
Misana Clichés
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"Princess. you can't." Sana looks at Tzuyu, her usual stoic face moulding into a soft frown, "It'll be fine Tzu, don't worry too much. And what did I say about calling me princess? We're friends. Right?" She smiles brightly at the younger girl, "Now c'mon help me with this wig."


“Your father will never allow me to visit the palace again." Tzuyu groans, helping the older girl regardless, who mumbles a soft thank you, before adding, "He can't ban the daughter of Taiwan's vice president."


"Maybe," Tzuyu nods in agreement, "but my father will never let me hear the end of it. What if you get recognized and we get swarmed. My security team won't be enough since I only brought Heiwa with me." Tuzyu pouts, making her look even more like a puppy, "Okay okay." Sana taps her cheek affectionately, "Here's what we do..." A mischievous smirk re-appears on Sana's face.




"See it worked like a charm." Sana smiles, twirling around, her eyes sparkling as the crowd passes them, no one even giving her a second glance, "Now," she hooks an arm around Tzuyu, who is still anxious about this whole thing, "let's go karaoke? Or maybe ride the train... ooh ooh how about…" Sana was so excited, the most excited Tzuyu's ever seen,

"Why don't we go grab a real meal first before running off? That way we can plan what we can do?"


“Okay yeah, let's do that." Sana nods her head excitedly, "Let’s.. ouch." Someone bumps into Sana, "Gomen-nasai." The person apologises before running off again.


"Wow, did you see that!" Sana points towards the direction the stranger ran off too, "He totally didn't notice!" The princess exclaims excitedly.


"Alright, stop that." Tzuyu, holds Sand, stopping her from jumping up and down, "People are going to start staring at you for being a weirdo instead of being the crown princ… ...mmpphhh." Sana cups Tzuyu's mouth, "And saying it out loud will definitely tip people off." She says with a tight smile on her face.


So this is the famous Shibuya crossing. it seems almost small with all these people walking around. There's so many things that I want to try! I should've made better plans, but then again I didn't think this was going to work.I can't believe a simple wig, glasses, and mask can do so much. it feels like I'm superq..


"Or we can...Sana?" Tzuyy lightly nudges the girl, pulling her out of her own thoughts, "Sorry Tzu, what were you saying?"


"Let's just get some ramen, I feel like if we don't get you out here exploring you might combust." Tzuyu teases, grabbing Sana's hand leading her towards the direction of Ichiran Ramen.


"Oh! Tzutzu what are you doing here?" The two turn their heads and see a short blonde girl in a school uniform waving her hands animatedly over her head.

"I can ask you the same thing, Son Chaeyoung?" Tzuyu raises a brow as said girl runs to them, Sana hiding behind Tzuyu, pulling her cap down lower, "Okay pres, chill out." Chaeyoung chuckles, "Class ended early today.




"Well.." Chaeyoung motions for Tzuyu to come closer, "apparently the princess is gone...so the school's security team's getting called in to help with the search."


"Oh really." Tzuyu acts shocked, but unluckily the younger girl cannot lie too well, "What do you know?” Chaeyoung squints her eyes.


"Nothing.…nothing... I'm just as shocked as you are." Tzuyy puts two hands up, "You're so bad at lying it's sad Trutzu.” The blonde shakes her head, “So, tell me what you know or else I tell everyone that our class president wasn't sick today but playing hooky with.." Chaeyoung finally glances at the girl who was so obviously trying to minimise her presence,


"Uh. I'm sorry but do we know you?" Chaeyoung frowns, looking at Tzuyu.


"Not yet. she's uh.." Tzury stutters.


Oh Tzuyu.. the one time your uprightness bites you would be now. Sana mentally facepalms, "Hi." She speaks up, "I'm Kim Sana.”


"Kim?" Chaeyoung, “From what clan?”


“Uhh..” Sana and Tzuyu make eye contact, “Wait..” Chaeyoung looks at Sana closer, “Where have I…” The girl’s eyes suddenly widened, mouth opening, “You..you..you..” Chaeyoung points at Sana and then at Tzuyu, “Okay, come here.” Tzuyu drags the two away from the crowd, in a more secluded area, “You’re the prin…mmmpppphhhh..” Sana and Tzuyu both cup Chaeyoung’s mouth, “Son Chaeyoung I swear if you tell a soul, she’ll be your enemy.” Tzuyu points at Sana, “And I think making an enemy out of her, should be the last thing on your very ambitious to-do list.”


“I wasn’t..” Chaeyoung puts both hands up in surrender, “But how come you never told us your friends with…well you know..also am I going to go to jail or anything for not gre..”


“Chaeyoung.” Sana speaks up, preventing the girl from rambling again, “First, just treat me like you would with Tzu here please.. and second you wanna join us?”


“Me? Join you?”


“Yes..we’re hanging out.” Sana says.


“This makes me an accessory to the crime doesn’t it?” Chaeyoung looks at the two.


