Chapter 35

My Feelings Won't Fade

Soo Jin’s POV


“Good morning, Mrs. Han! Where’s Jinki?”

“He said he’ll go to his best friend’s house, young miss.”

“Oh.” I bit my sandwich and made my way towards the door. I turned around and smiled at our maid. “And if I don’t come back until 9 tell him that I am in Lee Taemin’s house, okay? Bye!”

Lee Taemin’s house at 7. At seven in the evening! Don’t forget!

I walked along the streets happily. It’s already Saturday and I’m gonna teach those cute children again! Yay!

And of course, I’m gong to the birthday party of Taemin’s mother this evening! What an exciting day!

But I think I forgot something. I just can’t remember what it is.

Nah, never mind. Hey, that’s Sulli!

“Sulli!” She turned and smiled at me.

“I was about to go to your house.” I went towards her and furrowed my eye brow.

“You’re so noisy. I don’t want to study with you.”

“Yah you’re so mean. And I don’t want to go to your house just to study. That’s so boring!”


She yanked onto my arm and dragged me. “Hey where are we going?! Could you get off me?”

“No way. I need to buy you some clothes.”

“I already have lots of clothes at home.”

“No, I mean GORGEOUS clothes!”

“I don’t need those.”

“You need them! You’re going to a party and you won’t dress gorgeously? Tsk.”

I stopped and looked at her. “How’d you know?”

“Gossip mongers.” She grinned and dragged me again. I sighed. A sigh which resembles defeat.

“Wait. Can we just shop some gorgeous clothes after my class?”

“I’ve already excused you from their real teacher! And she agreed. So... shall we go?” She smiled and I just rolled my eyes. Sulli really planned this.




“Sulli ah.. I’m hungry...”

“Sshh! We’ll eat later, don’t worry! I’ll just let Ms. Saleslady choose which color suits you the best. Just wait!”

I groaned and touched my stomach. Godammit, I am ing hungry RIGHT NOW! I wanna eat some fries. And burgers. And chocolates!

“Soo Jin!” I pouted and turned around.


“She said light blue suits you!” She showed me the ‘gorgeous’ dress and grinned.

“Whose money are you gonna use?”

“Yours, of course.”

“I don’t have my wallet with me.” Her smile faded and she put her hand at my pocket.

“Yah Choi Jin Ri!!” I shove her hands off of me and fixed my shirt. She earned a death glare from me but she just laughed.

“Lee Soo Jin can’t kill me. She’s my best friend, right?” She grinned and I just let my money out. Daaaammnnn.

She got my money and then hugged me. “Ahhhh I really love you, Jinnie!!”

I broke the hug and folded my arms. “Soo Jin is hungry.” She nodded her head, smiling and rushed to the cashier. My money... Argh!




“Can I go home right now?”

“NO! We need to buy some accessories.” And I am now following Choi Sulli with two paper bags on my hands. . I really hate shopping!!

“I don’t need those, Sulli. And I don’t have money anymore!”

“Only...” She jumped and smiled widely when she saw that so-called ‘cute’ hairclip. “This one! So cute, isn’t it? Aww... I’d love to buy this for you, Jinnie. But this hairclip suits me well. I’m sorry. This is MINE.”

Whatever. What a weird shopping .

Every time I’m with Sulli, especially when she’s shopping, I really think that I am in DANGER ZONE.

Ugh, I need to think of a way for her to let me go! Hmm... what about telling her that the party will start at 5 in the afternoon?

Nah. She’ll drag me to a salon. I don’t like.

What about telling her that....Oh, I know!

“Sulli...” She turned around with a confused expression on her face.


“My stomach is aching...” I clutched my stomach, pretending that it’s aching. Hehe, I’m good at acting!

She leaned closer to me and whispered, “You...have your period today?”

Ah, she misunderstand. It’s supposed to be like this: my stomach ached because I have only eaten two burgers and a soda which is a really HEARTBREAKING STORY for me.

But anyway, I nodded and she sighed.

“You need to rest now, Jinnie. Ah, I’m so sorry for causing too many troubles today!” She buried her head in her hands which made me sneer at her. Drama Queen. Tsk. I am the one who is acting here, FYI.

Sigh, I patted her back and smiled.

“It’s okay. Can I go home now?” She looked at me and nodded. Yay! I am jumping and twirling around in my mind because of happiness! But of course, I need to act like my stomach is aching.

“T-Thank you...” I clutched my stomach again. And when I turned around, I grinned really wideeee! Hahaha!



On my way home, I bought a chocolate flavored ice cream! Hahaha envy me!!

It’s really reeeeeaaalllyyy delicious!! I stopped when I saw a kid crying. Aww, he looks so cute even when he’s crying.

