Chapter 18

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

"Your Grandma has horses?!"

Yubin looked at the stable not far from the beautiful cottage. "Yes. My late grandfather adopt it as race horses but now my Grandma take care of it for us" Her eyes sadden at the thought of her late grandfather.

They approached the cottage. As they were in front of the door, Yubin knocked the door.

"Hello! Grandma! This is Yubin!" Yubin voiced.

A set of footsteps approached the door from the inside. The door opened revealing a smiling old lady with a pair of spectacles on her nose. Her smile wider as she saw Yubin.

"Yubin!" Grandma spread her arm and embraced Yubin tightly. "Grandma! I miss you" Yubin patted her back. "I miss you too. You're here at last" her grandmother said.

Grandma broke the hug and saw Jihoon figure. He saw her eyes and quickly bowed.

"Yubin, is this your" Grandma didn’t finish her words. Yubin turned to look at Jihoon. "This is my fiancé" Yubin introduced.

"Hello. My name is Park Jihoon" Jihoon introduced. "Jihoon. What a beautiful name” “Thank you”

"Come in. I know you two are tired from walking here" Grandma directed them to go in. Yubin and Jihoon grabbed their bags and entered the cozy and tidy house. Photo frames of family pictures were hanging on the walls. An already TV was at the living room with a few sofas.

"You two rest here. I'll make you some drink" Grandma gave them a warm smile. "Let me help you" Yubin followed her to the kitchen. Jihoon was left alone at the living room. He glanced at the cooking show on the TV then to an antique clock. He ran his eyes to the pictures on the walls.

*Is that Yubin?* he narrowed his eyes to a picture of a little girl on a swing. *Looks like her* he leaned back on the sofa.

Jihoon shut his eyes and heaved a sigh. *I'm super tired. I wish I can sleep early tonight*

Yubin's laughter could be heard as she and Grandma entered the living room again. Jihoon opened his eyes.

"Looks like you're tired" Grandma said to Jihoon. "Just a little. I'm okay" he answered.

"Come, eat. I know you two are starving. Come here, Jihoon" Grandma tried to pronounce Jihoon's name with her hand busy setting the macaroni and cheese pies on the table. A wide smile formed on his lips.

Yubin passed a slice of macaroni and cheese pie to Jihoon. They exchanged eye contact before Jihoon took it. "Thank you" Jihoon thanked her. They felt a little awkward.

After took for Grandma and herself, Yubin sat at the sofa while enjoying the macaroni and cheese pie.

"Grandma, your mac and cheese pie is the best!" Yubin praised. "I miss eating these"

"That's why I made it. I know it had been a while since you eat my cooking" Grandma replied. "So how do you two come here?"

"We got here by train. Oh! I met Jibeom on the train. I asked him to pay a visit later. He said he wanted to go to the hospital for a while" "Yes. It had been a while since I visit her too. Maybe I'll visit her later" "Why don't we go together? I want to meet her too" "Sure. Anyway, how's your family?"

"Omma and appa said they'll visit if they have the time too. Moonbin said he misses you so much”

"Oh my grandson! I bet he’s playful as always" Yubin laughed at her grandmother's statement.

"You keep asking about me. How are you Grandma? Did everything fine here when we're absence?"

"I'm all healthy. Only my back and knees hurt. You know, a ripe old age like me" "But I know you're strong, Grandma" Yubin smiled. Grandma ran her eyes to Jihoon beside Yubin.

"So how about you Jihoon? How do you meet Yubin?" Grandma suddenly asked and Jihoon quickly lifted his head.

"We're" Jihoon looked at Yubin then to Grandma. "We're schoolmates since kindergarten. We just know that we're engaged by our family this early summer"

"Schoolmates? That's a long period you two had been together. Are you in same class as Yubin? I'm sure she talks a lot in class"

"Well, actually I'm a year older than her so I'm not in the same class as her. We often came across each other. So we're quite close actually" Jihoon smiled.

"Oh I see. I hope you two will be closer from now on" Grandma put her plates on the table after finish her macaroni and cheese pie. She turned to Yubin. "You two should have a rest for the evening. Since it almost 7"

"Sure Grandma" Yubin replied.



"We're going up, okay Grandma?" Yubin stood in front of the staircase with her bags in her grip. Jihoon was beside her. "Okay. Have a good rest. If you want anything, just give my room a knock. Yubin, you sure you two will be okay?" Grandma asked. Yubin nodded with a smile.

"Sure. We'll be fine. Good night, Grandma" Yubin bowed. "Good night, Grandma" Jihoon bowed too before followed Yubin upstairs.

*I hope those two will be okay* Grandma headed to the living room.

Jihoon and Yubin stepped on the wooden second floor. Yubin headed to a closed door. She turned the door knob open. A neat and clean wide room with two single beds beside the door and another opposite of it was before them. Yubin entered the room and put her bag on the bed beside the door.

"Wait! We'll be staying in the same room?!" Jihoon widen his eyes. "Yes. Grandma only have three rooms. Her room is at the end of the hallway, another is a store room full of things and another is this room. I always share this room with omma. Moonbin and appa will have to stay at the living room. Grandma’s room is full of things that she only have free space for her to sleep. So you want it or not, we have to stay in the same room. You can use that bed" she nodded to the bed across her bed. Jihoon stared at her in disbelief.

