


Somehow, Hyunshik got to know that Ryeowook nearly miscarriaged and she was warded at the hospital. Mr Kim's nurse at the care centre had asked Mrs Cho about Ryeowook because she had not seen her for days, and Mrs Cho had told her what happened. So when Hyunshik visited Mr Kim, he got to know about it too. 

Kyuhyun was in a conference call with his staff when Hyunshik dropped by to visit Ryeowook. He bowed and waved his hand at Kyuhyun and stepped towards the bed. 

"Heyyy Hyunshik!! How did you know I'm here?" Ryeowook smile warmly.  She has just taken her medicines and the nurse had walked away. 

"Your father's nurse told me, I guess because your father hasn't seen you for a while, so he always have that worried look... How are you?" Hyunshik asked her with concern.

"I'm okay now, and so far baby is fine too. How's appa?" 

Hyukshik sat on the stool and smile at her. "Your appa is so much better but I guess he was worried about you. When I was there, he kept glancing behind me, maybe hoping to see you..."

"I miss him too. Anyway Kyuhyun plan to visit him this evening, so hopefully appa will understand that I can't visit him yet" Ryeowook said sadly. 

Hyunshik wanted to ask what happened that she nearly got miscarriaged, but he stopped himself. He should not meddle in their family matters. "I'm glad that you are okay. You really must take care, you know. You cannot run or walk like last time. I ever saw you running after the bus, wow, I think you can win the 100metres sprint!!" he laughed. 

Ryeowook laughed too. "I was rushing for time, so I always need to catch for the bus" she laughed remembering her days working at 2 places. 

"Heyyy Hyunshik" Kyuhyun came over and shook hands with him. 

"Hi Kyuhyun. I heard about Wook so  I came over. You work from here?" 

Kyuhyun smile "Yeah, I want to be with Ryeong. I will get too worried if I work in the office" he said, reaching for her hand. 

"I'm just resting, not running around..." Ryeowook laughed. 

"I can't work knowing that you are here. Once you are discharged, we go back home, okay, I don't want you to be in the mansion" 

"But harabuji..." 

"I will tell him that I will work from home. He just worried that nobody is there to take care of you..." he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. Ryeowook became shy because Hyunshik was there. 

"You need total bedrest?" Hyunshik asked her. 

"Yes, because I ran up the stairs and I started bleeding after that" 

"You always forgot about yourself" and Hyukshik turned to Kyuhyun "Kyuhyun, you know, sometimes she even forgot to eat" he said, with a nagging tone. 

"I know right!! There was one time she didn't even eat breakfast and lunch!" Kyuhyun glanced at her. 

"Wow, not fair, you two gang up against me...!" Ryeowook laughed. 

Kyuhyun pinched her nose. "But it's the truth! Remember, I was annoyed with you when you forgot to eat breakfast and lunch...." 

"Yes, and when I cried, then you feel guilty..." Ryeowook showed her tongue at her husband. 

Kyuhyun turned to Hyunshik "Can you closed your eyes for a while because I'm going to kiss her cute mouth??" Kyuhyun laughed. 

Hyunshik laughed "You just go ahead, don't mind me..." 

In a way, Hyunshik felt happy that Ryeowook has such a loving husband who loves her so deeply. Kyuhyun sacrificed his work to monitor her health and wellbeing. 

When Kyuhyun teasingly bend forward to kiss Ryeowook, she giggled and teasingly stopped him and pushed him away. "Why are you pushing your husband away...?" Kyuhyun . 

"Kyu-Kyu... stop it..." Ryeowook giggled again.

Kyuhyun laughed and gave a quick peck on her lips. He sat next to her on the bed and hugged her shoulder. 

Hyunshik remembered something, and said "Oh yes, Wook, I heard from our ex-colleague that our ex-lady boss asking you to come back to work for her!! Believe it or not! She got the cheek to ask you!!" 

"What?? Ohmygoodness!!" Ryeowook face-palmed at herself. 

"Just ignore her" Kyuhyun said and soothed Ryeowook's shoulder. 

"Yeah, after what she did to Wook! Cut her salary, asked her to do extra work! I myself couldn't take her nonsense that was why I left" Hyunshik told Kyuhyun. 

"It's good enough that I didn't report her!" Kyuhyun said with a fed-up tone.

"Kyu-Kyu, you should buy over the building where she has her cafe, so you have a say on how she runs her business..." Ryeowook said jokingly. 

"That's a good idea!! Should I??!!!" Kyuhyun looked at her with a surprised look, because he never thought of that! 

