
Sang Sang & Jake Jake


Sangyeon and Jacob are in the living room with the maknaes one night, since Sangyeon allowed them to stay up a little late. The four of them are sitting on the floor in front of the television while Sangyeon and Jacob sit on the couch. Sangyeon is awake, but Jacob is asleep with his head on Sangyeon's chest. Once the cartoon goes on commercial, the maknaes start going crazy. 

"Oh my gosh, it's Mario Kart!" 

"It looks like so much fun!"

"I know, I wish we had it."

"You guys want that game?" Sangyeon questions.

"Well, yeah. It looks like it is so much fun and we like playing games together. It is so hard to find the game over here though, so we were just going to wait until next year to get it." Haknyeon explains. 

"I'll get it for you guys right now. You guys have been so good lately, you deserve a reward."

They all thank Sangyeon for the offer and accept it. 

"You're welcome. Now, time for bed kiddos." 

They tell each other good night before heading off to their rooms. 

"Jakey, wake up." Sangyeon whispers to Jacob. 

"What? Is it time to go to bed already?"

"Yes. I'm surprised that the maknaes didn't wake you up."

"Oh, I think I dreamed that. What was that about?" Jacob responds.

"I'm going to get them Mario Kart, they seemed so happy when I told them I would."

"Isn't that game hard to find over here now? I can just get it for them when I go to Canada if they want it so badly."

"I know, but I should at least try to get it for them, they deserve it. Come on, let's go to bed now." Sangyeon says, getting up.

Jacob just continues to lay there.

"Jake Jake, come on."

"Carry me." Jacob says, with his arms out. 

Sangyeon smiles and picks Jacob up.

"You're my lazy angel, aren't you?" Sangyeon says, carrying him to their room. 

The next day, Sangyeon goes to the store to look for the game, but there aren't any. Luckily, as he is leaving the building a man in an alley helps him out. 

"Hey buddy."

Sangyeon turns around to see a man who looks to be in his thirties. He has on a trenchcoat and sunglasses. 

"Ummm, can I help you?"

"No, but I can help you. Do you want to buy your kids a copy of Mario Kart?" 

"They are technically not my kids, but they are pretty close, and I do want to get them that game." 

"I got a great deal, ten dollars less than what the stores sell it for."

Sangyeon thinks about it. This man seems normal and the case does have the title.

"Okay." He responds, handing the man thirty dollars.

"Pleasure doing business with you." The man says, handing him the case. 

When Sangyeon returns home, he tells the maknaes he got the game for them. They thank him and run excitedly to the game console. 

"What's all the excitement about?" Jacob asks, as he enters the room.

"I got them the game."

"You really found it? How?"

"A man in an alley sold it to me, and for ten dollars less than the store was selling." 

"A guy on the street?"

To Jacob this sounds shady. His gut feeling is confirmed when they put the game in. 

"M & M's Kart Racing?" They read aloud, as they see the start screen.

"It is probably just a typo, press continue." Sangyeon tells them.

Sure enough, the game is actually M & M's Kart Racing and not Mario Kart. 

"Oh my gosh, that man in the alley tricked me!" Sangyeon realizes. 

"It's okay hyung, we still love the game." Hwall says. 

'I'm so sorry guys, I really thought it was the game." Sangyeon states, before going off to his room. 

He lays in bed, thinking. How could he have been tricked like that? Than man seemed nice enough. Well, at least now he knows that the world can be a cruel place and that he should not trust people in alleyways. 

That night, Sangyeon has a nightmare that the man takes something more important to him than money, which is the members. The man kidnaps them in a van, and Sangyeon wakes up before he can see what happens next. 

"Sang Sang, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Jacob asks, as he wakes up. 

Sangyeon just nods. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I had a dream that the guy who scammed me kidnapped you guys."

"Honey, are you still hung up on that game?"

"I guess so." 

"You are overthinking this whole thing. The babies loved the game and love the effort you put in for them even more."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. It looked like they were having fun when they were playing it earlier. They are grateful to have such a nice leader like you that would get them any game they want. It doesn't matter if it is the exact same game, you got them a racing game, so they are not upset with you." 

Sangyeon sees that Jacob is right, so he agrees with him and thanks him for calming him down.

"They didn't even seem upset about the game either. I bet they'll get good use out of it." 

The maknaes really do love the game, and so do the other members. They play it after school  and encourage others to play with them.

"Okay boys, time for dinner." Sangyeon announces, when he enters the living room. 

"Can't we play one more game?" Eric responds. 

"Fine, but only one more game." Sangyeon tells them, with emphasis on the word one. 

"Thank you hyung." Sunwoo smiles. 

"I get to be blue this time."

"I call red."

Sangyeon smiles as he walks back to the kitchen.

"Where is everyone?" Jacob asks Sangyeon, as he finishes setting up the table. 

"Playing that game. They really do love it."

"Well, that means we can have some alone time before they come." Jacob says, holding Sangyeon's hand and leading him to the table. 


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Chapter 23: ...
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Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
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Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!