Chapter 26

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

“Alright. Thank you very much” Grandma ended the call on the home phone. She turned to Yubin who just got down from the upper floor. “Mr. Jang is coming later. He wants to give me something. Can you look for Jihoon and tell him I need his help to carry things later?”

“Alright. I’ll tell him. But what Mr. Jung going to give?” “You know about his shop” “Oh, his music shop” “He’s closing it” “Close? Why?” “He said he’s too tired to handle it by himself. And none of his children are nearby to help him manage the shop. So he decided to just rest at home, just like his children advised” “But I really love his shop” “I know” Grandma sighed. “I know he feel the same too after years of handling the shop”


                A few hours later, a series of honk greeted the whole property owner. Grandma looked up from knitting at the balcony. Jihoon walked out the house. “There he is” she put the knitting aside and stood.

                An old rusty pick-up truck parked at the yard. Mr. Jang got out from the driver seat to be greeted with Grandma, Jihoon and Yubin.

“Haejun-ah” Grandma smiled at him. “How are you Ilhwa?” Mr. Jang replied to her. His eyes went to both Jihoon and Yubin. “You must be delighted to have your grandchildren here”

“Of course I am” Grandma replied. “Hello, Mr. Jang” Yubin bowed. “Hi, Yubin” Mr. Jang replied with a smile. His eyes went to Jihoon and Jihoon automatically bowed. “Hello”

“This is Jihoon. Park Jihoon” Grandma introduced Jihoon to Mr. Jang. “My future grandson-in law”

“Oh so he’s the person, Yubin?” Mr. Jang glanced to Yubin that she replied with a smile.

“It’s a good thing we have an extra hand here” Mr. Jang clasped his hands together. “I have many things to get down from the truck”

“I’ll help you” Jihoon followed Mr. Jang to the back of the truck.

                Jihoon and Yubin helped Mr. Jang to unload the things down from his truck. Both Jihoon and Yubin put a wooden table at the balcony.

“Yubin” Jihoon called. “Go inside, help Grandma. I can handle this”

“But-“ “Don’t worry” “You sure?” “Yup” he nodded while panting.

“Alright then” Yubin gave him one last look before entered the house.

*I shouldn’t let her do this heavy work for a long time. She might hurt herself* Jihoon walked to the truck again.




                Jihoon bent over to look at the antic microphones in one of the box. “This is a lot!”

                Mr. Jang lifted his head to him. “Ah, that. People don’t buy those junks anymore. So I thought of keeping some and let go of the others”

“But it such a pity. These looks so classic. Does it still work?” “Some of them. The others are only good for display” “Even after these years it still works?” his eyes widened. “Of course” Mr. Jang smiled. “I take care of my store so dearly that things can still works despite the long years”

“You sure love everything about your store” “It’s not just the store alone”

                Jihoon turned to Mr. Jang. “It’s music that keeps me alive” Mr. Jang told him. “I love them a lot that once I quit singing, I opened the music store”

“You sing?!” “Yup. But not really that famous”

“You’re trying to con the kid?”

                Mr. Jang and Jihoon turned to the voice. Grandma stood there. “He’s very famous, Jihoon. Almost the whole nation knows him”

“Woah, daebak! You’re amazing, Mr. Jang!” Jihoon exclaimed. “But most of the time I just write song. And sell my songs away” “You must have enjoyed your life” “Yup” Mr. Jang chuckled. “All these years I had been enjoying them and now I decided to just rest”

“Talk about rest” Grandma jerked her head to the balcony. Yubin had helped served some refreshment. “Come rest for a while”


Mr. Jang and Grandma enjoyed the refreshment. Yubin went to Jihoon who was still on the truck. “Jihoon” she called.

“Nae?” he glanced down to her as he was busy putting the boxes aside. “I want to get up there” “Wait” he approached her and held out his hand.

                Yubin grabbed his hand and got herself on the truck. He continued with his chores while Yubin walked around among the knick-knack. “Hey” her eyes caught a familiar sight. She put the boxes that blocked the wooden structure aside. She stepped back with a gasp.

“Why?” Jihoon approached her. The two stared at the wooden upright piano before them. “Woah” she exclaimed with her watery eyes. “This piano! I used to play it whenever I come visit Grandma”

“Mr. Jang!” Yubin called him so loud that made Grandma and Mr. Jang lifted their heads to her. Yubin decided to just ran to them.

