Chapter 21

Second Confession from Man In Love to Miss Right

"No" Jihoon eyebrow furrowed. He moaned in his sleep. "Let me go" he turned the other side. At the hustle, Yubin’s snapped to Jihoon.

"Help me" Jihoon moaned again. "Please" he was sweating and panting. "No!" his eyes were squinted in pain and his hands clenched into a fist.

"Jihoon" Yubin got up and went to him. She was on his knees beside him. "Yah" she called but Jihoon continued to moan in his sleep.

*Nightmare?* she thought. "I'm sorry" he continued to moan. "Jihoon" she held his shoulder.

"Calm down" she called and shook his shoulder. Slowly, Jihoon started to calm down. His breath slower and his face calmer. Yubin stared at his calm face.

*Jihoon* she thought. Slowly, she ran her finger to his front bangs. *Why? You're starting to make me act weirdly around you lately*


"I wonder what those two are doing." Grandma walked up the hill with a basket of food in her arm. Her steps stopped at the sight of Jihoon and Yubin being so close. She smirked.

*I always disturb them at the wrong time. Wait! It's great that I bring this along* Grandma took out Jihoon's phone from her pocket. Her eyebrows flinched at how the phone works. *Technology like this burdens me* She eventually unlocked the phone and managed to find the camera icon. Grandma took the picture of the two not far from the tree. She quickly kept back the phone in her pocket.

*Jihoon will be surprised when he sees that photo later* Grandma smirked and walked to Yubin. At the sound of hustling, Yubin pulled back her hand. She turned to the direction of the sound.

"Grandma" she quickly stood and went to her. She held her arm and led her up the hill. "Thank you, Yubin" Grandma smiled and sat under the tree. "I just thought maybe we should have a picnic here since the weather is great"

"Picnic?" Yubin looked at the basket in front of them. "Yes. Take out the matt and food. Let's have lunch” Grandma pointed to the basket. "Sure"

After setting up the picnic place with Grandma's help,

"Yubin, wake Jihoon up" Grandma instructed. Yubin nodded to her Grandma and walked to Jihoon. She knelt beside him.

"Jihoon, wake up" she shook his shoulder. Slowly, Jihoon opened his eyes and he yawned. "Let's eat" she called and walked to the picnic blanket. "Eat?" Jihoon sat up. He was still sleepy. "What time is it?"

"It's lunch time, Jihoon. Come here and eat" Grandma beckoned him to come nearer. "Oh Grandma" he quickly stood and went to her.

"Let's eat" Grandma voiced and they enjoyed their outdoor lunch.

"Grandma, Jihoon suggests to build a swing here" Yubin pointed to a branch they were talking about earlier. Grandma stared at the branch. "Good idea. Since the branch is strong, we can build the swing. I got some planks in the garage" "Really? That's great! We can build it" Yubin glanced at Jihoon. Jihoon looked at her and Grandma after one another before answer. "Oh. Yes"






"Here" Grandma opened the old garage door. The three of them were standing in front of the garage after enjoyed their lunch. Grandma entered the garage and the two followed. "I have rope and some planks here" Grandma pointed to the direction of the things. "Just be careful, okay? This garage is loaded with your Grandpa Knick knacks. You never know if you step on something dangerous. Let me get out first then you two can walk in her" Grandma walked beside the things in the garage. Yubin and Jihoon got inside the narrow space of the garage.

"I'll grab the ladder first. The rope is too high up the shelf" Yubin walked to the ladder that was leaned against a shelf. Jihoon went to help her but before he could even touch the ladder, Yubin already took and she turned to face Jihoon. The shelf shook after she took the ladder.

"Watch out!" Jihoon shouted as a glass bottle from top tip of the shelf fell. Yubin was shocked with his voice. She lost grip on the ladder and the ladder fell aside.

Jihoon held out his hand beside her face and caught the bottle as it fell. Both of them froze as the two were really close. Their faces were an inch apart. Yubin's face started to turn red. Jihoon cleared his throat and looked away. He took a step back.

"Thank you" she whispered. "Sure. I'll get the rope first" Jihoon put the bottle aside and climbed the ladder to take the rope up on the shelf. Yubin took some plank and walked out from the garage.

"Here it is. Let's go" Jihoon came out from the garage with rope and ladder. Yubin noticed a small bleeding wound on his right hand.