“Might as well have fun doing it.” Tzuyu chuckles, slinging an arm over Chaeyoung’s shoulders, “You got roped in too huh.” Chaeyoung looks up at Tzuyu who nods her head softly.


“Oh c’mon it’ll be fun..and I promise you both no harm would come if we get caught.” Sana winks, before walking back towards the ramen place.




The palace was in total chaos with Emperor Minatozaki Ryuusei ready to declare the princess as having been kidnapped.


“How have you not found her yet?” Sana’s father asks, slamming a fist on his desk, “What were her guards doing?! How come there’s no CCTV footage?!”


“Your majesty we’re tryin..”


“The princess has returned!” Someone barges into the office and immediately the emperor dashes out of his office, visibly worried, “Sana…what happened? I thought you were with Tzuyu?” He holds his daughter by the shoulder, “I’m okay oto-san..but..I want to go to school.”


“EH? Nani?!” Everyone spoke altogether, surprised by the sudden statement from the princess.


“Sana..” The emperor sighs, “You already go to school.”


“You know that’s not what I meant..” Sana pouts, “I want to go to school with Tzuyu and Chaeyoung.”


“Who’s Chaeyoung?” The emperor asks, brow raised, “Okay let’s talk in my office..it seems you went on quite the adventure young lady.”


“Hai..” Sana pouts, following her father.


“It’s okay princess..it’ll be fine.” Some of the palace staff whisper encouraging words to the lovely princess who offers them a smile in return.


The emperor’s office is a place only few can enter…and usually those who get called inside for a private audience, family or not, meant that a serious matter was to be discussed. Growing up, Sana never understood why people were so intimidated by the long corridor that led to the single room in the east corridor of the imperial palace. But now, as she follows her father, the anxiousness begins. Sana’s palms begin to sweat and her heart starts to beat faster, but as a princess she’s also been taught how to keep her emotions in check.


“Your majesty..princess.” Hiroshi, the emperor’s right hand man, opens the door for the two, “It’ll be okay..” He whispers to Sana before closing the door behind the girl.


Her father’s office changed, Sana notes. Noticing how more modern the space is, windows open to let natural light inside, her father’s desk is now equipped with dual monitors even though he hates sitting and doing desk work. Photos of the imperial family and traditional art decorate the space. As her eyes scan the office, Sana smiles when she’s something on her father’s bookshelf, “You still have this?” Sana walks towards the drawing she remembers making for parents day when she was 8.


“Of course, you drew it for me, it’s the most valuable piece of art in this room.” Her father smiles, taking the frame from his daughter’s hand, his eyes softening while looking at the image of him, his wife, and daughter smiling happily, “You have a knack for art, just like your Obaa-chan.”


“Hmm.” Sana hums, “Now, tell me.” The emperor puts the frame back on his shelf, “Where did you go and with who?” He guides Sana to the couch in front of his desk, “Shibuya..with Tzuyu and our friend Chaeyoung.” Sana tells her father everything, from sneaking out to wearing a disguise, running into Chaeyoung, and for once feeling like a normal teenager.


“So that’s why you want to go to school..”




“You know it’ll be a huge security concern..”


“I know..” Sana interrupts, “But I discussed it with Tzu and Chae…Hirai-san’s daughter is my age and she goes to the same school…I can pose as her relative..who would dare try and make an enemy out of the Hirai family?”


“You really want to do this.” The emperor sighs, knowing that his weakness towards his daughter’s wishes will allow her to go with this crazy plan.


“Yes Oto-san..please. I’ve been studying all my life..you know I will do well and if you want you can have my security team go undercover.” Sana pleads, using her ultimate weapon against her father: puppy dog eyes coupled with an adorable pout.


“If your Kaa-san says yes..then..you can go.”


“AHH ARRIIIGATOOOO!” Sana squeals, hugging her father tightly, “Hai…I can never win against you or your mother.” The emperor smiles.


~ ~ ~ ~


“So how was your class?” Tzuyu and Chaeyoung find Sana with Momo heading to the courtyard with their lunches, “It was good..although…a lot of people have been staring.”


“It’s cause you’re literally the first transfer student ever and you have no social media presence..and you also share the same name as the princess.” Chaeyoung lists out, while Momo nods in agreement, “I mean if you don’t mind me asking pri…I mean Sana..” Momo gulps at the glare Sana gave her when she almost slipped, “Why go to school? It’s so mundane.”


“Exactly..it’s mundane.”




“Growing up the way I did doesn’t mean I get everything..there’s a lot to it..and sometimes I wish I was just a normal girl…”


“I see…” Momo nods, understanding Sana more.


“Well..if that’s the case.” She smiles, “Don’t worry your “cousin” here will introduce you to my friends.”


“Oh no…” Tzuyu shakes her head, “I forget who you hang out with..”




“Well..” Chaeyoung begins, “Oi Chaeyoung-ah! Tzu!” An un

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1290 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1290 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1290 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1290 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