.

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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<