I went towards him and patted his back. He looks like he was shocked but he hugged me. Weird. I smiled and bent down to his level.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He broke the hug and moved away from me.

“You’re not my mommy...” I gaped. He is lost!

“Don’t worry; I’ll help you look for your mommy.” I smiled and wiped his tears. But it’s like... he’s going to cry again.

“Sshh..I’ll look for your mom, okay?”

“But your mommy might look for you too.” Aww, that’s so cute. I stand up and hold his little hand.

“Noona’s mom won’t be that worried anymore. Noona is already big! See? I’m tall!” He smiled and I laughed. I’m so good at making children feel better! Hahaha.

“So... kiddo, where did your mom left you?”

“Umma said she’ll come back after five minutes. But she never did.”

“Your umma is irresponsible.” I pouted and said under my breath. I smiled and tighten my grip onto the kid’s hand.

“Noona is going to make you happy. I promise!” He nodded and we started looking for his mother.



Oh , how am I gonna make this kid shut his mouth!!?

He really had a big mouth, dammit.

“Ah, don’t cry! Noona promised that you will find your mommy! I bet...” I murmured the last two words which I think, he heard it that’s why he cried again.

How am I gonna solve this one... Oh yes, that’s it!


“Hey kid. Let’s go to the police station.” He stopped crying and looked at me. I grinned. Few seconds later, he ing cried really loud again!!

“Hey hey hey... Police ahjussis won’t hurt you! We’ll just ask them to help us look for your mother!”

“Dong Woo is afraid of policemen...” I groaned. That’s why your mother left you because SHE CAN’T READ YOUR EFFING MIND!!! Argh!

Hey, why am I saying things like that? Eraaaaassssseeeeeee! Ah Shisus, I’m so sorry!!!

So this kid is afraid of policemen. Oh maybe he knew his mother’s number!

“Uhmm... hey kid. Have you memorized your mommy’s phone number?” He shook his head and tears started rolling from his eyes again.

“Have you seen this little boy? He is 4 and a half years old and his height is just like this.” A mother looking for a little kid? I looked around and saw a woman showing a photo of her son from her phone.

Oh maybe that is this kid’s mom!!!

“Dong Woo! Is that your mommy?” I pointed the woman and Dong Woo stopped crying.

“Yay! Problem solveeeddddd!!” I jumped and ran towards Dong Woo’s mother. I poked her and when she turned around, I grinned.

“You are...looking for Dong Woo, right? He’s there!” I pointed Dong Woo and this woman in front of me ran towards her kid and hugged him. What a happy reunion!

“Dong Woo. I missed you so much. Where have you been for three hours? Aish you kid. But I’m really happy.”

“Noona helped me look for you, mommy.” His mom carried Dong Woo and bowed at me.

“Thank you so much! Thank you thank you”

“You’re welcome!” I scratched my nape and smiled.

“How can I pay you for helping us? Oh this one.” She opened her wallet and handed some money to me.

“Ahehe, it’s okay! A candy is actually enough.” She laughed with me and got a candy from her pocket.

Wow, I never thought she won’t give me a candy. Hahaha. Cool!

“Thank you so much. What’s your name?”

“Lee Soo Jin”

“I won’t forget that name.”

“I won’t forget your kid’s name too. Thank you for the candy!”

“We need to go home now. Thank you again.”

“Umm. Goodbye!”

I have received a candy after I helped a lost kid look for his mother. That’s funny but I like!

This candy is sweet anyway so it’s worth it.




I don’t know what kind of candy is this and I don’t really think it’s a candy because it’s not that hard. A candy is hard, right? It’s not like a gum but I really don’t think it is a candy.

Hey, why am I talking to myself about this candy?

Okay. It’s already 8:30 p.m. by now and I’m still sitting on a bench in a really really noisy park.

It’s like... I’ve been here for more than an hour already, laughing at kids who always tripped while running.

Hahahah! Weaklings!!

I have just finished eating my 7th ice cream. Those were all chocolate flavored. I hope I won’t get a diabetes.

And oh, this candy. The candy that Dong Woo’s mother gave me after I found his son.

I don’t really understand this candy. It’s not that hard and it’s not like a gum too, it’s soft and some kind of—

Oh, my phone vibrated. I picked it up without reading the caller ID.

“Yeoboseyo? This is Soo-”

“SOOJIN!!” I winced when I heard Sulli’s voice on the other line.

“What’s wrong, Sulli?”

“Your dresses!!! You left a bag! It’s with me right now! Where are you? I’m going to give it back to you!”


Oh yeah! Those dresses that we just shopped this noon! And I...

“SULLIIIII!!!” I stand and started running.

