Chapter 19

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

The sunshine shone through the thin curtain of the room. The light pierced to Jihoon closed eyes. He let out a moan and slowly opened his eyes. He stared around and remembered that he was at Yubin's Grandma house. He looked at the blanket over his shoulder.

*That's weird. I thought I always push the blanket off the bed at night* he sat up and ran his sight to Yubin's bed. Her bed was already tidied and there was not a sight of Yubin can be seen.

*Where is she?* Jihoon thought and got off the bed. After got ready, Jihoon closed the room door behind him. The scent of cooked pancakes greeted him. A small smile formed on his lips.

*That smells nice!*

Jihoon stepped down the stairs and about to enter the dining area when he ran into Yubin. It was lucky that they didn’t bump each other. Yubin stared at him with a plate full of pancakes in her hands. Jihoon stared at her.

"Oh! Jihoon, you're up already" Grandma greeted him with smile. She was carrying a tray of tea. "What are you two doing? Let's have breakfast" she nodded to the dining table.

While they were eating, Grandma started a conversation.

"So what are going to do today?"

"I want to play with the horse" Yubin replied.

"Jihoon, you can join her" Grandma looked at Jihoon and nodded to Yubin.

"Join her?" Jihoon looked at Grandma. "Alright then. Besides, I don’t have anything to do"

After helping Yubin with the dishes, Jihoon sat in front of the TV. Grandma came and sat near him. They exchanged smiles.

"Do you have a good night sleep?" she dearly asked. "Yes" he replied. "Grandma, I" he unable to finish his sentence when

"Grandma!" Yubin shouted from outside of the house. "What is it, Yubin?" Grandma stood and went to the veranda where Yubin was.

*What is it?* Jihoon joined them at the veranda.

"Are these for Zeus?" Yubin pointed to a pail of carrots as she asked Grandma. The old lady nodded.

"You two better feed Zeus now. It's his breakfast time"

"Oh okay. Come, Jihoon" Yubin beckoned him to follow. She pretended to be close with Jihoon. Jihoon followed behind her with another pail of carrots to the stable.

"Those two. I hope they love each other deeply some day" Grandma voiced as she watched them from the veranda. A small smile formed on her lips.

At the sound of footsteps, the horses lifted their heads.

"Zeus!" Yubin shrieked at the sight of her beloved horse. Zeus’s neigh indicating that it was happy. Yubin caressed the brown horse on its head.

"I miss you so much, Zeus" she voiced. Other horse neighed as it saw the carrots in the pail that Jihoon was carrying.

"Wow!" Jihoon exclaimed as the black fur horse brushed its head on Jihoon shoulder. Yubin saw him and laughed.

"Don't worry, Jihoon. Lyra won't bite" Yubin stated. "Lyra?" he looked at the black horse. "Try pet it. She'll love it" Yubin suggested.

As Yubin told, Jihoon held out his hand and caressed Lyra, the black horse on its head. Lyra neighed in happiness.

"Aren't you the cutest one" Jihoon smiled. He took a carrot and fed it. Lyra ate it. A smile formed on Yubin's lips as she watched Jihoon fed Lyra with smile.

"Here, Zeus" Yubin began to feed Zeus.



"Hey, Yubin. Are these horses only eating these carrots?" Jihoon asked out of curiosity.

"No. I'll put the hays into their stables after this" Yubin voiced. "I'll help you then" Jihoon voiced. "You sure?" "Sure" "Because I'm afraid if you're scared of horses" "Pfft. I'm scared of horses? Of course not. Hey, you know what? I think I like Lyra" "Lyra is a girl" "Really? So Zeus is a male?" "Yes" she put the empty pail onto the ground.

"You said you want to give me a hand right? Come this way" Yubin nodded to the side of the stable. Jihoon ran to her.

"There are many empty stables here" he voiced. "Last year, Grandma had sold the horses to a horse racing company" Yubin started. "But Zeus and Lyra? Why are they still here?" "I love Zeus and Moonbin loves Lyra. So Grandma decided to keep Zeus and Lyra. Plus, Zeus is the son to my omma favourite horse. The horse was dead last two years. So I thought I want to take care of Zeus. I pity him. Here" Yubin held a pair of thick gloves to Jihoon. "Wear it. You're going to pick up the hay. The hay may pierce your skin"

"Okay" Jihoon wore it and Yubin wore another pair. Jihoon looked at her and laughed. "Why are you laughing at me?" she asked. "Because you look like a farm girl with that glove and the bib overall you're wearing" "Yah! Be careful with that mouth of yours" she poked him on his waist that made him jolted a tad. He stuck out his tongue to jeer her. "Let's go" she ignored him and walked to the piles of hay.

