Chapter 20 - Unknown


Junhyung’s POV


‘Come here darling!’ I shouted

‘No!’ a female voice was heard.

‘Come here, don’t make me catch you!’ I stood there waiting for her to come.

‘Merong!’ she stucked out her tongue.

‘Yah! Reii! Stop there!’ I ran over to her

‘Ah!’She let out a squeal when I caught her.

‘Caught ya!’ I caught her and spun her around.

‘Hahahaas stop!’ she squeals

‘No! Why should I listen to you?’

‘Stop! My head’s getting dizzy’ she pouted.

‘Arasso’ I placed her down

‘Pabo! Merong!’ She ran away again.

----End Of Flashback----



‘What are you doing?’ I hugged her from the back.

‘Looking at the stars, isn’t it pretty?’ she turned and looked at me.

‘Nothing is more beautiful for me than you’ I said as I nuzzle my nose with hers.

‘Corny’ she said as she pushed my head back.

I rocked her from side to side, ‘Its sure peaceful out here’ I said as I enjoy the breeze.

‘Yeah’ she nodded as we stared at the stars

-------End of flashback----


Sweats were formed on my forehead when I woke up.

‘You’re awake already?’ I looked over to see Manager hyung in front of me.

‘Argh’ I clutched onto my head as I looked around at my surrounding. My head hurts. I looked around finding for somebody yet I didn’t know who I was finding.

‘Where am I? Why am I here?’ I asked. My head still hurts from the dreams I had yet I could only remember bits and pieces of it.

‘You’re in the hospital, don’t you remember? You had a heart attack and was  sent here. You had an operation too’ Manager Hyung said.

‘What? Operation?’ I asked, my eyes widen at the statement.

‘Your condition was too serious and you need a heart transplant. You could’ve died.’ He explained. I touched my heart and it hurts. I felt my new heart wrenched.

‘Are you in pain?’ Manager hyung asked worried.

‘My heart hurts’ I replied. He called the doctor.

After a checkup, the doctor left after ensuring that there was nothing wrong with my heart and he would just give me some morphine to endure the pain. But I knew I was right, my heart really hurts. It felt like there was someone I needed to see now, there was someone I missed. I looked around the room again even though I knew only Manager hyung was around.

‘The members are having their schedule now’ Hyung replied as he saw me looking for someone. I just nodded, I knew I wasn’t finding them. I was looking for someone else, yet I didn’t know who I was finding. I just knew that person had something to do with the pain in my heart.

‘Since you’re alright now, I should get going. I need to take care of the members’ schedule. Rest well’ Manager hyung said as he stood up to leave.

After hyung left I just lay on the bed and think about the dream I had.  

*Who’s that girl? Why cant I remember her face? Reii? Do I know this girl? Why do she felt so real to me like I know her?* I couldn’t sleep at all. The dream felt so real, it was almost like my memories.

My heart wrenched again at the thought of her. She felt so important to me, it was like she was the one I needed to see and that she was waiting for me. Yet I couldn’t figure out her face. The weirdest thing was she felt so much more important than B2st and Manager hyung to me when the B2st members and Manager hyung was my only family since I was an orphanage. The more I think about her, the more I needed to see her and my head hurts when I tried to think of who she was.



A few days later, I was discharged. The members had schedule to attend so I went home by myself instead. I took a can back to our dorm.

‘Im finally home!’ I looked around the house, I should be happy to be home but why didn’t I feel like Im home? I shrugged the feeling away and walked into the bedroom. I went to take a shower and lay on my bed. My bed used to be so cozy and nice but it felt so weird now. I wonder if it was because of the bed in the hospital yet somewhere in my heart I knew it wasn’t the case. I flipped here and there on bed trying to get some sleep but I couldn’t. My arms felt empty, so I took Kikwang’s bolster on my left and hugged it yet it didn’t feel right in my arms. I was getting frustrated now.  I was feeling weird throughout the whole week yet I didn’t know why. I had weird dreams every single night but I still couldn’t remember the girl in my dreams.

I wanted to find her but how could I find her when I couldn’t even remember her face, not to mention knowing such girl in my life.

*Who are you Reii? Why cant I remember you?* I was getting frustrated with myself.


Here Junhyungieeee~ :)

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Chapter 51: Late reader here! Too bad that DuJun are not main lead here.. Anyway, ur story are the best! Daebakk!! Ur story really make me cry..
NickHippo #2
Chapter 51: Tthe ending was O.o
NickHippo #3
Chapter 50: LOL!!! just like that and BAM they are together again??
Maybe I was expecting too much >.< I atleast thought there were some arguing or fight going to happen before they went back together ^^

NickHippo #4
Chapter 49: This is just waaaayyyy to sad for my heart to take...
red puffy eyes now T_T
NickHippo #5
Chapter 48: This is sweet and romantic in a sad way >.<
NickHippo #6
Chapter 47: TT__TT
*in the living-room suddenly crying, my brother just had to talk to me =='' *
NickHippo #7
Chapter 46: REALLY SAD!!!!! *cries uncontrollably*
The last paragraph, it sounded like Reii wants to suicide.. >.<
NickHippo #8
Chapter 45: Happiness comes with sadness right? It's part of the "LOVE" package.. ==''
NickHippo #9
Chapter 44: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
NickHippo #10
Chapter 43: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww................
I wish I had a boyfriend as sweet as him >.<