“Ughh... Soojin? Are you...”

“SULLI! I NEED TO GO TO THE PARTY RIGHT NOW! LET’S JUST TALK LATER, OKAY? BYE!” I quickly hang up my phone and put it in my pocket.

I need to go to the party! But...

Where is Taemin’s house?

I stopped and checked my phone again. Heechul’s message must be somewhere here...

Yeah, it’s here! It says that their address is... Okay! Gotta go!!

I ran reaaaaalllyyy fast again. And while I was on my way, I tripped a lot.


Once I reached Taemin’s house, I stopped in front of their gate and I almost kneeled on the ground because I am really tired!

I pant. And pant. And pant. And pant. And pant. Aaannndd pant.

I stood straight and wiped the sweat that was formed on my forehead. I don’t really care if I don’t dress like...

Those people...

They were in gowns; some are in tuxedos, holding their glasses of wine elegantly. Rich people are every where in this house.

I thought...

That the party’s going to be like... only Taemin’s relatives are attending it and the table was filled with lots of Korean dishes! And we’re just gonna wear hanbok. (A/N: hanbok is a traditional Korean dress)

And that is definitely wrong.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Okay, Soo Jin. You’re going in and you won’t care if these rich people will stare at you like they have seen a sweaty beggar walking towards the birthday celebrant with Taemin. Okay?

I opened my eyes and smiled.

Be an optimist, Soo Jin! Figggghhhhhttttiiiiinnnngggg!!

I walked towards the gate while flashing my white teeth.

“Hey, who are you?” Suddenly, I was stopped by a big man who is about... twenty centimeters taller than me.

I gulped, but I never stopped smiling. Though I was nervous...

“Good evening! I am Lee Tae Min’s friend! And he invited me to come to this party!” He looked at me as if I am a criminal. Damn, you ugly tall guy.

“If you are Mr. Lee’s friend and he invited you then where’s your invitation letter?” My smile faded after I heard the other guy. Yes, the other creepy tall ugly guy suddenly came out of nowhere, asking me for my invitation letter.

“Uhmmm... I... l-l-left it at... h-home...” I stuttered and smiled nervously again while scratching the back of my head.

“Then we won’t let you come in.” My shocked eyes grew large.





Okay, he said it.

“B-But... mister handsome tall guy... Taemin would be upset if I won’t come in-”

“Thank you for calling me handsome but sorry, little girl, we won’t let someone in who doesn’t even have an invitation letter.” I pouted and steeped backward.

Now. What should I do?

Should I call Taemin? Oh yes, you’re a genius, Soojin.

I dialed Taemin’s number and waited for him to pick it.

“Answer the damn phone... answer the phone... answer the-”

“Where is my car key?” The tall foreigner girl said in English and went out of the gate, looking for her car keys...



I quickly put my phone down and ran again.

Oh sheez, I forgot that I need to meet Key in the park!!!

But what about Taemin?

Uh, yes, after I meet Key in the park I’m gonna go home and get my invitation letter and go back here!

I’m sure, whatever he’s gonna tell me won’t last for ten minutes so...

I’ll go to Key first!

I ran reallyyyyyyy fast that again, I end up tripping and having cuts.

I ignored my bleeding knee and just continued running though IT DAMN HURTS.




Tae Min’s POV



“Taemin!” I turned around only to find Heechul hyung looking at me worriedly.


He went near me and dragged me out of the house.

“Is Soo Jin really coming?” He whispered.

“She hates breaking promises, hyung.” I answered coldly and looked away.

Actually, I don’t know if she’ll come. But I need to be positive.

“But she’s already an hour late!”

“She will come! We invited 400 plus people, right? And how many are here? They’re only 450! I am sure Soo Jin is one of those people who will come minutes later.” I shouted at him making our guests look at us.

“Wait if... she’ll never come? What are you going to do?” He answered me calmly but his worried look is still written on his face.

“I.. don’t know..” I whispered the last two words.

Yeah, what am I gonna do if she won’t come?

Will I be angry at her and shout at her? Or I’ll stay calm and say that it’s alright.

I don’t know.

“Mom.. is actually waiting for her, Tae Min.”

“I know..” I said, under my breath.

“Taemin!” Heechul hyung called me again.

I groaned and looked at him with a pissed face.


“Y-Your phone’s ringing...” I touched my pocket where my phone is and it’s really vibrating.

I got it and looked at the caller ID.


Lee Soo Jin


A smile slowly crept up on my face when I saw her name.

I looked around and saw a familiar girl near the gates.

It’s her!

“Hyung, Soo Jin is here! She’s there, near the gate!” I ran towards her and pushed away the people who were blocking my way. I don’t care if they’ll call me as an ill-mannered man.

