Voice of my Heart


Senior year was no joke. You cried slightly at the coursework from all of your classes during lunch while Myungsoo patted you on the back reassuringly. His senior year would be simple, since he’d taken all of the difficult classes his junior year.
“I don’t know if I’m going to have time for the photography club with all of this going on,” you said with a frown. All through high school, you’d been promising to join Myungsoo’s photography club when you didn’t have so much school work. But with each passing year, it seemed like the work just doubled, and with your sewing classes at the shop, you didn’t know if you had time to sleep every day.
“That’s fine. I gave up on you joining years ago. Besides, you at taking pictures,” he said with a smile on his face. You scowled at him as he laughed and slid his jello over to you.
“Yeah, yeah.” After you accepted his jello peace offering, Myungsoo smirked and got up to throw away your empty trays, leaving Sungjong with a slightly distant and disappointed look on his face. “Sungjong? Are you okay?”
Sungjong snapped out of his daze and smiled sheepishly at you. “Yeah, I’m fine. You just said you’d be super busy this year, so I just...”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Did you need me for something?”
Sungjong stared at his hands a little bit before speaking. “Well, I’m in third year art right now, and the teacher still has all of your stuff up on display except for the things you wanted to keep. And they’re all amazing, they really are, and I was gonna ask you if you could help me with my art this year because I’m so far away from your level of skill but since you’re busy, I guess you won’t be able to...”
You blinked at Sungjong a few times before a slow smile appeared on your face. “I always make time for friends.”
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Chapter 40: This is so WHOLESOME. It's so healthy and as nice as a relationship should be. I love you.
Banja1973 #2
Chapter 40: This story is soooooooo good. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. This was an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for that.
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 40: wooww.. nice story...
user555 #5
Chapter 40: Ahhh I just reread this and oh man they are still ssoooooo cute hahaha I love their relationship! I hope her fashion goes well hehehe
Chapter 40: This fic is just too cute!!! Glad I waited before I started or is have been super impatient. Can't wait to see what happens next, I think Woohyun will be trouble this year.
user555 #7
Chapter 40: This fic is so damn cute I love their relationship ugh theyreeee soooooo cuteee together! !!!! Theyre perfect for each other omg is this story discontinued? ??? If not, I really anticipate it! Hahaha thanks for a great story
user555 #8
Chapter 40: Please update this one too~ I`m still waiting~
Chapter 40: I love this story and all the other stories you write <3