Voice of my Heart


You spent most of your free time either talking on the phone with Woohyun or texting him. Myungsoo’s texts went ignored until you were finished with Woohyun, and you always started out your texts to him now with ‘sorry, i was talking to woohyun,’ then you would reply to whatever he asked, hours before, hours too late.
Myungsoo didn’t want to say anything. You were happy, your smile a little bit brighter, your voice a little happier. But it seemed you were so wrapped up in your happiness that you didn’t notice that Myungsoo’s happiness was going down the drain with each and every mention of Woohyun.
He watched as you ate lunch with Woohyun and his friends now, laughing at his stupid jokes.
He wanted to punch Woohyun every time he did that stupid little heart thing and hit it towards you as you were walking away.
“Myungsoo, you’re crushing your milk carton.”
Myungsoo looked down to see his poor milk carton crushed in his hand. The last remnants of chocolate milk spilled out an onto his hand, making him throw it away from him angrily and grab a napkin to wipe off his hand.
“Myungsoo, if you like her that much, why don’t you just say something?” Dongwoo said, pulling any objects in Myungsoo’s immediate vicinity away from him.
“I don’t- I can’t- It’s not- It’s not that simple. I’m her best friend. I know she likes Woohyun. That’s why I can’t say anything.”
He watched as Woohyun pulled you over to the wall and shoved his hands into his pockets. His mouth was moving, and Myungsoo could guess what he was saying. After a few seconds, he knew what Woohyun was saying, especially after the way you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him with the brightest smile on your face.
“It’s definitely too late now,” Hoya said as everyone followed Myungsoo’s gaze. Myungsoo let out an angry breath before getting up abruptly from the table, kicking his chair back in, and storming out of the cafeteria.
You didn’t even notice he was gone.
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Chapter 40: This is so WHOLESOME. It's so healthy and as nice as a relationship should be. I love you.
Banja1973 #2
Chapter 40: This story is soooooooo good. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. This was an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for that.
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 40: wooww.. nice story...
user555 #5
Chapter 40: Ahhh I just reread this and oh man they are still ssoooooo cute hahaha I love their relationship! I hope her fashion goes well hehehe
Chapter 40: This fic is just too cute!!! Glad I waited before I started or is have been super impatient. Can't wait to see what happens next, I think Woohyun will be trouble this year.
user555 #7
Chapter 40: This fic is so damn cute I love their relationship ugh theyreeee soooooo cuteee together! !!!! Theyre perfect for each other omg is this story discontinued? ??? If not, I really anticipate it! Hahaha thanks for a great story
user555 #8
Chapter 40: Please update this one too~ I`m still waiting~
Chapter 40: I love this story and all the other stories you write <3