I’m sorry but I really need to go to Soo Jin!

I was near the gate already when my phone stopped vibrating.

And Soojin... ran away from our house.

I stopped running and just watched her leaving.

Why... is she leaving?

I went towards the gates while still looking at Soojin.

“Why did you let that girl ran away?!” I asked the guards but it’s like I’m shouting them.

They bowed at me and stepped backwards. “G-Good evening, Mr. Lee. We didn’t let her in because she doesn’t have the invitation letter with her.”

“WHAT? But she said I invited her, right?”

“Y-Yes.. Mr. Lee.”

“You i- Ugh!” I groaned and glared at them.

“Don’t ever let this happen again, do you understand?!” They nodded and I followed Soo Jin.

I ran really fast just to catch up with her. . !!




Soojin’s POV



I finally arrived at the park where Key and I agreed to meet.

Damn, where is he?

I looked around but... it seems like I am the only one person in here. I looked at the ground and my tears are already forming in my eyes.

I need... to meet Key.

And if I won’t, then I already broke a promise. I don’t want that to happen!

Suddenly, I feel someone moving.

I looked around again and found a man who just stood up and sighed.

I ran towards him even though I can’t run that fast because of my wound.

But I still ran fast that my knees started to go numb and I can’t move them.

I tripped. But before I fell to the ground, I had the chance to hug him his back.

Seems like he was startled and I hugged him tighter.

I didn’t noticed that my tears rolled and already wet his shirt.

I made Key’s shirt wet because of my tears.

Why am I crying?




Taemin’s POV



Soo Jin went here! I just saw her!

But.. where is she now?

I think I lost her.

“Good evening, ahjumma! Can you give me a bottle of soju, please? Kamsahamnida.” My eyes shifted to the man who just took off his helmet. If he has a helmet, it means he has a motorcycle!

I looked around and saw his motorcycle. I quickly went towards it and rode on it.

“I’m sorry, ahjussi! But I really need this! I’ll return this later! Kamsahamnida!” I managed to say before making the motorcycle move.

“Hey, you! Young punk! Give me back my motorcycle!!” I heard the man shouted at me.

I looked back at him and said, “I’ll give this back later! Kamsahamnida!!”

Soo Jin went here... I am sure.

Oh yeah, there she is!

I slowly followed Soojin who is running really really fast.

She stopped to a park and looked around as if she’s looking for someone. And she looked so panicked.

Why is she here? Who is she meeting here?

Why did she leave my house because of this? Why?

Suddenly, she started running again and tripped.

But no, she did not fall to the ground. Instead, she fell onto a guy.

And she hugged him.

Soo Jin hugged that guy behind.

I clenched my fist as soon as I found out that that guy is Key.







Hi everyone!! I'm sorry for not updating for about.. 3 weeks?

I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY! And I mean it, okay?

Oh well the reasons why I haven't updated for such a long time is because first, my computer suddenly crashed and it died. I need to call a technician to fix it and he said that he'll fix it a day after I called him. But he did NOT go to our house on the day he promised he will!!

Anyway, he did go to our house but he was delayed for 4 days :| So that's why I only used my phone to read fics here. I was supposed to update using my phone but the letters are way too small for me. Yes, my eye sight is not normal and I am wearing glasses.

Oh and yeah, our computer is already okay :) And while I am using it, my internet connection is being a and I wasn't able to update and visit this site for about 3 days? I srsly hate my lyf.

So we called another technician to fix and it's okay now. So the other reason why I haven't updated this story for three weeks is that I HAD A FEVER. And my temperature raised to 42 °C! My mother had to admit me to the hospital!!

And I just got out of the hospital after 5 days of being admitted. The doctor said I should rest for at least a week? So yeah, I thank God, I'm still alive right now :)


...that's a long explanation lol

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IMPORTANT! Please read chapter 36. Thank you.


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Jessica3925 #1
Chapter 3: Tbh, I think this story would have been good, but I just can't take reading all the Gd's. It's only chapter 3 and its already been used 5 times. I'm gonna have to stop here. Sorry.
GoofyElla #2
I miss this fanfic <3 It's one of the best I've read and I want it to continueeeee <33

Please come back and write for us :) <3
QJShawolLocket #3
OMG I reeally want to know will happen to soojin and key please update this story it's really amazing and making my heart beat fast <br />
Key is so Cute >< <br />
Waiting for your update ^^
Nana256 #6
Hey pls pls pls update this story I really like this story I think I read this story for 4 times till now hope u update soon ^^
noooooo!!! taemiiin close your eyes nowww!!!
#8 least she found Key!!! <3<br />
poor Taemin...<br />
update when you can