Chapter 30

My Feelings Won't Fade

Soojin's POV


“Do you... like me?”

He smiled and patted my head.

What the is he doing?? I shove his hands off from me and frowned.

I opened my mouth and was about to say something but he covered my mouth with his index finger.

“Do I need to answer that?” I nodded and he leaned closer.

Which made me BLUSH! And I feel my heart beating fast.

Omg, what is this? Damn, damn, damn!!!!!!

“You are like a little sister to me.” I backed away and pointed at him.

“Quit lying!!!”

“Eh? Why? Do you want more than that?” He smirked.

I stopped pointing him. And ask myself....

Do I really want more than that?

Hehehe, of course not!

Lee Soojin already had her annoying brother, Lee Jinki.

And a kingka in her school who also had a crush on her - Lee Taemin.

Kim Kibum is just a friend to me.

Just a friend. Nothing more. I don't want more than that.

“Say it again that... I'm just like a little sister to you.”

“You're just like a little sister to me.” His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

I chuckled and made my way into my house.

Hehehe, I bet you are wondering what I had just done.


I recorded his voice on my phone! HAHAHA.

I just can't stop laughing. WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

“Lee Soo Jin!!! Delete that!!!”

I heard his footsteps cathing up mine. So I fastened my pace and slammed our door shut.

He can't go in now. HAHaHAHA.

Key stopped knocking our door and I heard him sighed.

Probably tired. And probably his hands were red by now.

I smirked, poor Key!



“Onew! Teach me.” I pouted like a little kid.

I brought my books and notebooks... no, all the stuffs in my school bag to Onew's room.

I kinda don't understand my new lesson.

English, Math, Biology... sigh.

Those were my weak areas and Onew is better at it!

“Onew!!” I said as soon as I've entered his room.

“I'm at the bathroom!” He yelled.

I sat on the edge of his bed and put my things on his study table.

Wow, good thing his room is neat.

Not like mine. I really don't know how to organize my stuffs.

I smiled when I remembered Key cleaning my room.

He nags there and here because of my very dirty room. Haha!

I'm a girl but I don't know how to clean! Hihihi.

“Aish, don't tell me you're gonna ask me to teach you again!?” Onew growled as he went out of the bathroom.

I nodded and flashed a sweet smile to him. I don't usually do this.

Because Onew's an annoying brother. He makes me pissed off everytime we talk.

But it's different in this case, I am making him pissed! HAHAHA!!!

“Please?” I pleaded on him once again. I hope he'll fall for my puppy eyes! Hahaha.

“Fine.” He opened his closet and started changing into his yellow pajamas.

“Yay!!” I jumped and hugged him.

He struggled and tried to push me away from him but I didn't.

“Eww!! Stop it, will you! Can't you see, I'm half and you are hugging me!?”

“Who cares, you're just my brother.”

“But you're a girl!!!” I broke the hug and frowned.

He never used this pissed tone towards me before. But now... he just did.

Onew buttoned his polo and he raised his eyebrow when he looked at me.

“Don't make me feel guilty with that cute face of yours!!!” I pouted and looked away.

“Errr... I'm gonna teach you now, okay!? Happy with that?” I nodded. He smirked and sat beside me.

I opened my book and showed him my lesson. “So this is the part where I find it diffi-”

“You need to do something first before I'll teach you.”

I gave him my what-is-it expression.

“Drink my chicken milk.” My eyes grew large. I took a deep breath before talking.

“What the fu-”

“No harsh words please.”

Sigh. “Chicken milk doesn't exist in this world.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked away.

“It does!”

“In your world.”


“I'm not going to drink it.”

“Yes you are!”


“I won't teach you then.”

I turned and looked at Onew. “Oppa!”

“O-Oppa....?” He paused for about... a minute. Then he had his tears flowing from his eyes!

my life, did I just made my older brother cry!?

“What the hell happened to you!?”

He picked my hands up and cried hard. Umm, well.. while smiling. I can tell that it's tears of joy.

“You called me OPPA!!! Yey! I'm so happy!!!!” He hugged me so tight that I almost can't breath.

“Q-Quit hugging me, Onew!!!”

He broke the hug and wiped his tears.

“I'm gonna teach you everyday from now on.”

“Nope, not everyday. Only when I call you, okay?” He nodded and I smiled.

Goddammit, he's more childish than me.


Author's Notes: HAHAHA, A moment with Onew! xD Lol, I just can't think of anything after she asked Key about that. Anyway, I hope this chapter is good. :D And I'd really lovelovelovelove to read more comments. Hehehe ^^

By the way, for the.... idkth time, I gonna promote my second story!!! HAHAHA. I already updated its first chapter!! XD I hope you're gonna suport it just like how you supported this fic. :)

Comment Replies!

@Raffee - Well, I think she's still oblivious to her feelings, just like what Taemin said. Lmao, but she'll know what she really feels... later. Nyahaha!

@LuvZhuLing - Hahaha, that will make the story short! Lol XDD

@amulet7980 - She won't because she has changed, remember? Hehehe. And I like your username, it reminds me of Amu from Shugo Chara! :))

@cherrytop - Omg, really? *tears of joy like dubu* Thank you thank you!! I didn't expect to read that from my readers or someone because this is the first time that I write fics in the internet. Lmao, but I did wrote a crappy story when I was younger. xD

@cyrlsnca - Yeap, she is! Haha from a sweet girl to a.... 'y' one. :))

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IMPORTANT! Please read chapter 36. Thank you.


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Jessica3925 #1
Chapter 3: Tbh, I think this story would have been good, but I just can't take reading all the Gd's. It's only chapter 3 and its already been used 5 times. I'm gonna have to stop here. Sorry.
GoofyElla #2
I miss this fanfic <3 It's one of the best I've read and I want it to continueeeee <33

Please come back and write for us :) <3
QJShawolLocket #3
OMG I reeally want to know will happen to soojin and key please update this story it's really amazing and making my heart beat fast <br />
Key is so Cute >< <br />
Waiting for your update ^^
Nana256 #6
Hey pls pls pls update this story I really like this story I think I read this story for 4 times till now hope u update soon ^^
noooooo!!! taemiiin close your eyes nowww!!!
#8 least she found Key!!! <3<br />
poor Taemin...<br />
update when you can