I Saw Hyung Kissing Santa Claus

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


It is Christmas Eve and Sangyeon and Jacob are out last minute Christmas shopping. 

"Don't forget to wear your Santa costume when you put the gifts under the tree tonight." Jacob tells Sangyeon.

"What? Why?"

"Because Eric still believes in Santa and I don't want to crush his dreams."

"Fine. I wouldn't know how to explain myself if he woke up and saw me putting presents under the tree instead of Santa." 

When they get home, Jacob keeps the others busy by baking cookies while Sangyeon wraps gifts. 

"Hyung, what cookies should I leave out for Santa tonight?" 

Jacob knows that Sangyeon likes sugar cookies. 

"Santa really loves sugar cookies, so you should leave some of those out." 

"Eric, Santa is not real." Sunwoo says. 

"Yes he is!" Eric argues. 

"No he is not."

Jacob tells Eric to brush Sunwoo off and keep believing in Santa if he wants to. 

"Santa is going to loves these cookies. He will say, Eric does such as nice job frosting cookies." 

"I'm sure he will, munchkin." Jacob says, pinching Eric's cheek. 

Later that day, the boys watch Christmas movies. 

"Can we watch Rudolph?" 

"No, let's watch Spongebob." Q blurts out.

"We can watch both."

During the movie, Jacob gets his cuddles from his boyfriend that he loves so much. He even almost falls asleep, that is until Q starts singing along to This Christmas Feels Like The Very First Christmas To Me at the top of his lungs. 

"Hyung, can I have more hot chocolate? Please?" Hwall asks, with a cute begging face. 


Sangyeon takes the mug from Hwall and fills it up with more hot chocolate.

"Here you go."

"Thanks hyung." 

During the Spongebob Christmas special, the part where Squiward makes fun of Spongebob after Santa doesn't show up comes on. 

"Sunwoo is just like Squidward." Eric points out. 

"And Squidward knows what he is talking about because Santa is fake." 

Eric sticks his tongue out at Sunwoo. 

After the movie, it is time to go to bed. At around one in the morning, Sangyeon and Jacob get up to put presents under the tree. 

"Let me check on Eric first."

Jacob goes to make sure that Eric is not awake waiting for Santa. He opens the door to see Eric under the covers. As Jacob gets closer, he sees Mr. Cuddlesworth on the floor, so he picks him up. Jacob quietly places the bear in Eric's open arms and creeps out of the room. What Jacob does not know is that Eric was pretending to be asleep. Once Eric knows that the coast is clear, he takes his bear and they sneak out towards the living room. He hides behind a nearby wall and peaks his head out. 

"Santa!" He thinks, as he sees Santa putting gifts under the tree.

Then, Eric realizes that Jacob is there too. 

"Jacob knows Santa?" 

"You did a great job with these gifts." 

"I can't take all the credit. I did have little help." Sangyeon responds. 

"Yeah, but there are twelve of us, so it is still a lot." 

"Speaking of presents, I have a special gift for you." 

"What is it?"

"You'll have to wait until Christmas day, but I do have a gift I can give you now."

"Which is?" 

"A kiss." 

Sangyeon leans in and kisses Jacob. Jacob puts his arms around him and pulls him closer. Eric gasps, shocked at the sight. 

"Did you hear that?" 

Jacob turns towards Eric's direction, and Eric runs to his room before Jacob can see him. 

"Oh my god, Jacob is cheating on Sangyeon with Santa." Eric says to himself and his bear. 

Eric climbs into bed and shuts his eyes when he hears approaching footsteps. Sangyeon and Jacob come over to his bed. 

"Good, he is asleep." Eric hears Jacob say.

Then they leave the room. 

When Christmas morning arrives, the maknaes all wake up first. Since there are four of them, they all have to wake up two members. Eric's members are Sangyeon and Jacob. 

"Hyungs, wake up! It's Christmas morning!" Eric says, jumping into their bed. 

Jacob gets up first. 

"Are you excited to see what Santa brought for you, kiddo?" Jacob asks. 

Eric remembers what he saw last night, but pushes it away and answers with a yes. Sangyeon then wakes up too.

"Eric, you're up. Did you sleep well last night?" 

"Yeah, like a baby." 

They eventually all gather in the living room to open gifts. After that, it is time to have breakfast. Right before that though, Eric pulls Kevin aside. 

"I have something important to tell you. You know that song I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?"

Kevin nods. 

"And you know how Jacob is the mom of our group?" 

He nods again. 

"Well, that song happened to me last night." 

"You saw Jacob kissing Santa?" 

Kevin doesn't exactly know what to say, he just scolds Eric for being up late. 

"What were you doing up that late anyway? It was probably just a dream." Kevin says, before walking away. 

As the day goes on, Eric can't take it anymore. He needs to know why Jacob kissed Santa. 

"Jacob hyung, do you love Sangyeon hyung?" Eric questions, during dinner suddenly. 

The members are all confused. 

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?" 

"It's just that.... I saw you kiss Santa last night. Are you cheating on Sangyeon?" 

Jacob laughs nervously, he does not know what to tell Eric. He can either keep Santa alive and be declared a cheater or he can crush Eric's dreams and say that Santa is not real. 

"Eric, we need to tell you the truth." Sangyeon begins.

"Santa is not real. Last night, I dressed up as Santa and Jacob helped me put the presents under the tree." 

"Finally!" Sunwoo exclaims. 

Eric is speechless. So that is why Santa looked like Sangyeon. How could he not know? 

"Are you upset?" Jacob asks.

"No, I'd be more upset if you were cheating on Sangyeon, so I am happy that I know the truth. Also, can we do something?" 


"I wanna take a picture with Santa!" Eric answers. 

"Awww, of course we can take a picture. After dinner though, so eat up kiddo." 

Eric nods and starts eating his dinner faster so they can take that photo later. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
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Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!