Chapter 3

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

Yubin turned into another corner and stopped in front of a property. It was her house.

“I’m home” she took off her shoes and entered the living room of the house that stretched out to the kitchen and dining table. The lady who was setting up the dining table lifted her chin to her. “You’re home” she smiled.

“Omma” Yubin called. “You already start preparing dinner?”

“Yes” Mrs. Bae replied. “I’ll help you. But let me clean myself up first” “Alright”

Yubin climbed the staircase to the second floor of the room. Her room was at the end of the hallway. She entered her room and threw her bag onto her bed, that fell off the bed later. Minutes later, water from shower could be heard. Yubin came out from her room, all cleaned. She went to the kitchen to give her mother a hand.

“How’s school?” Mrs. Bae asked. “Just like always. Nothing unusual” Yubin replied. Her mind went to the letters she had received. *Nah I shouldn’t tell omma about it*

“What’s for dinner?”

Both Mrs. Bae and Yubin looked up to the voice. “I thought you’re still out, Moonbin” Yubin voiced. Moonbin sat on the kitchen counter and watched Yubin who was cutting the vegetable. “I got home quite early. But since I have lots of homework, I had been in my room ever since” Moonbin massaged his neck and pouted. “I can’t play any game today, I guess”

“You and your game. I ought to just throw those games away” Mrs. Bae jeered. “Omma” Moonbin whined. “I promise I’ll do well at school. So don’t throw my games away”

“Nae nae” Mrs. Bae chuckled. “Come help me set the table up”

The front door was opened. They looked to the direction.

“You’re home” Mrs. Bae smiled to the person who stood in front of the kitchen. “I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?” Mr. Bae asked. “Aigo” Mrs. Bae helped to take her husband’s bag. “Let’s eat then. We just finished cooking”

“Alright then” Mr. Bae joined them at the dining table.

Moonbin sat across his mother and Yubin sat across Mr. Bae.

“How’s school?” Mr. Bae glanced at both Yubin and Moonbin. “Great” Moonbin replied. “Good” Yubin replied. “But I might need to buy something for the class tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be home later than usual. I’ll stop by some supply shop with my pals” Moonbin continued. “Can you buy some test pad for me?” she asked. “I ran out of them”

“Sure. Only if you give me the money to buy it” “Come on. Can’t you treat me?” she showed him her puppy eyes that Moonbin replied with rolling his eyes. Mr. Bae chuckled at their interaction. “I’ll give the money later don’t worry. Buy everything that you need”

“Alright. Thank you, appa”

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