Voice of my Heart


Myungsoo saw you sign into Skype and grinned, quickly clicking on your name and pressing the call button, waiting for you to answer. You’d told him you were going to be at a workshop in the afternoon and wouldn’t be done until the evening. It was harder to kill time than he thought.
You finally answered the Skype call to see him laying on his stomach, hugging a pillow with a smile on his face. You didn’t know if it was the glow from the laptop or the lighting in the room, but Myungsoo looked a lot older, a lot more tired.
“Hey there, beautiful. How’s the weather back home?”
“Lovely as always,” you said, setting your brand new, hard-earned laptop on your desk before hurrying off to go change into something more comfortable.
“How was the workshop? What’d you make?” Myungsoo asked as you disappeared off of the screen. He looked around at your empty room and pouted until you appeared back in the screen, holding something in your arms.
“Look! It’s a ten way dress! It took me a little bit longer to make than the other people that already knew how to sew, but they went slow and helped me.” You held it up for Myungsoo to see, and he nodded in approval.
“That’s a nice color for you. But what’s a ten way dress? Like...”
“You can wear it ten different ways.”
“Oh. That sounds hard to make.”
“It kinda was, but it was really fun.”
“That’s good,” Myungsoo said with a smile on his face. You disappeared again to put the dress away and sat down at your laptop again, smiling at Myungsoo. “Another week and I’ll be back home,” he said, letting his head fall onto the pillow.
“Already? That was fast.”
Myungsoo scoffed. “Maybe for you. You were working, making stuff, and I’m here, having fun and spending money.”
You rolled your eyes. “You look really tired. Go to sleep,” you said, frowning at him.
“I’ll go to sleep in a little bit. I miss staring at your face. And I miss holding you. This pillow doesn’t feel right. It’s lumpy in all the wrong places.” He grinned as you laughed at him and shook your head.
“Are you calling me lumpy?” you asked indignantly.
“In all the right places.” You rolled your eyes at him before leaning your head to the side.
“Go to sleep, Myungsoo.”
“Why? Do you have another boyfriend hidden in your room somewhere, waiting to come out after I go to sleep? Is that it?” Myungsoo pretended to search around your room with whatever view he had of it, making you laugh.
“Go to sleep!”
“Not until I find him!”
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Chapter 40: This is so WHOLESOME. It's so healthy and as nice as a relationship should be. I love you.
Banja1973 #2
Chapter 40: This story is soooooooo good. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. This was an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for that.
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 40: wooww.. nice story...
user555 #5
Chapter 40: Ahhh I just reread this and oh man they are still ssoooooo cute hahaha I love their relationship! I hope her fashion goes well hehehe
Chapter 40: This fic is just too cute!!! Glad I waited before I started or is have been super impatient. Can't wait to see what happens next, I think Woohyun will be trouble this year.
user555 #7
Chapter 40: This fic is so damn cute I love their relationship ugh theyreeee soooooo cuteee together! !!!! Theyre perfect for each other omg is this story discontinued? ??? If not, I really anticipate it! Hahaha thanks for a great story
user555 #8
Chapter 40: Please update this one too~ I`m still waiting~
Chapter 40: I love this story and all the other stories you write <3