Jake Jake

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


"Maybe I should have just told him the truth." Sangyeon thinks as he lays in bed. 

"No, what if he says no? If he did feel the same way, he would have brought it up when he asked if I had a crush on him." Sangyeon argues. 

Sangyeon agrees with his second thought and soon falls asleep. 

"Sangyeon hyung! Wake up!" 

Sangyeon wakes up to see Jacob looking down at him with his angelic smile. 

"Get up, it's time to get ready." 

Sangyeon gets out of bed and they eat breakfast together in the kitchen. 

"Where are the others?"

"They left a little early to run a few errands. They will be back before we have to leave though." Jacob explains. 

"So I am alone with the most dazzling man in the world? Now is the time to make my move." Sangyeon thinks.

"Jacob." Sangyeon calls out. 


"I want to admit that I didn't really mean what I said last night. I just didn't want to say anything because you probably feel differently." 

Jacob looks at Sangyeon for a moment before he smiles.

"Sangyeon hyung, I have a crush on you too."


"Yes, I do." 

"Then, will you be my boyfriend?" 

"Oh my gosh, yes. Of course I will be your boyfriend." 

Jacob wraps his arms around Sangyeon and kisses him. 

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" 

No! It's the alarm clock, it was just a dream. Sangyeon wakes up and shuts the alarm clock off. Time to wake the rest of The Boyz up. Sangyeon climbs up to the top bunk to wake Jacob up. He looks at him sleeping so peacefully. His dark brown hair is tossed in different directions. 

"It's just not fair, I want him so badly, but he doesn't want me. I need to find a way to get over him." Sangyeon thinks. 

Suddenly, the perfect idea pops into Sangyeon's mind. 

"I know, I'll pretend to hate him. The longer I pretend, then I will eventually believe that I really do hate Jacob and I will stop wanting him so much." 

Sangyeon smiles at his perfect plan, now he can get closer to getting over Jacob. 

"Hey Jacob, wake up."

Jacob opens his eyes and smiles at Sangyeon. 


It is hard for Sangyeon to not reach out and fix Jacob's hair, but he manages to just give Jacob a straight face and tell him to go wake up the others. 

"All of them? But we always do half and half."

"Well, now I want you to wake them all up, do not make me repeat myself." Sangyeon says, before he exits the room. 

At practice, Sangyeon continuously picks on Jacob. During vocal training, Sangyeon makes Jacob go over his lines again and again, until he gets it to be exactly what Sangyeon believes is perfect. They later move onto dancing, where Sangyeon criticizes Jacob and points out even his smallest mistakes. When he finally does get a break, it isn't for long. 

"You know, Sangyeon has been pretty tough on you today." Kevin states. 

"It's my own fault, I've been messing up a lot today. He is just trying to help." 

"It seems like he is mad at you though. Did you two have a fight or something?" Kevin asks. 


"Jacob, come here!" Sangyeon yells from across the room. 

Jacob goes over and asks Sangyeon what is wrong. 

"Go get me some more water, and I want it from the convenience store." Sangyeon orders. 

"All the way from the convenience store?" 

"Yes. Now get your to the store and get some water." 

"Yes, hyung."

Jacob walks all the way to the convenience store by himself, which is a good distance from their company. 

When Jacob finally returns, The Boyz are already back to practicing. 

"You are late." Sangyeon scolds. 

"And this water is warm." Sangyeon say, taking a sip. 

He makes Jacob do thirty push ups as punishment before they get back to practice. 

At home, Jacob plops onto the couch. He is sore from the walk to and from the store and due to dancing so much today. He just wants to lay here and relax. 


Well, so much for rest. 

"Yes, Sangyeon hyung?" 

"What are you doing laying around? Get to work and clean up this house!" 

"But we all have different chores. Why do I have to clean the whole dorm by myself?" 

"Because everyone has been working so hard lately, except for you. So pick up the slack and start cleaning." Sangyeon explains, handing Jacob a broom. 

Jacob gives in again and begins sweeping the floors. He also washes dishes, does laundry, and mops the kitchen. Looking over at the clock, Jacob sees that it is 7:30 p.m. He is beyond tired, so he decides to go bed. He enters the room to see that Sangyeon is asleep. Jacob sneaks up to his bed to avoid disturbing him. 

"Well, you finally finished those chores? Looks like you missed a spot." 

Sangyeon purposely spills a glass of juice onto the floor and tosses the cup. 

"Clean it up." 

Jacob goes to get paper towels to clean up the mess. As he cleans, he begins to cry. Why is Sangyeon treating him like this all of a sudden?



"Why do you hate me so much all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong? If I did, can you tell me so that I can apologize?"

Sangyeon notices the tears streaming down Jacob's face and it makes his chest hurt. He doesn't want to see Jacob cry, he never wanted it to get this far. 

"Jacob, please don't cry." Sangyeon says, wrapping his arms around Jacob to comfort him. 

"I'm sorry." Jacob sniffles.

"No, it's okay. It just pains me to see you crying like this." 

"Then why have you been so mean to me lately?" 

"Jacob,it is time that I tell you the truth. When I said that I didn't have a crush on you, I lied. I actually have a big crush on you and.... I want you to be my boyfriend." Sangyeon explains, holding onto Jacob's hands and looking into his eyes. 

"Stop messing with me." Jacob responds, taking his hands out of Sangyeon's grip. 

"What? I'm not messing with you Jacob, I mean it." 

"Oh yeah? Then how about you prove it to me tomorrow?" 

"Okay then, I will. I promise I will do anything for you my Jacob." 

Jacob goes to bed while Sangyeon stays up, thinking of a way to prove his feelings to Jacob. He comes up with the idea to write Jacob a personal letter explaining his feelings, this way Jacob will know exactly how Sangyeon feels. He walks to the kitchen and turns on the light so that he can begin writing a letter to Jacob. Sangyeon stays up for hours, writing until he takes a break and ends up falling asleep. 

The next morning, Jacob wakes up to the sound of Sangyeon's alarm, so he turns it off and goes into the kitchen. He sees Sangyeon, asleep at the kitchen table, resting his head on a notebook. As Jacob gets closer, he sees that the paper reads, "Dear Jake Jake", so he decides to pick it up. 

It reads: 

Dear Jake Jake, 

I was afraid to tell you the truth because I thought that you would not feel the same. So I pretended to hate you in order to get over and stop liking you. I'm so sorry, I should have never hurt you like that. I should have just told you my feelings because nothing can ever make me stop liking you as much as I do. You mean a lot to me and I want our relationship to be more than just friends, I want to be your boyfriend. Once again, I am sorry for treating you poorly instead of confessing. I hope that you can forgive me.

"Aww, this is so sweet!" Jacob squeals. 

This outburst wakes Sangyeon up, and he now sees that Jacob has his note. 

"Jacob, I'm not done with that yet."

"Yes you are. I already love it. I guess you really do feel the same way about me, you actually like me this much. It is so sweet that you took the time to actually write this letter for me by hand, especially since most things like this are typed or through text. It feels more personal this way and I really appreciate that.  I can't think of a better man to be my boyfriend than you." Jacob says, hugging Sangyeon. 

Sangyeon hugs Jacob back. 

"You know that nickname Jake Jake is so cute. How about in return I call you Sang Sang?" 

"That is an adorable name, almost as adorable as you my Jake Jake." 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!