*What's that?* Yubin took his hand examined the wound. "What's this?"

Jihoon pulled his hand back. "Nothing" he shook his hand. "Just a little scratch"

"No. It's bleeding, you know" she pulled his hand back. "It's nothing. I just got scratch by a nail on the shelf. I didn't notice the nail there" Jihoon explained.

"You okay, Jihoon? Go wash that fast. Yubin, help him" Grandma ordered. "Just put the things here. Yubin, take him to the well"

"Oh okay" Yubin leaned the plank against the wall. She took the rope and ladder from Jihoon's hand and put them beside the plank.

"Come here" Yubin pulled him to follow her to a well beside the cottage. 

"Give me your hand" Yubin said after she took the water from the deep well. "You know what? Let me do it myself" Jihoon replied. "Just shut up and give me your hand" Yubin ignored Jihoon and took his wounded hand. She started to wash the wound.

"That hurts" Jihoon bit his bottom lips. "Bear with it" "It's easy for you to say that"

"Okay fine. Next time, you don’t do any dangerous things" Yubin slowly poured the water onto the wound. "No. It's okay. I can do those things. As long as you're not hurt"

Yubin eyes widened a tad at his words but she kept her gaze at his hand, trying to control her embarrassed face. How she was touched by his words. Moments later,

"That's enough. It'll be okay by now" Jihoon pulled his hand. "Ah okay" Yubin nodded and put the pail away.

Jihoon, Yubin and Grandma climbed up the small hill again. Jihoon leaned the ladder against the tree trunk.



"So the swing will go here" he pointed to the branch. Yubin nodded while looking at the branch. "But make sure to tie the rope tightly. Yubin is getting fatter lately" Grandma jeered. "Grandma" Yubin pouted and Jihoon smirked.

"Yup I agree with Grandma" Jihoon added. "You" Yubin quickly narrowed her eyes at Jihoon. Jihoon stuck out his tongue and took the ladder. Suddenly,

"Owh! My head" Grandma complained. "What's wrong, Grandma?" Yubin held to her shoulder. "My head ache. Maybe I stay too long in the sun" Grandma continued to pinch her head. 

"You okay, Grandma?" Jihoon got off from the ladder. "I'm fine. Maybe I just need some rest" Grandma answered. "I should let you rest inside. Come on" Yubin said to Grandma. "Before that" Grandma inserted her hand into her pocket and took out Jihoon's phone. "Jihoon, here. Your phone had been ringing and I forgot to give you"

Jihoon took it. "Okay. Thank you" He kept the phone. "I'll send Grandma inside first, okay?" Yubin asked Jihoon and he nodded. Yubin lead Grandma into the house.

Grandma sat on the sofa in the living room after she and Yubin entered the house. Grandma heaved a sigh and while pinching her dizzy head.

"You okay, Grandma? Let me help you" Yubin started to massage her head.

"That's enough, dear. Go to Jihoon. I can manage myself her" Grandma voiced. "But Grandma" "Just stays beside him" Grandma held her hand and gave her a small smile. Yubin stared at her face and let out a sigh.

"Alright then" she stood. "But if you want anything"

"Call you. Yes, I know Yubin. I'll get you if I have any trouble" Grandma assured. Yubin smiled. "I'll be with Jihoon okay?" "Okay, dear"

Yubin exited the house and approached Jihoon.

"Is Grandma alright?" he asked. "She is fine" she answered. "She said if she need anything, she'll get me"




"There" Jihoon got off the ladder after tied the other end of the rope onto the branch. He stepped away from the tree to stand beside Yubin. Both of them looked at the swing with smile.

"Good job" Yubin made a thumb up. "Of course. Look who made it" Jihoon was proud of himself. "Tsk. I regret praising your work" she stuck out her tongue.

"Anyway, can I check the rope if you tie it tightly?" she asked. "I tie it tightly already. You don’t have to check it" "But I just want to make sure" Jihoon sighed at her words. "Okay then"

Yubin climbed the ladder to check the rope with Jihoon standing near the ladder.

"I hate to admit this but you did a great job" she said. "Yes! At last!" he exclaimed. Yubin blew her bang in annoyance. "I'm going down now" she took a step down the ladder. Suddenly, the ladder shook and Yubin lost balanced. Her eyes widened in panic. Jihoon eyes widened at the sight of Yubin almost toppled down from the ladder.

