Chapter 4

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

“Good night, omma appa” Yubin who was already rubbing her sleepy eyes said. “Aigo, this little girl already sleepy” Mrs. Bae gave her a warm smile and ruffled her head. “I’m just a bit tired today, omma” Yubin smiled. “Alright. Good night, Yubin” Mr. Bae who was at the armchair and reading some magazines replied. Mr. and Mrs. Bae watched as Yubin ascended the stairs to her room.

Yubin locked her doors after set up her bed. She turned off the light and the darkness came greeted her. Her room was dimly lighted by the colourful mini lanterns she had as decoration at the wall beside her bed.

“I sleep quite early today” Yubin leaned against her bed. She lifted her chin to the skylight above her. She shut her eyes to feel the night breeze went through it into her room. *This is so peaceful!* Upon opening her eyes again, Yubin was greeted with night sky decorated with few bright stars. She stared at the sky in awe. “Orion” she called as she saw the constellation Orion in the sky. She lifted her hand and traced the constellation with her finger. For a moment her hand dropped as she drifted to sleep. *Yah Yubin go to sleep now* she told herself and dragged herself onto her bed. Yubin pulled the cover over her body and fell into slumber.

A series of thump could be heard running on the roof of the silent neighbourhood. Moonbin blinked his eyes a tad at the sound. *Maybe just some fox* he thought and slept back. A muffled thump could be heard not long after. But this time it was Yubin’s turn to wake up. She sat up and looked around the dim lighted room. She saw a figure moving not far from her bed. She rubbed her eyes. *What’s that?* her hand tried to reach out to her phone on the side table but she accidentally pushed it down that it lost under the table. “Damn it”

A winched can be heard. Yubin snapped her head to the figure. *A person?* “Who are you?” she tried to be brave but her voice wavered. The figure won’t answer but stayed there. Yubin saw the skylight. *Ah, I forgot to close that*

Yubin stood. *It’s okay. It must be someone good. No need to be afraid* She nodded to reassure herself. She used all ounce of her bravery to approach the unidentified figure. As she got nearer, she heard panting. *A guy?*

“Mister?” she knelt before the figure. But her eyes caught the person’s foot. It was bleeding. Her eyes widened. “You okay? Oh my gosh! Wait here” she ran to the toilet and came back with a damped towel. Yubin helped wiped the wound and she could hear the person winched. “Sorry. It might sting a little” she tried to clean the wound as careful as she can. She looked around and her eyes landed on the bandana she tied to her teddy bear near her. *That will do* she grabbed the bandana. After cleaning it for a bit, she bandaged the wound with the bandana.

Yubin lifted her head to the person but failed to see the face as it was masked with shadow. The person suddenly stood and ran to her window. He pushed it open and jumped off her window without a pause. Yubin was speechless. Minutes later, she snapped out from her amazement. “Heol!”

* * *

Yubin was walking with Seoyeon beside her.

“I’m so hungry” Seoyeon pouted. “Aigo” Yubin slung her arms to her neck. “Let’s go to cafeteria, okay?”

“But I need to grab my purse in my locker” Yubin let her go. “I’ll see at the cafeteria”

“Nae. I’ll go save our seat” “Maybe Hayoung already at the cafeteria” “Yea you’re right. I’ll go then. Come join us later” “Alright I will”

Yubin walked away with Seoyeon watching her. Yubin turned into a corner.

*Last night* her mind went the incident last night in her room. “Who was that? What actually happen? How can he fell from the roof in the middle of night? It’s so weird”

She arrived at her locker and opened it. Yubin gasped. “My bandana” Her blue bandana was there on top piles of her books. “How can this be here?” she took the bandana. It was all cleaned. *That person from last night, is someone from this school?! A student here?!* “Heol!”

*Maybe I should try to find out who this person is* she nodded to herself. She put the bandana aside and grabbed her purse. Her eyes landed on the CLOUD letter she received today. *Maybe I should ask CLOUD member if they see anyone put this bandana in here*

“Whatever it is. I need to eat first” she shut the door and was about to walk away but her steps halted. Yubin saw a black wallet on the floor. She bent down to pick it up. *Maybe someone dropped it* she looked around but no one seems to be paying the wallet any attention. Yubin turned to the wallet again. She was curious.

“Wait” her finger touched the key pendant attached to the wallet. She looked at her purse that have the lock pendant. “Heol!” widened for a few moments. *My fiancé supposed to have this lock pendant, right?!*


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