Ch. 16

My Feelings Won't Fade

Soojin's POV


So after running in the rain for 15 minutes, Key and I decided to rest for awhile, under the waiting shed near the bus stop. Yeah, we're gonna wait for that freaking bus that was supposed to be here, five minutes ago.

I looked at Key and he's shivering. It's because his coat is on me. Damn, Soojin's a bbaaaaaaadddddddddddddd girl. I didn't even let him get his coat back or share it with him. Eeeehh.. Share it with him? If I do that then I'll definitely be in the mental hospital. But he look sooooo cold.

So I took off his coat and wear it to him. Though he's an alien, he's really ing good. I hate saying this but he really is a gentleman.

He took off the coat and hand it back to me. I raised my eyebrow and asked him, "Why'd you give it back? I don't feel that cold anymore."

"I didn't return it back to let you feel warm. It's just that I don't like to wear this coat anymore because your sweat is in here. It smells bad."

I sneered at him and get it back. I'll take back those words from my damn lips saying that Key's a frigging gentleman. He's definitely NOT! I want to curse you! I'll never fall for a guy who had such a bad mouth!

"Yah I was just kidding." I look at him and saw him smiling. "But really, my coat is smelly after you used it."

"As if you do not excrete your sweats!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. This guy is getting into my nerves!


"SOOJIN?!" Suddenly, a familiar voice went into my ears. Oh no no no no. He's not that one, right? Oh please, all saints in heaven! Please tell me that it's not him! PLEASE!!!

I heard him laugh and I saw Key looking at him weirdly. "Yes, it's you! How are you, Soojin?"

I bit my lip and gave him a fake smile. Onew oppa's bestfriend - Kim Jonghyun.

"Oh wow what happened to you? No umbrellas, aye? Let me take you home! Come on!" He said as he held my wrist and dragged me towards his car.

"Hey wait!" Both of us stopped when we heard Key's voice. Jonghyun loose his tight grip on me and slowly walked towards Key.

! I wanna puke! This is so ing aarrrrggghhh! I don't know! They look so GAY!!

Jonghyun is cupping Key's cheeks and he tiptoed. He pulled Key's cheeks closer and closer until...

Aw thank you, God! Good thing Key shove Jonghyun's dirty hands off of him. Or else I'm gonna throw up.

"I found you!" Jonghyun said happily which made Key and I raise our eyebrows.

He said 'I found you!'. Well, what the hell is that for?

"Oppa.. what do you mean?" I said, and Key is slowly backing away from Jonghyun.

"I found my true love! It's you! Who I have been waiting for my whole life!!"

He answered my question but I don't feel like he's talking to me. Because he's looking at Key for the whole time. I wanna laugh but I need to stop it or else Jonghyun will kidnap Onew's fried chickens and Onew will definitely gonna go insane! I don't want that to happen not because he's my brother but because he'll annoy the out of me to get his fried chickens back to him again.

Aside from kidnapping Onew's chickens, Jonghyun's gonna get all of my chocolates too! I guess you know that LEE SOOJIN CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT CHOCOLATEEEESSS!!!

"That's really impossible." Key finally spoke. He's not that shocked like me. He answered Jonghyun calmly. Wow. Key's not afraid of Jonghyun.

"Why? We can live together! Forever! I love you so much that I'd kill myself if you lose on me! All I think every day is about how I am gonna find you! I spend my whole life just to look for you! And now that I found you, I don't want to let go of you!"

Aww.. Kim Jonghyun. You're just sooo corny. C-O-R-N-Y.

And with that, Key laughed so freaking hard. I laughed too and I noticed Jonghyun looking at both of us. He looked like a lost boy. Who doesn't even know who really Key is. Key stopped laughing and patted Jonghyun's shoulders.

"Man, for God's sake I'm a boy!" Jonghyun got shocked and moved away from Key.

"I.. I thought you're a girl!"

"It'll gonna be okay for me if you will just call me an alien instead of mistaking me as a girl." Oh wow, Kim Kibum said that coldly. But.. calling him alien is just okay for him? W O W.

I cleared my throat to let them notice me. Because they feel like it's the only two of them talking about this stupidity.

"Why didn't you say that he's your boyfriend?" I glared at Jonghyun who again, thought that we're lovers. my ing life.

"It's fine with me if you'll gonna call me a chocolate freak instead of mistaking me as that alien guy's girlfriend!"

I scoffed at him and made my way towards his car. I don't car if I sit here, wet. He's just insulting me more than he did to Key! I ing don't like you, Kim Jonghyun!!!



Author's Notes: Hello! I'm sorry but I won't be updating again for... I guess three days? I'm leaving again to spend my January 1 in my grandparents' home town! So yeah, again (word 'again' for the third time), I'm sorry! I'll update as soon as I get back.


@starlove - Hi! Wow. You think it's cute? Well thanks! :)

@LuvZhuLing - Lol yeah! But.. don't you think it's too corn-ayyy? :(

And to ALL of my  subscribers and readers, I'd like to see your reactions/comments soon! You don't know how much I love all of you! Haha. ♥

Happy New Year, everyone!

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IMPORTANT! Please read chapter 36. Thank you.


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Jessica3925 #1
Chapter 3: Tbh, I think this story would have been good, but I just can't take reading all the Gd's. It's only chapter 3 and its already been used 5 times. I'm gonna have to stop here. Sorry.
GoofyElla #2
I miss this fanfic <3 It's one of the best I've read and I want it to continueeeee <33

Please come back and write for us :) <3
QJShawolLocket #3
OMG I reeally want to know will happen to soojin and key please update this story it's really amazing and making my heart beat fast <br />
Key is so Cute >< <br />
Waiting for your update ^^
Nana256 #6
Hey pls pls pls update this story I really like this story I think I read this story for 4 times till now hope u update soon ^^
noooooo!!! taemiiin close your eyes nowww!!!
#8 least she found Key!!! <3<br />
poor Taemin...<br />
update when you can