Chapter 3

My Feelings Won't Fade

Key's POV


"I want to be your boyfriend!" That boy suddenly said and I see him blushing furiously. I laughed loud. "What the actual !" HAHAHA.

"This situation actually happens almost everyday." Someone suddenly said. I turned around and saw a handsome boy. His hair is long and curly. His eyes are big. And he is taller than me for about 5 centimetres, I think.

"Uh.. so it is normal to see this in your school?" I answered him. He smiled attractively. Seriously, if I'm a girl, I'm gonna do to him what the girl awhile ago did to me.

"Yes. By the way, my name is Minho." He offered me his hand for shaking then he smiled again. A/N: refer to Minho's hair in RDD :)

"My name's Kibum. Call me Key." I shake his hand and smiled back too. Good thing, I have a friend now. I then stop shaking it and get my hands away.

"You don't look like you've grown here."

"Yeah. I grew up abroad and also studied there. So.. I don't know a lot of things here yet."

"Oh so you speak english fluently?"


"Very good!" He said in english. I kinda want to laugh but nevermind. He sounds funny. "How come you know how to speak Korean already?"

"I am a pure Korean. So I know how to. And besides, even if I grew up abroad, my parents still taught me how to speak your language." He just showed me an 'Ohh.. I see' expression. He looked at my schedule and smiled.

"Key, we are classmates."

"Ohh. So can you lead me to our classroom now? We're probably late."

"No, not yet. Our teacher is the one who's always late. Okay, come on!" I smiled and followed him. Minho is such a good guy.




Soojin's POV


A boy suddenly went near me. And then he kneeled in front of me! Oh, another one's confessing huh. Boring. "I want to be your boyfriend!" I saw him blushing and he handed me a bouquet of flowers. Oh my god, what a color! I hate the color combination lol. I see Sulli come near me and her face was shocked. I don't know why even though this 'confessing-my-feelings-for-you' situation is already normal.

"Rejected." I smirked. His blushing face slowly fade and turned into a sad one then he left. People who were circling us are already gossiping about what I have just done. Probably they're saying 'It's just the same, rejecting again.' I honestly feel guilty but I really don't like boys like him. I haven't actually had a boyfriend since birth though there are many boys who had already courted me. It's just that... there's only one person that I liked so much. And I think he will never pay any attention to me.

"Yah why did you--"

"I simply don't like him." I said before Sulli finished her sentence. She also, had many boys confessing to her. I bet she's prettier than me. We both had a smiling eyes and I guess boys like that.

"But he is Taemin's friend!"

"Taemin's friend? SERVANT, rather." Yes, it's true. He's just a scholar in our school. He got here because of Lee Taemin, the so-called kingka in this school. He is the son of Taemin's driver.

"You're so mean." Sulli rolled her eyes and we continued to walk to go to our lockers. I opened my locker and whoa. Again?! Love letters and gifts from my locker had just fell on the floor. It's quite many today. Sulli picked one of them and she read it out loud.

Dear Soojin,

Please have a date with me this afternoon at the _______ restaurant. I will wait for you! I really want to be your boyfriend!

Love and kisses, Yongwon <3

"Hey Soojin! It's Yongwon!" She said as she handed me that stupid letter.

"I don't like him."

"Why are you always 'I don't like him'!? When will you ever like a guy, huh? Oh I forgot. You already liked this guy who completely ignores you! HAHA, poor you."

"Shut the up or else I'm going to kick you!" I glared at her. I was hurt a bit when she said that I liked a guy who ignores me. She's right anyway. Taemin will never look at me. I get my notebooks and books needed in our class. She did the same thing too. I saw the school janitor and commanded(?) him. "Umm, can you please sweep these trashes and throw them?" I said, pointing the scattered letters and gifts on the ground. The janitor nodded and did what I said.

"You're just simply throwing them away, Soojin. Oh look, there's a chocolate!" My eyes widened when she said chocolates.

"Omo, where?" I look around and found five bars. I got it happily and smiled at Sulli.

"Yah give me some!" She said and was about to reache for the chocolates so I raised them so that she can't get it. I'm taller than her anyway so.. yeah. I laughed.

"Give me at least one, brat!" She looked pissed so I gave her. I like Sulli. She's a good friend.

"I think you like chocolates more than you like Taemin." I chuckled at her comment.

"I like Taemin. So don't compare him with my chocolates." I whispered at her so that no one can hear me. It was actually me, Sulli and her cousin Minho who knew that I liked Taemin. Minho oppa's a good friend too so we're kinda 'close'. He is older than me for 2 years. Same age as.. Kibum. While Sulli and Taemin has the same age as mine. We proceeded to our room where we'll be having our first period for today, since we have the same schedules.

"Soojin. Onew oppa told me that your father had already arrived from the USA last Saturday that's why you were not able to teach the kids."


"Why you didn't tell me!? If I didn't ask Onew oppa then I wouldn't really know!" She shouted at me but I just simply laugh.