*Well, you look rather adorable than an ordinary farm girl* Jihoon thought and grabbed the hay near Yubin.

After moved all the hay into the stable, Jihoon and Yubin pet the horses.

"Hey, Yubin" Jihoon took her attention. "What?" Yubin replied. "You know what, I think I like Lyra" "Yah, it's like 10 times already you've told me that. I'm not deaf nor have Alzheimer for your information" "I know. I just like her that I keep on talking about it" Jihoon smiled.

"Come try pet Zeus here" Yubin called. "Zeus? Okay" Jihoon got out from Lyra's stable and entered Zeus's.

"Wait!" Yubin stopped Jihoon from touching Zeus. She stood beside Jihoon. "Zeus is quite shy and easily scared. So touch him slowly"

"Zeus, this is Jihoon. He'll not hurt you so don’t be scared of this kid" Yubin caressed Zeus. "Yah, who are you calling kid?" Jihoon questioned. Yubin smirked and stuck out her tongue.

Jihoon held out his hand and slowly decreased the gap between his hand and Zeus's head.

"No no. Don’t touch him" Yubin pulled Jihoon hand away. "I'm afraid you'll scare him"

"What the? I just want to pet him" Jihoon protested. "You can't. What if he got scared?" "Trust me. I'll not scare him. Please, I want to pet him"

Yubin thought for a while and said. "Okay. But slowly"

"Yes!" Jihoon slowly held out his hand to touch Zeus.

"I still not trust you" Yubin took Jihoon's hand and directed his hand to pet Zeus on its head. Jihoon's hand followed where Yubin's hand directed. He was still surprised with her action of holding his hand. Jihoon didn’t look at Zeus but he was staring at Yubin while she was still staring at Zeus with smiles. They continued to pet him full of love.

"Zeus. What a good horse are you" Jihoon praised with smile. "I think he's okay with you now" Yubin let go of Jihoon's hand. Jihoon continued to caressed its head. Yubin stared at Zeus and Jihoon with smile.

*Wait! Why did I smile?! I'm acting weirder with this guy around* Yubin thought.



"I want to let Zeus and Lyra out to the field. So I want you to help me clean their stables" "Clean? Aren't tired after the works?" "Works? We only did half of the work" "What?" he whined.

Yubin ignored him and opened the stable doors.

"Let's get some fresh air, Lyra" Yubin entered Lyra's stable and pet it before pull the collar rope to direct it out of the stable. She sent it to the open field to feed on grass.

"Zeus" Yubin entered Zeus's stable and pet it. She did the same to Zeus and sent it to the open field.

"Jihoon, catch" Yubin entered the stable with two brooms and threw one of it to Jihoon. Jihoon caught it. "Start your work now" she ordered.

"You think I'm your worker right? You could have said 'please' or something" Jihoon complained but his hand started to sweep the old hay. "Okay sorry. Help me with the cleaning, please" Yubin voiced.

"Sure. That sounds better" a wide smile formed on Jihoon face.

The two started to sweep the stable. After Yubin had cleaned the basin that was used to put Lyra's drink, she filled it up with new clean water.

"That's all" Jihoon heaved a sigh and leaned the broom against the wall of Zeus's stable. Yubin pulled the water hose into Zeus's stable to fill the basin with water.

"You're done already? Thank you" she glanced at Jihoon and fill the basin up. After that, she pulled the water hose out of the stable. She tried hard to pull the long water hose all by herself. Jihoon who was watching from afar shook his head with a smirk.

"Let me do it" Jihoon took the water hose from her hand. "You can't even manage this little thing" he jeered.

"I can if you didn’t disturb me" Yubin held the water hose too. Together, they pulled the water hose out from the stable.

"I'm so tired. I should take another bath" Yubin stood straight. Jihoon stared at her. He held out his hand to her head. "Yubin, your hair" he curled her messy hair behind her ear. Their eyes met for a moment. Yubin was speechless and she could felt her cheeks started to burn.

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