Voice of my Heart


Your eyes snapped open as Myungsoo brought his hand up to gently cup your face. After a few seconds, he pulled away with something between a smirk and a smile on his face.
You blinked at him a few times in disbelief until he reached over and grabbed a bow and stuck it to his shirt.
“Surprise,” he said, expression turning into a full smirk.
“... What?” you asked in a slight daze.
“I think it’s safe to say we both have feelings for each other. And you know I always get you something you’ll use every year, so I thought I’d be different this year and get you something you’d want and not really need. Me.”
You stared at him for a moment. He watched as your mind absorbed his words. When a blush rose to your face, he tried not to smile as your eyes lowered to the ground. You started drawing circles in the carpet with your finger, a sure sign that you were nervous.
“Well... I wouldn’t say that you’re not something I don’t need... I don’t really know where I’d be if you weren’t there for me,” you said softly.
Myungsoo felt his smile widen at your words. “I was hoping you’d say that. Here’s your real present.”
You looked up in surprise as Myungsoo held up a case with a ribbon tied around it. You gave him a curious look before apprehensively taking it from him and pulling the ribbon off. You opened up the box and saw a locket in the box.
You picked it up by the chain and held it closer so you could take a look at it. “You got me a locket?”
“Literally a locket. It’s a set. Comes with a key too, but you don’t need the key to open it.” You watched as Myungsoo lifted up something in the box and pulled out a small key on a bracelet. “Open the locket,” he said, dropping the key back into the box.
You searched around the locket for the way to open it, but didn’t see a way for it to open. There were hinges, so you knew it opened but...
“Press the infinity sign in the middle.”
You glanced up at Myungsoo before turning your eyes back to the locket in your hands and pressed the infinity sign. There was a small click as it unclasped, and you opened it, smiling as you saw the picture.
It was your favorite snow day picture with Myungsoo, from when you two were working on your extra credit project at the park.
“The funny thing is, I didn’t know what kind of chains you liked, how long you liked them to be, or whether you preferred white gold or yellow gold. So I called your mom, and she said she’d send you to the store to go grocery shopping for her so I could snoop through your jewelry box on your dresser.”
“Forever suspicious of grocery store runs now,” you said, running your fingers along the edge of the locket. There was a reason you loved that picture of you and Myungsoo. There was so much love between your gazes that you couldn’t help but realize your feelings for him.
“I know, right? But... do you like it?” Myungsoo asked. “I know I’m stepping out of my practicality realm here, but...”
“I love it.”
Myungsoo smiled at you and took it from your hands, leaning forward to help you put it on as you moved your hair out of the way. He was so close to you, and you closed your eyes to take in his scent. He smelled like his cologne, the one he always used. But now, it suddenly started to smell amazing.
He leaned back and smiled at you before swiping a finger down your jawline. “Does the bracelet fit you?” you asked. He pursed his lips as he thought.
“Maybe it does.”
“Maybe you should wear it.”
“Maybe I will.” You two smiled at each other until you leaned forward, burying your face into his chest and wrapping your arms around him. He chuckled and leaned back on an arm, your hair with his other hand.
“Does this mean we’re dating now?” you asked into his chest.
“I always thought we were dating before.”
“Officially dating. Like, you’re really going to take me out to nice places, and pay for everything, and buy me nice things.” You felt Myungsoo wince a little bit, making you look up at him and raise an eyebrow.
“That was my wallet telling me that it disapproves of us moving to the next step. Lucky for you, I don’t listen to it very often,” he said, kissing you on the forehead. You rolled your eyes.
“Are things going to change?”
“Maybe a little bit.”
“I don’t want to lose you as a best friend,” you said with a pout, “especially if something happens.”
Myungsoo smiled and sat up, adjusting your position so you were sitting on his lap and leaning the side of your head onto his chest.
“You planning on dying any time soon?”
“No,” you said giving him an incredulous look.
“Good. Neither am I.” You laughed at him as he squeezed you in his arms. “This means you’re only allowed to look at me. If I see you checking out other guys, I think I might break some more noses.”
“Yes, sir. Any other requests you have of me?”
It was his turn to laugh at you before shoving you off of his lap. “Yeah. Go brush your teeth, and change, and get ready for bed. I’m tired.”
You gave him an indignant look as he grinned at you. You stood up, eyes narrowing at him as you slowly walked towards the stairs. He eyed you until you kicked him in the back and started running up the stairs.
“Hey! Come back here!” he yelled, getting up and running after you. You managed to open the door to his bedroom before he wrapped his arms around you and threw you inside, making you squeal as he laughed and kicked the door shut behind him.
The parents peeked out of their room and grinned, shooting air high fives at each other.
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Chapter 40: This is so WHOLESOME. It's so healthy and as nice as a relationship should be. I love you.
Banja1973 #2
Chapter 40: This story is soooooooo good. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. This was an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for that.
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 40: wooww.. nice story...
user555 #5
Chapter 40: Ahhh I just reread this and oh man they are still ssoooooo cute hahaha I love their relationship! I hope her fashion goes well hehehe
Chapter 40: This fic is just too cute!!! Glad I waited before I started or is have been super impatient. Can't wait to see what happens next, I think Woohyun will be trouble this year.
user555 #7
Chapter 40: This fic is so damn cute I love their relationship ugh theyreeee soooooo cuteee together! !!!! Theyre perfect for each other omg is this story discontinued? ??? If not, I really anticipate it! Hahaha thanks for a great story
user555 #8
Chapter 40: Please update this one too~ I`m still waiting~
Chapter 40: I love this story and all the other stories you write <3