“The piano-”

“Ah, the piano” Mr. Jang put the glass down. “I think of throwing it away”

“Throw?” she asked again.

“But Yubin loves the piano” Jihoon appeared behind her. She nodded eagerly at his statement. “Grandma, can you let me keep it here? It’s the first piano I ever played”

“Aigo” Grandma chuckled. “But Mr. Jang want to put it away”

“I can’t let that piano go. It’s so special to me” Yubin pouted.

                Grandma paused a tad to think. “Well I guess we have some space in the living room”

Yubin was about to jump in joyful when Grandma voiced “But only with Mr. Jang’s permission”

“Can I?” Yubin turned to Mr. Jang again and this time, she looked at him dearly, hoping to get his approval. Mr. Jang smiled before nodded. “Go on, take it”

“Yay!” Yubin jumped up and down that received laugh from Mr. Jang and Grandma. Jihoon watched her with a small smile. *She really loves piano a lot*


                The wooden upright piano was brought down onto the grass. Yubin and Jihoon stood again after put the piano down. Yubin’s eyes were sparkling as she touched the key on the piano. “It had been years. Wonder if it still sounds the same”

“Try it” Jihoon voiced. She turned to him. Jihoon jerked his head to the piano. “Try it if you want to know”

                Yubin turned to the piano. The next thing she remembered was sitting in front of the piano and her hands began to play a song. The song was melodious and loud, just how she remembered it was. Yubin smiled and lifted her head as she heard another melody being played. Jihoon turned to her with his fingers busy playing the keyboard besides her. They exchanged smiles before realised both had immersed into the song they played.



“Woah, I never knew you can play” she voiced as they finished play. “There’s a lot more you need to know about me, Yubin” Jihoon replied. She chuckled.

“Well, let’s bring this thing inside” she was about to stand but Jihoon pulled her to sit beside him again. “Just one picture” he was already holding his phone. Yubin rolled her eyes with a smile.

                Yubin put her hand on the key. Jihoon took the picture along with his hand near hers. He stared at the picture. “This come out nice” he smiled to himself. And Yubin watched him with a small smile.

*             *             *

            Yubin walked out from the house in the morning. She spread her arm and heaved a calm sigh.

“Ah! Morning! I love it!” she said with smile. “What are you babbling about early this morning?” Jihoon walked pass her with a pail of fresh carrots in his grip. “FYI I’m not babbling. Where are you going?” “Going to feed my love Lyra of course” Jihoon glanced at her while walking to the stable. “Wait for me!” she ran to him.

“Let’s go to the beach” Yubin helped him carry the pail. “Beach? At last!” Yubin giggled at his reaction.



“I want to sweep the yard” she voiced as they walked back to the cottage after fed the horses. “Okay then. I won’t help” he teased. “I’m not asking for your help okay?” she rolled her eyes. “Tsk” he ignored her and entered the house. “Grandma, where’s the rake?” Yubin asked Grandma who was knitting outside the house. “In the garage. Be careful, dear” Grandma glanced at her. “Okey dokey” she saluted and walked to the garage. Yubin slowly entered the garage alone. She coughed as the dusts disturbed her airways. *I better be careful* She stepped deeper into the garage. Her feet accidentally hit a chunk of planks that was tied together beside the wall. The planks fell and hit an upright rake nearby. The steel rake fell and she shouted between the noises of falling planks. Jihoon who was about to walk to the stable heard the commotion. He turned to Grandma and the two exchanged panic looks. “It’s Yubin” she told. Jihoon sprinted to the garage with his teeth gritted. *Don’t let anything happen to her. Please* he hoped and stopped in front of the garage. He saw Yubin and they exchanged gazes.

“You okay?” he stepped into the garage. His face expressed worries. She nodded although she was still shocked and surprised while looking at the pile of planks in front of her. The planks blocked her way from exiting the garage. “Come to me” he held out his hand. Yubin looked at his hand and slowly took his hand. She carefully stepped on the unstable pile of planks. “Careful” he whispered and she almost fall but she fell into his embrace. She looked up and met eyes with him. His hand was behind her. He furrowed his eyebrows as he felt her back was wet. “Yubin” he called and parted away from her. He looked at his hand that was red with blood in panic. “Turn around” he turned her around and looked behind her. “You’re bleeding!” he told. “What?!” she tried to touch her back and felt the blood.

