Chapter 29 - Confession


After a long while of ride, they rested by the riverside. Junhyung had removed his shoes and place his feet inside the river as the water rushed through. ‘Try it, the water is cool’ Junhyung swing his legs inside the water and urged Reii to do the same. Reii thought for awhile before she removed her sneakers and placed them beside her. She carefully dipped her leg into the water and she smiled at the feel of it, it felt so nice against her leg.

‘Ah!’ Reii felt herself all relaxed as she swings her leg against the rushing water.

‘Reii,’ Junhyung called out. Reii stopped swinging her legs and looked up to meet Junhyung’s eyes. Her face suddenly stiffened as the mood around them changed. The look on Junhyung’s face was different now. He looked so serious.

‘I got something to tell you’ His gaze never left Reii as he spoke to her. ‘Why don’t we just enjoy the environment now and talk later?’ Reii tried to change the topic.

‘It’s the best time to tell it now’ Junhyung turned around and face Reii completely.

Reii quickly cut his words away, ‘Junhyung, I hope things between us wont change’ Reii closed her eyes and say. She had to say it afterall despite trying to avoid the topic.

‘What are you talking about?’ Junhyung raised his eyebrow while Reii looked flustered now. ‘Eh?’

‘Oh erm I was just saying I enjoyed your company, you’re a great friend.’ Reii smiled awkwardly before darting her eyes somewhere else. Junhyung just chuckled ‘You thought I was going to confess to you?’ He’s smiled grew wider as he . Reii felt her face heated up from embarrassment.

‘What are you going to say?’ Reii tried to change the topic, her eyes still darting around, hoping the ground could swallow her up now.

‘Hehehes well I wanted to tell you, its time for us to go back. The sun is setting soon.’ Junhyung chuckled and grabbed his shoes from the side. Reii felt more embarrassed than ever. She quickly put on her sneakers and stood up. Junhyung walked to the bicycle before he shouted ‘Last one who reached back will have to do something for the loser.’ With that Junhyung sat on his bike and paddled off, leaving a dazed who just found out what happened.

‘Yah! You’re not playing fairly!’ Reii shouted as she quickly got on her bike and cycled behind him. Junhyung just chuckled in response.

As expected Junhyung reached first since he cheated and Reii reached a few minutes after. It was already evening, and the place was lighted up with small candles giving the place a total different feel. ‘Wow is this even the same place I’ve been to this afternoon?’ Reii glanced around like a little child that was in a place full of toys.

‘Take a seat,’ Junhyung nodded to Reii and went to return the bikes. Reii sat at the table they had previously sat on and looked out to nightview of the city. It was even prettier when she see the view at night. This place was filled with never ending of surprises.

Junhyung came out of the house and sat in front of Reii. Halmoni came awhile later and placed steaks in front of them. Reii thanked the halmoni before they start on their dinner. After dinner, they walked down the stairs, leaving for home. It took lesser time to walk down compared to the time they took to walked up the hill. Reii looked at the place one last time at the place before Junhyung drive off. She’s already starting to miss the wonderful place.

‘Thank you for today’ Reii slightly bowed before she got out of the car. They were already in front of her shop.

‘Reii’ Reii was about to open the car door when Junhyung called her.

She turned around to looked at Junhyung wondering why he had called her. ‘Ne?’

‘You still remember the bet we have just now don’t we and I won right?’Junhyung asked.

‘Ne’ Reii nodded, still confuse at what Junhyung was trying to say.

‘Is it still valid? Afterall you said I cheated even though I don’t think so’ Junhyung shrugged. Reii laughed at what he had just said. ‘Ne, its valid even though I think you cheated.’ Reii replied.

‘Good, I have something to tell you’ Junhyung slowly spoke. Reii waited patiently to see what Junhyung was talking about. She wasn’t going to embarrass herself again.

Junhyung took in a breath before he spoke, ‘I like you. Be my girlfriend’ Junhyung gaze into her eyes as he spoke. Reii felt herself stiffened by what Junhyung had just said.

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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<