Too Much Of A Good Thing

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


Jacob is so sick of this new diet that he has to be on. He honestly hates it. The reason he hates it so much is because the diet separates him from his beloved cereal. Which is why as soon as the diet is over, Jacob eats two entire boxes of cereal. It seems like a great idea at first, but Jacob later regrets it because it gives him a stomach ache. 

He decides to go lay in bed to help pass the pain, but the pain is so great that he just ends up laying on the floor once he enters his room. He lays there, groaning and trying to relax. Soon after, the door opens.

"Jacob, what's wrong?" Sangyeon asks.

"I ate too much cereal and now my stomach hurts." 

Sangyeon goes over to Jacob and rubs his shoulder. 

"Come on, let's go rest on the couch, you'll be more comfortable." 

Sangyeon and Jacob lay on the couch together with a blanket over them, Jacob lays his head on Sangyeon's chest. Sangyeon massages Jacob's stomach to ease the pain.

"Sangyeon hyung! Sangyeon hyung!" Sunwoo calls out. 

"What is it?" 

Sunwoo follows the sound of Sangyeon's voice to the living room. 

"We. What's wrong with Jacob hyung?" 

"He just has a stomach ache. What were you going to say just now?"

"I was going to tell you that we are going to the park to play basketball."

"Okay, just be back before dinner." 

"We will." 

Sunwoo tells Jacob to get well soon before he leaves with the rest of the members. 

"Do you feel any better yet?" 

"A little. Can you get me a hot compress?" 

Sangyeon immediately goes to the kitchen to fill up a water bottle with warm water. He gives it to Jacob and goes back to the kitchen to make some chamomile tea for him as well. Right as Sangyeon turns off the flame from the stove, Jacob calls him. 

"What's wrong Jakey? Are you okay?" 


"Are you nauseous? Do you want to throw up?" 

"Nope. Well, I am a little nauseous, but that is not my main problem." 

"Jacob, tell me." 

"I miss you. Come back out here so we can cuddle." Jacob pouts. 

"You're so cute Jake Jake. I promise I will come back as soon as I finish making some tea for you." Sangyeon says, running his hand through Jacob's hair. 

"I like when you touch my hair and I like when you call me those cute names like Jake Jake." 

Sangyeon kisses Jacob's forehead before going back to make the tea. He puts the tea in a mug and gets some crackers since Jacob says that he is feeling nauseous. 

"Here you go Jakey, I got you some tea and crackers." 

"I want you to be next to me more." 

"I know, but I want you to drink your tea so you will feel better." Sangyeon says, handing Jacob the mug. 

Sangyeon gets back under the blanket and Jacob snuggles up to him. They stay on the couch together, just watching the news because that is all that is on at the moment. 

"Thank you for the tea Sang Sang. You made it just right." 

"No problem. Anything to make you feel better." 

"When I get a cold, will you take care of me?" Jacob asks. 

"Of course I will. I will always take care of you." 

Jacob knows that this is true, when any of the members gets sick, Sangyeon always takes care of them. 

"Don't forget to drink your tea and eat your crackers sweetie." 

When Jacob finishes the tea he starts to feel drowsy, so he falls asleep in Sangyeon's arms. 

Jacob wakes up to the maknaes eating ice cream and watching television in the living room, which means that dinner has recently ended. 

"Hyung, you're awake!" Eric exclaims. 

"Do you feel better?" Sunwoo asks. 

"Yeah, mostly." 

Sunwoo smiles, he is glad that his hyung is feeling better. Jacob gets up to look for Sangyeon and finds him in the kitchen, washing dishes. 

"Sang Sang, let me help you." 

"You're awake? Does your stomach still hurt?" 

"It feels much better, it just aches a little bit." 

"Then it should be back to normal soon. Do you want some dinner?" 

"No thanks, I think I will just go to bed after this." Jacob says, putting dishes away after drying them. 

Jacob goes straight to bed right after they finish the dishes. 

The next morning, Jacob feels back to normal. At breakfast that morning, Jacob eats pancakes. After having a stomach ache, Jacob wants a break from cereal. Just a short break though. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!