Voice of my Heart


“She’s been staring at you ever since you got here,” Nicole said, glancing over Myungsoo’s shoulder. Myungsoo sighed. He knew. He could feel you staring at him. You were never subtle about things like that.
“Let her stare. I don’t care anymore,” Myungsoo said with another sigh.
“What happened between the two of you? I heard you two were best friends.”
“Since third grade,” Myungsoo added, his expression darkening slightly. “But I don’t really want to talk about it. This is a dance, right? Let me show you just how awkward I am.”
You almost dropped your drink when you saw Myungsoo grab Nicole’s hand and take her out to the dance floor. They started to dance, and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Myungsoo was dancing, and he looked like he was enjoying himself.
“Are you okay? You’ve been distracted,” Woohyun said, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said, watching as Myungsoo grabbed Nicole’s hand and led her outside.
Myungsoo fanned himself, the cool weather helping cool is body down. Nicole’s cheeks were rosy, and she was smiling.
“You’re an okay dancer.”
“I have negative dance skill compared to you,” Myungsoo said, rolling his eyes. Things got quiet between the two of them, and Myungsoo noted that Nicole was standing pretty close to him. After a few seconds of silence, Nicole leaned in closer.
And closer.
And closer.
Just when their lips were about to touch, Myungsoo turned his head away, his eyes full of sadness and guilt. Nicole opened her eyes and leaned back with a sigh. “You have feelings for her.”
It wasn’t a question.
“I’m sorry, I just... It’s hard to get over someone after liking them for so long,” Myungsoo said. Nicole gave him a sad smile.
“I know how you feel.”
Myungsoo felt guilty again.
“I mean, it’s not like I’ve liked you as long as you’ve liked her, but...”
“I’m sorry...”
Nicole shuffled from foot to foot before looking up again with a smile on her face. “Well, if you don’t try, you’ll never know, right? We’ll still be friends after this?”
Myungsoo smiled at her and threw his arm over her shoulders, leading her to his car. “Of course. I’ll take you home.”
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Chapter 40: This is so WHOLESOME. It's so healthy and as nice as a relationship should be. I love you.
Banja1973 #2
Chapter 40: This story is soooooooo good. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. This was an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for that.
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 40: wooww.. nice story...
user555 #5
Chapter 40: Ahhh I just reread this and oh man they are still ssoooooo cute hahaha I love their relationship! I hope her fashion goes well hehehe
Chapter 40: This fic is just too cute!!! Glad I waited before I started or is have been super impatient. Can't wait to see what happens next, I think Woohyun will be trouble this year.
user555 #7
Chapter 40: This fic is so damn cute I love their relationship ugh theyreeee soooooo cuteee together! !!!! Theyre perfect for each other omg is this story discontinued? ??? If not, I really anticipate it! Hahaha thanks for a great story
user555 #8
Chapter 40: Please update this one too~ I`m still waiting~
Chapter 40: I love this story and all the other stories you write <3