Jihoon quickly caught her bridal style before her body could hit the ground. She shut her eyes when she fell. Yubin could feel she was in someone embrace. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw Jihoon's face in front of her. His eyes were shut closely and he bit his bottom lips in pain.

"Jihoon" she called. "Damn" Jihoon voiced with furrowed eyebrows and both of them fell onto the ground. "Yah! Get up!" Yubin tried to push Jihoon who was on top of her. He groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" Yubin managed to get away from Jihoon. Jihoon held onto his bleeding leg. "Yah!" Yubin was shock and held onto his bleeding leg.

"The ladder hit my leg" his eyebrows were still pinched together expressing pain. "What to do?!" Yubin began to panic. "I have to get you to the hospital now"

"No. I'm fine. Just don't be too panic. Your voice makes the situation worst" "Fine?! You kidding me right?!" Jihoon ignored Yubin.

"Let's just get you inside first" Yubin took Jihoon's arm and slung it on her neck. She helped him to stand. Jihoon groaned in pain. They stared to walk toward the house.

"How can these happen?" she asked. "The ladder hit my leg. Maybe there is some nail or something, I don’t know. But it hurts a lot" "I should bring you to the hospital or clinic" "Nah, you don’t have to. I know the clinic is far from here" "I can take you there with Zeus" "What?! You think this is a fairy tale?" "Well, what can you do if it's an emergency?" Yubin opened the front door. Both of them entered the house.

At the sight of Jihoon's bleeding leg, Grandma was panic.

"Jihoon! What happen?!"

"The ladder fell onto his leg" Yubin explained. "Let's bring you to the clinic now!" "No. It's okay" Jihoon protested. "I'll be fine" he winched.

"If you don’t want to go to the clinic, I’ll stich that wound for you" Grandma stated and made Yubin and Jihoon eyes widened at the old woman. "Stich?! Are you for real, Grandma?!" Yubin was shocked. Jihoon gulped.



Grandma entered Yubin's room with a shiny grey trey in her hand. A clean towel and a bowl of warm water were placed on the tray. Jihoon was lying on his bed with Yubin was on her knees beside the bed.

"Ready for operation" Grandma put the tray on a chair beside the bed. "It had been a while since I said that"

Yubin giggled. "I know that, Grandma"

"Don’t worry, Jihoon. I was a doctor" Grandma began her work. She took a clean needle.

"I don’t want to look" Jihoon shut his eyes. "Shut your eyes then. Yubin, you should keep him calm" Grandma looked at Yubin. She nodded in reply but Jihoon narrowed his eyes at her. Suddenly,

"Ah! Grandma, you didn’t use any anaesthesia?" Jihoon felt pain as the needle pierced his skin. "This is a house, Jihoon. Not a clinic" Grandma chuckled.

Jihoon bit his lips to endure the pain. He shut his eyes.  He groaned in pain as the operation proceed. Jihoon was panting heavily and his eyebrows pinched together. To his surprise, a soft warm hand held his cold shivering hand. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Yubin hand was entwined with his.

"Your hand is cold, Jihoon" Yubin whispered. "Calm down" she blew warm air to his hand.

*She-* Jihoon shut his eyes back as the needle pierced his skin.

"Hang in there, Jihoon. Just a little bit more" Grandma said. Jihoon held Yubin's hand stronger.

*I pity him. Calm down, Jihoon* Yubin bit her lips.



"Done!" Grandma put the needle aside. She picked up a rolled bandage on the tray. She began to bandage his leg. "Don’t open this, got it?"

"Yes, doctor" Jihoon replied with a grin. "Doctor? Whatever you want to call me, dear" Grandma shook her head with smile and exited the room with the tray.

"Jihoon" Yubin called and he faced her. He followed her gaze down to their entwined hands. "Sorry" he quickly pulled his hand. Yubin’s face turned red. At the sight of that, a wide smirk formed on Jihoon's lips.

"Yah, Yubin. Why are you blushing?" he teased. "No I'm not" Yubin avoided his gaze. "Yes you are. You like to hold my hand right?" "No! It's just that" she paused. "You're in pain just now and I pity you, that's all. I'm helping Grandma for a while" She dashed out from the room.

*I know one day you'll fall for me, Yubin* Jihoon smirked.

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