"I was only joking!!" Ryeowook playfully beat his arm. 

"Really, why not?? I'll get Siwon to find out who is the owner and if we manage to buy over, I put your name as the building owner, so that you are the boss of that stupid lady boss!!" Kyuhyun laughed. 

"Kyu-Kyu really, I was just joking!!" 

"I second the idea!! It's really a good idea because somebody needs to wake her up! She is so arrogant just because her food is good and reasonably priced, that she is taking advantage of all her staff to work beyond what they were paid!!"

"Okay set then! I will get Siwon to check! Thank you babe for the idea!!!" and he kissed Ryeowook's temple. 

They talked more on Hyunshik's work and after a while, he said "Okay guys, I make a move first. I'll have to start my delivery work soon" 

"Thank you, Shik, for dropping by" Ryeowook smile appreciatively at him. 

"Yeah, thanks Hyunshik. Sorry I didn't have time to inform you about her hospitalisation. If Ryeong is discharged, I'll text you" Kyuhyun shook hands with him. 

"Aishh, don't worry about it. Okay take care of Wook. See you again!!" he bowed at Kyuhyun and waved at Ryeowook and left. 

So, Kyuhyun proceed to ask Siwon to look up the building owner and his intention to purchase it, eventhough Ryeowook opposed to it. He told Siwon that the strategic location played a major part of his interest, and didn't tell Siwon the main purpose of his intention. 

2 days later, Siwon popped over at the ward and they sat at the sofa area to discuss. 

Ryeowook was sleeping after her lunch and medications. Earlier, she went through a thorough checkup after she experienced cramps during early morning, sending Kyuhyun scrambling out to call the nurse urgently. Though baby was growing and developing well, her womb didn't expand as fast as the growing baby. So she got another injection, and need to stay for another 2 weeks, and only if everything was well by then, she could be discharged by end of the month. 

"Kyu, I got the details for you" Siwon said in a low voice, so that he didn't disturb Ryeowook. 

They discussed in details and after Siwon left, Kyuhyun did a conference call with his grandfather to inform him about this building. He emailed him the location, building details and also with a side note to tell harabuji that the cafe at the ground floor was where Ryeowook used to work. 

Understanding fully Kyuhyun’s intention because his grandson had been telling him about the unfair treatment that Ryeowook received previously from the lady boss, harabuji agreed immediately and said "Let's purchase that building for Wook!" 

"That was my intention harabuji, but for sure Ryeong doesn't want it. You know she never want to take advantage of us....."

"I know, so I leave it to you to persuade her. Okay, I got to go. I need to interview new maids" 

"Okay, choose wisely!" Kyuhyun laughed. "Take care harabuji" Kyuhyun said and off his call. 

Kyuhyun talked about this when Ryeowook woke up. "Ryeong, guess what? Harabuji approves to purchase that building!" 

"Ohh he knew? Oh yes, I forgot he's the Chairman...." Ryeowook chuckled "Anyway, that's great!! Does the owner willing to sell?" 

"Yup, the owner is willing to sell. Apparently he was surprised that we would offer a good price" Kyuhyun told her. "And...., harabuji wants to purchase it for you!" Kyuhyun smile at her. 

"Huhhh what? No....!!" Ryeowook shook her head vigorously....


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Apologies, I made some amendments to the Foreword section and Chapter 1. Kyuhyun's grandfather requested for a "great grandchild", not 'grandchild'. Kyuhyun was already his grandchild.

Sorry i didn't realised my mistake until now haha :)


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Chapter 36: Yehey twins! I hope it will be boys just like I did.
Chapter 36: What a surpriseee 🥰🥰
Chapter 30: Was it Ryeong's dream?
Chapter 29: Aww.. The baby will be a special gift for harabeoji b'day then :))
Thanks for update, author-nim *bow
estoryreader #5
Chapter 29: Can’t wait to know how story will unfold from now. Such a positive and beautiful story. In hard times of pandemic, this story kept me going with a very positive attitude. Thank you very much author
loveforsin #6
Chapter 21: So glad both ryeong and the baby safe.. i hope the upcoming 4 months will go more smoothly than now..
loreyn #7
Chapter 21: i'm so glad wookie and the baby are fine 🥺 can't wait for the next update, this story is really good!
estoryreader #8
Please update!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I really hope cho couple’s baby is fine
loveforsin #9
Chapter 19: Don't harm ryeong and her baby... 🙏🙏🙏
eilrepacta #10
Chapter 19: I just wish that Ryeong and the baby will be just fine. Please don't let the allergy harm the baby. 🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