"Or you want to stay at the living room alone? Grandma said Grandpa always came to watch the TV late at night. I don't mind if you want to see my Grandpa" Yubin unpacked her things and ignored Jihoon. "Didn't you say your Grandpa is dead?" Jihoon asked back.

"Yes. So?" Jihoon gulped at her statement and went to the bed at the window. He sat on the bed and heaved a deep sigh. Yubin closed the door.

"I'll use the bathroom first" Yubin took her clothes and towel and opened the bathroom door. She glanced at Jihoon.

"Don't do or think anything stupid or I'll kill you" she narrowed her eyes at him and closed the bathroom behind her.

"Tsk. Like I want to" Jihoon threw himself onto the bed. The water splashes out from the shower could be heard. "But of course I'll think about that 'anything'" Jihoon smirked and drew his attention outside the window.

*How are mom and dad? I hope they're fine* he thought.




Yubin got out from the bathroom with new clean clothes while drying her wet hair with a small towel.

"Yah! Jihoon!" Yubin woke him up. Jihoon fell asleep while waiting for Yubin. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"You take forever in there" he complained and took his towel. "Shut up and just go to shower" Yubin ignored him and put her dirty clothes out from the room. Jihoon shook his head and entered the bathroom.

Yubin read the fiction novel she had been reading while leaning against the wall on her bed. Jihoon got out from the bathroom.

"That was refreshing" he smiled after a hot shower. Yubin looked at him and he was about to put on his t shirt over his topless body.

"What the-" Yubin held up the book to cover her eyes from seeing Jihoon. "You should have told me if you're changing!"

"Why do you even care? It's not that we're stranger. We'll get marry anyway" Jihoon shrugged and wore his t shirt. "I'm done"

Yubin put down her book and glared at him. "Let's not talk about our marriage. I can't accept it"

"Yubin, I think" Jihoon sat on his bed and faced Yubin with serious face. She looked at him. "I think we should talk about this matter over. It's about our marriage"

"What is there to be talk about? I don't want to" "Let's just talk honestly with each other. Do you hate me?" Yubin stared at him.

"It's not that I hate you. I'm just annoyed with you sometimes. You always pick a fight with me" "Well it's fun though" "So you're telling me that all these years you had been picking fight with me just for fun?!" "Part of it, yes. Don't be mad. I just like you" Jihoon cupped his mouth.

"No!" Jihoon cleared his throat. "I mean I like to annoy you"

"Because?" "I don't know. It's like a hobby to me. Anyway, I don't hate you nor annoy with you. And I think I don't want prank you anymore"

"Haha that's funny. Didn't you just prank me when I went out with Eunwoo the other day?"

Jihoon gulped. *How does she know?!*

"I know it's you, Jihoon. I know your entire prank. It's not that I just met you today. We had been prankster for years. So answer me" Yubin looked straight at him. "Why did you spy on me when I was out with Eunwoo?"

"So that you know, I'm not jealous with both of you. Moonbin just ask me to take care of you from afar. That's all"

"Moonbin?" she sighed. "That brother of mine is really something sometimes"

"He’s just care about you" "But he said he should stop being so concern about me" "Why?""Because I have you" Yubin eyes widened. Jihoon was surprised too. "No. I mean he think you can take care of me now. Moonbin thought you, as an elder person than me can help me"

"Oh. I got it" Jihoon avoided her eyes. There was awkward silent. "Well, I think I should sleep first. Good night, Yubin" Jihoon got into his blanket.

*Why did I bring this matter up?! Stupid Jihoon!* he shut his eyes.

Grandma walked across the wide open door of their room. She stopped in front of it.

"Jihoon is asleep already?"

Jihoon turned his body to look at Grandma. "I'm about to sleep. Is something wrong, Grandma?"


"May I borrow Yubin for a while?"

Yubin turned to Grandma. Grandma beckoned her to follow her. Yubin got up and followed Grandma to her room. The little room was located at the end of the hallway. Yubin slide the door close behind her.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Yubin sat in front of her grandmother.

"Are you okay with sharing the room with Jihoon? Or you can ask him to sleep at the living room" Grandma started. "No. It's okay. He'll feel uncomfortable if he sleeps downstairs. Besides, he can keep me company" "That's all I want to ask. We'll talk more tomorrow. For tonight, you should have some sleep" Grandma smiled. "Okay. I can't wait to see Zeus tomorrow. I hope he's fine while I’m gone" Yubin hugged her grandmother. "Aigo this grandchild of mine. Always concern about that horse. Okay we'll go see Zeus tomorrow. I'm sure he missed you" Grandma giggled.

"I miss Zeus too. Have a good night sleep, Grandma" Yubin stood and bowed. "You too, dear" Grandma smiled. Yubin walked to her room back. She closed and locked the door behind her.

*Jihoon is already asleep. Looks like he's really tired* Yubin glanced at Jihoon before turning on the night lamp and turned off the light. She slid herself into the warm bed. She heaved a deep heavy sigh.

*I'm so tired!* she thought but then smiled. *But starting tomorrow I'll have fun*

Yubin slowly fell into deep sleep. Jihoon suddenly opened his eyes in the darkness. He cleared his throat and turned to face Yubin who was facing the wall.

"Yubin" he called slowly. "Are you asleep already?" Yubin didn’t answer as she was asleep. *Now that you're asleep, I can sleep. I’ll let you sleep first* Jihoon smiled and closed his eyes.

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