“You okay?” Grandma came. “Yubin’s back is bleeding” Jihoon informed. “The rake must have hit my back” Yubin voiced. “Omo! What do we do?! Jihoon, bring her out” Grandma beckoned them to exit the garage.



“Let me look at it” Grandma pulled Yubin to enter their room. Yubin spread her hand to stop Jihoon from entering the room too. “You wait out here” she looked at Jihoon. His face was full of worries but then he nodded. Grandma and Yubin entered the room. Jihoon waited for them in the living room. *Is she okay? I hope she is. I’m such a jerk! Her family asked me to take care and protect her but what did I do?! I just put her into trouble. I’m such a fool*





“Jihoon” Jihoon heard a soft voice calling him. “Wake up” he felt his shoulder being shook. *What happen?* he thought and slowly opened his eyes. “Jihoon” Yubin called. “Wow!” he was surprised to see Yubin and leaned back. “Sorry for surprising you” she voiced and sat beside him. “You okay?” he asked and rubbed his face. She nodded with smile. “It just a small scratch”

“You’re good at lying, Yubin. The wound is big but thankfully it’s not deep” Grandma walked into the living room and stood in front of them. Hearing to Grandma, Jihoon looked at Yubin with wide panicked eyes. Yubin smiled sheepishly. “No big deal. The wound will heal itself. And like Grandma said, the wound isn’t deep so I should be fine” she replied. Jihoon heaved a sigh.

“I should have protected you, Yubin. I’m sorry” he said. “I’m fine. Grandma had already applied some iodine to the wound. Don’t blame yourself. It’s my luck that the rake fell onto me” “I’ll help if you need a hand after this”

                Later, after dinner, Yubin helped Grandma to wash the dishes.

“You two sure had been closer” Grandma voiced as she rinsed the washed plates. “Me and Jihoon?” Yubin questioned back. “Yes. Both of you must have had fun when I sent you to have fun last week” Yubin’s mind remembered about how close the two was in the alley. “Well, yes”

“Something must have had happen right?” Grandma guessed. “Nothing” Yubin smiled to assure her. “Okay then. I won’t ask much but I know you two had done something”

                Yubin entered the living room but there was no sight of Jihoon.

“Grandma, did you see Jihoon?” she asked Grandma who was watching the news on the TV. “No. Maybe he’s in the room” “I looked for him there but he isn’t there” “Maybe he’s outside” “Okay. Thank you, Grandma” she walked out the living room and through the hallway out the cottage.

“Jihoon” she called and closed the door behind her. Jihoon who was sitting on the wooden swing at the house veranda lifted his head to look at Yubin. She approached and stood in front of him. “Sit here” he patted the empty seat beside him. She sat.

“I want to ask about the other day at the town” she started. “Oh” he then silent. “I saw her” he continued. “Her?” “Yoo Hana” “Hana sunbae is here? But how?” “I don’t know why she’s here. And to be honest, I’m afraid of her present” *I don’t want her to disturb us* “Maybe she’s just visiting this place. It’s holiday right?” she replied. “Oh so that’s what we’re hiding from the other day”



“Jihoon, I’m sorry. I promised that we’ll go to the beach” Yubin voiced. “Nah. It’s okay. Besides, you’re injured. We can go there the other day” he replied.

                He looked at her. “Wait!” he suddenly stood making the swing moved. She quickly gripped the seat. He grinned. “Sorry. I’ll be right back” he entered the house and left Yubin alone. Minutes later, he came out to the swing with a first aid kit in his grip. She looked at the first aid kit and to him. They exchanged gazes.

“I-I can do it myself” she took the first aid kit. Her face started to become warmer. “Please. Let me help you” he took the first aid kit back. Her hand trailed to her buttoned shirt. He held her hand and put her hand away. Slowly, his hand ed three buttons on her shirt, revealing her white inner garment. She faced away in embarrassment. His face turned red but his hand kept on applying ointment to the wound before bandaged it again.

“Thanks. I’m going inside” Yubin stood, still avoiding his eyes. “Sure” he scratched the back of his neck while looking away. Yubin went upstairs. She closed the door behind her and leaned against the door. Her hand was on her chest.

*What happened? My heart is beating loudly and fast. Don’t tell me I start to fall for him* She took a deep breath and slowly she fell and sat on the floor. *I thought him as a best friend now. But can I fall for him? Fall in love with one of my best friend? I don’t think that’s going to happen*

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