"I'm sorry. How are the kids by the way? Did you visit them?"

"Yeah, I did. Because I thought you were teaching them! When I got there, I saw Ms. Park. They are not that happy when she's the one teaching. They're happier when it's you." I smiled. Those children really like me.

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Yeah but I'm not glad that you didn't told me about your father!" She jokingly punched my arm. I just smiled. What a kid.

"I told you I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you."

"You're always like that." She pouted and I laughed. We sit on our seats and the teacher went in. There's a boy following her. A new student, probably.

"Okay class. Greet your new classmate." Everyone in the class stand and bowed and greeted him. "Annyeong haseyo." Everyone automatically sit again. My eyes widened when I saw our new classmate's face. Goddamn it, It's Lee Taemin!

"Lee Taemin, introduce yourself to your new classmates." Mrs. Han told him. But his face kinda doesn't want to.

"It's not like I transferred from another school. I only transferred to a new room. I guess your students already knew who I am." He said stubbornly. And because of that, I chuckled. Well, everyone in the class laughed too.

Mrs. Han was embarrassed. But still, she smiled on him. "Okay now, look for a seat." Taemin look around the room. I kind of expected him to sit beside me but I guess he wouldn't. Since he always ignores me. I looked on my desk and got my notebook and pen. I started doodling when someone sat beside me. I look at who the hell it is and found out it's Taemin. I-I'm happy... I blushed and Sulli saw me. She just rolled her eyes and look at the board again. Oh my god. How nice it is to go to school everyday! I now love my high school life!

"Your name's Lee Soojin, right?" Taemin suddenly talked to me. I don't know what I'm gonna respond to him though the answer will only be yes or no. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Y-Yeah.." I stuttered. I don't want Taemin to know tha tI liked him. I must keep a poker face.

"My name is Taemin. Nice to meet you." W-WHAT!? He's introducing himself to me! Omg. A-And he's smiling. I've never seen him smiling before. Especially when girls flirt with him.

"N-Nice to meet you too." I smiled and obviously, I blushed. I hope he didn't notice that. Well, I guess he didn't. He smiled back at me and listened to Mrs. Han who's already starting her lesson. Lee Taemin.. I'm happy. I'm sooo happy.



"Yay! First period is over!" Sulli came near me and yawned. I still didn't move. I won't leave the room if Taemin is still here. God, I feel like inviting him to eat with me. No.. I musn't. I don't want him to know that I like him! Always keep that in your mind, Soojin!

"Hey Lee Soojin! Will you eat your snacks or not? If you don't want then I'll get your chocolates." Sulli threatened. I quickly stand so that she won't get my chocolates. I'll definitely have mood swings if she did steal my beloved chocolates! Just when I was about to go out of the room, I remembered Taemin who is sitting alone on his seat. I whispered to Sulli. "Jinri, I'll talk to Taemin first. See me in our table in the canteen, okay?" Sulli rolled her eyes and left. I went back to Taemin. I was about to speak when he suddenly stand.

"Why did you let your friend go to the canteen by herself? I'm not hungry yet. I want to sleep somewhere."

"Umm.. just in case you got hungry, I want to give you this." I handed him a bar of chocolate and smiled. I want to be at least friends with him. His face is like 'why-are-you-giving-this?' I chuckled and got his hand and put the chocolate there.

"Eat this when you get hungry, okay?" I smiled and left him. I want to let you feel that I care for you, Taemin.



While I was walking on my way to the school canteen, there were a lot of boys who are annoying me. Damn it. Why does this have to happen every ing day? When I reached near the table where Sulli sat, I saw her cousin Minho. And... a boy?! I can't see his face because he was facing on the other side. Another boy who's asking Sulli for a date, eh? I laughed and went near them.

"Yah Sulli, just say yes already." Sulli looked at me so as Minho and the boy. My eyes widened with shock when I see his face. It is the ALIEN! The alien who broke my phone in the airport!

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" I shouted at him.

"Of course, to study. What else?" He said confidently and smirked.

"Sit down first, Soojin before knowing him." Sulli motioned me to sit beside the alien. No way. I exchanged seats with Sulli and whoa. She agreed.

"What? Her name's Soojin?!" That alien suddenly said and he sounded so shock.

"Yeah, Lee Soojin. I guess you two have seen each other before, right?" Minho asked curiously.

"Uhuh, Minho oppa. We've seen each other in the airport last Saturday and do you know what he did? He broke my goddamned phone!" I looked at the alien and gave him an evil smile. "You're gonna pay for it, dumb ."

"Hey aren't you gonna ask for his name?" Sulli stopped drinking her juice for awhile and looked at me.

"What for, Sulli? I'm not interested anyway." I get my chocolates and started eating it. I sipped my juice and looked at the alien. Why is he not talking? Pfft maybe because I called him an alien. Pwahahaha.




