The Storm

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


Jacob has been afraid of thunderstorms for as long as he can remember, and that fear only intensifies at night. So when loud booms of thunder wake him up in the middle of the night, he goes to Sangyeon because he does not want to be alone. Jacob climbs down his bed to Sangyeon's bed and taps him on the shoulder. 

After a few taps, Sangyeon wakes up.

"Jacob, what's wrong?" 

Before Jacob can even answer, Sangyeon hears thunder and sees Jacob shutter. Jacob has come to him for comfort before, so Sangyeon is used to his behavior and gladly lets Jacob snuggle up next to him in bed. Jacob wraps his arms around Sangyeon and buries his head in his chest. 

"I know how much the noise scares you. Here, listen to some music." 

Sangyeon reaches over and grabs earbuds, putting them in Jacob's ears before plugging them into a mp3 player and turning on some music to try and distract him from the loud noise outside. 


Jacob simply nods in response and goes back to holding onto Sangyeon tightly. Sangyeon can't help but smile at how cute Jacob is, it just makes him want to protect him even more. Sangyeon places a kiss on Jacob's forehead and then wraps his arms around Jacob, rubbing his back to calm him down. Eventually, Jacob easily falls asleep in Sangyeon's arms. 

The next morning, Sangyeon is woken up by the sound of Haknyeon knocking on their door. 

"Sangyeon hyung! Jacob hyung! Wake up, I'm hungry!" Haknyeon whines. 

Sangyeon opens his eyes and sees that Jacob is still cuddled up to him, so he takes out the earbuds and whispers in his ear. 

"Jacob, wake up." He says, petting his hair. 

Jacob looks up at him and smiles.

"It's morning already?"

"Yeah. Did you sleep well?" 

"I did. Thank you, hyung." 

"No problem. Now, how about we wake up and you help me make breakfast? You can have cereal."

"Cereal? You don't have to ask me twice, let's go." Jacob replies, pulling Sangyeon out of bed and leading him to the kitchen. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!