Chapter 34

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

*That name again!* she rolled her eyes.

"I had to deliver a package to her house. That's all" "She did something to you right?" "How do you-" Jihoon followed her hand to his collar.

"Damn it! Yubin, this is a huge misunderstanding! I didn’t do anything with her!" he panicked and tried to take off the lipstick stain from his collar shirt. "I didn’t do anything to her! She suddenly pulled me!”

"Chill, Jihoon" Yubin held his shoulders. "I understand you. And I trust you. I know you'll never do anything to hurt my feelings. Right?"

Jihoon took her hands and gave it a light squeeze. "Thank you for believing me, Yubin" he smiled.

Mrs. Bae cleared as she saw the two of them from the front door frame. Jihoon and Yubin's eyes widened and they turned to Mrs. Bae.

"Omma" Yubin smiled sheepishly. "Hello, Aunty" Jihoon waved.

"I'm disturbing you two right? Sorry" Mrs. Bae chuckled. "Jihoon, come in for a while"

"No it's okay. I have some matter to settle" he replied and fixed his helmet. "Maybe next time. I'll take my leave then" Jihoon started the engine.

"Bye, Jihoon" Yubin and her mother waved to Jihoon and watched as he sped away.

*             *             *

                Storm could be heard from the dark evening sky. Yubin looked up as soon as she stepped out from the bus. Rain started to pour down slowly. *And I didn’t bring my umbrella again* she sighed. She jogged home with her hand covering her head.

                Yubin stopped as she arrived at a corner. *Maybe I should just use another shortcut. I can arrive home earlier at least* She turned around and used the other road she seldom used to head home.



Suddenly, her steps stopped and she froze. She was speechless and trembled at what was before her. The figure of two familiar people not far from where she was standing. She could felt acute pain in her. She almost cried but she swallowed the lump.

“Jihoon” she whispered the name.

                Not far from here, Jihoon and Hana was seen talking to each other but inaudible by Yubin. But from his expression, Yubin knew Hana was trying to get back to Jihoon. Hana took his hand but Jihoon quickly warded it off. He tried to walk away but Hana yanked him that made him turn to her. Hana quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips deeply. Jihoon pushed her roughly and stared at her in disbelieve.


Yubin who was watching the whole scene with her eyes was left speechless. Her lips quivered, both due to cold and shock from the scene. And disappointed in him. She cupped . And took a step back, ready to run. But her shoes made a screeching noise against the wet ground. Both Hana and Jihoon lifted their head to the direction of sound and spotted Yubin.

“Yubin” Jihoon whispered. *Don’t tell she-*

                Hana once again pulled him into another kiss. Jihoon pushed her. “Yah!”

                She smirked. Jihoon’s eyes went to Yubin once again. She was walking slowly backward. “No” she stuttered. “I didn’t see this. This is not real” she turned around and ran away.

“Yubin!” without a pause, Jihoon ran for her.

                Yubin’s steps fasten. “Yah, Bae Yubin!” she ignored his call. But suddenly someone pulled and spun her around. Yubin couldn’t lift her head.

“Yubin” Jihoon held onto her shoulder. “Forget what you just saw”

                She didn’t reply nor move.

“Yubin” he tried to search her eyes. Yubin slowly lifted her head. And he saw her tears. Jihoon pulled her into his embrace. “I’m so sorry, Yubin”

“Let me go!” Yubin hit him on his chest while crying. “Hana did that purposely to make you hate me! You know it too, Yubin!” “No. I shouldn’t have trust you, Jihoon! You two still love each other! And you want to me turn a blind eye on you two kissing in front of me! You think I didn’t saw you two back we were hanging out with Jibeom?!” “No, Yubin, listen”

“I don’t want to hear anything you say!” she stared into his eyes. It was full of hate. “I thought you’re the one for me and I keep telling myself that it’s okay to trust you, to love you. But now I know my mistake. Thank you, Jihoon. For proving I’m wrong” she pushed him away.

                Yubin gave him a glare before ran away from there, sobbing.







Jihoon entered his house and he was drenched to skin.

"You're home?" Mrs. Park got out from the kitchen. "Played with the rain again? Did you meet Yubin? Did you tell her about your study abroad?" she approached him as he was not answering.

"Mom" Jihoon called and turned to his mother. Mrs. Park eyes widened at the sight of her only child crying. "What happen, Jihoon?" she hugged his son tightly. He continued to sobs in his mother embrace. "Tell me what happen, Jihoon" she caressed him but he continued to sobs.

"Poor my son" Mrs. Park caressed her head. "Love sometimes hurt. I know that"

At the word 'love', he sobbed more. "I knew it. I know this is about Yubin. Go on. Let it all out" Mrs. Park continued to caress his head.

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