Key's POV


"What? Her name's Soojin?!" No way. Lee Soojin is definitely not like her. My bestfriend is a good, pretty and a sweet kind of a girl. This one's the exact opposite of her. There's no way in hell they could be the same person.

"Yeah, Soojin. I guess you two have seen each other before, right?"

"Uhuh, Minho oppa. We've seen each other in the airport last Saturday and do you know what he did? He broke my goddamned phone!" I can feel that she's looking at me, smiling wickedly. She looked like a witch. HAHAHA. "You're gonna pay for it, dumb !"

"Hey aren't you gonna ask for his name?"

"What for, Sulli? I'm not interested anyway." I looked at her and saw that she's staring at me. I smirked.

"My name is Kim Kibum. Call me Key."

"W-Why do you have two names?" She answered stuttering. I laughed at the thought that she's kind of 'slow'.

"It's called a 'nickname', dude." She got pissed. HAHAHA. And embarrassed. I think I like to everyday.




Soojin's POV


Finally, class is over! I yawned and Sulli laughed at me. "We don't have assignments!"

"Yah yah, I know you'll say that." Sulli just rolled her eyes. "By the way, do you have any plans tonight?"

"Huh? And why?" I remembered something. Oh yeah, grandma just invited me to eat a dinner at their house to meet Kibum again. Sigh.

"Do you want to go shopping?" I see that Sulli's lips had turned into a smile. Or a grin, rather.

"I hate shopping and you know that."

"Oh god, Lee Soojin. I really don't know how you and I became bestfriends!"

I just laughed. "HAHA. Well, actually, Sulli.. I have told you about Kibum, right?"

"Oh yes, Kim Kibum? The new classmate of Minho oppa or your childhood bestfriend?"

"He'll never be my bestfriend. Umm, yeah. My childhood friend. He came back here in Seoul last Saturday and his grandma wants our family to eat a dinner in their house. That's why I can't go shopping with you. I'm sorry."

"Ohh I see. Well, have fun then! I'll go now. Bye!"

"You too. Bye!" Sulli and I then separated.



I was walking on my way home when I saw the alien throwing a candy wrapper. I picked up the candy wrapper and.. hey wait. I gave this to Kiki oppa when I was young... No. Please NO. Kim Kibum and this guy is different. Really different. Oh well, I guess he just ate the candy that was here before and threw it. That jerk. Why did he throw his garbage on the ground?

"Hey alien! Why are you throwing your trash anywhere, huh? No respect for the mother nature? You're such an alien!" He turned around and smirked. He slowly went near me.

"What did you say?" He looked ugly. No, pretty ugly.

"I said, why did you damn throw your stupid candy wrapper?!" I showed to him the candy wrapper that he just threw. His eyes widened and he looked angry.

"Give that to me!" He grab the wrapper that was in my hands. Idiot. I just told him that it's his garbage. Why so angry?

"What's wrong with you? That's just a petty trash!" He was about to leave but he stopped when I said that.

"Don't talk as if you know anything." I smirked. Oh so that's important huh.

"A new kid in my school collects petty trashes. How cool." I laughed sarcastically. He went near me and his face is just inches away from mine. "W-What are you gonna do? I-I-I'm not afraid!"

"If you're not afraid then what are you stuttering for?" He laughed and leveled the candy wrapper at my face.

"This is not a petty trash. This was given by my childhood bestfriend before I left. And that was twelve years ago so this is not just a smiple trash." He slowly move away. He's Kim Kibum, right? No. There are many Kim Kibum's in the world. HAHAHA---

"Hey why are you taking that way?!"

"I live in this street." WHAT?! NO EFFING WAY! He.. IS KIKI OPPA! He continued walking, walking so fast that it's like I'm almost running. Damn it, why does he walk this fast? I  am almost running just to go and tell him that I'm Lee Soojin, his childhood bestfriend.

"Kiki oppa!" I shouted at him. Damn you, now I'm panting. I looked at him and saw that he stopped and turned around at me.

"You didn't call me Kiki oppa, right?"

"I.. just called you Kiki oppa."



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IMPORTANT! Please read chapter 36. Thank you.


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Jessica3925 #1
Chapter 3: Tbh, I think this story would have been good, but I just can't take reading all the Gd's. It's only chapter 3 and its already been used 5 times. I'm gonna have to stop here. Sorry.
GoofyElla #2
I miss this fanfic <3 It's one of the best I've read and I want it to continueeeee <33

Please come back and write for us :) <3
QJShawolLocket #3
OMG I reeally want to know will happen to soojin and key please update this story it's really amazing and making my heart beat fast <br />
Key is so Cute >< <br />
Waiting for your update ^^
Nana256 #6
Hey pls pls pls update this story I really like this story I think I read this story for 4 times till now hope u update soon ^^
noooooo!!! taemiiin close your eyes nowww!!!
#8 least she found Key!!! <3<br />
poor Taemin...<br />
update when you can