
Sang Sang & Jake Jake


The boys are backstage at a music show, sitting together in the waiting room when Eric suddenly bursts into the room yelling. 

"Guys! We need to see this fountain downstairs!"

"What are you talking about?"

"There is a fountain on the first floor. Felix told me about it. I have to see it." Eric explains. 

"Fountain? I want to see it too." Haknyeon begs, turning to Sangyeon. 

"Okay, hold on. Let me send two older members so you guys don't get lost."

Sangyeon looks around the room and sees that Younghoon and Kevin are not busy, so he asks them to take Haknyeon and Eric. They agree and Eric leads them to the elevator. 

"Yay! Fountain time!" Eric exclaims, pushing the button to the first floor. 

When they arrive to the first floor, Eric runs to the fountain. The older three follow him to the large fountain. It is painted silver and there is an elephant and the top of it with water squirting out of its trunk. 

"Isn't it amazing guys?" 


They take some photos before going back into the elevator. After a few seconds, it breaks down. 

"Hyung, what's happening?" Haknyeon asks.

"It looks like the elevator is broken." Younghoon answers.

"What?! You mean we are trapped?" Kevin says. 

"Maybe there is an emergency phone."

Unfortunately, there is not.

"No emergency phone? We are going to die in here!" Kevin states.

"Kevin, calm down." Younghoon says, as Kevin starts breathing quickly. 

"Okay. I'm calm." Kevin breathes out. 

They are trying to think of something to do when Younghoon's phone rings.


"Younghoon, are you guys coming back yet?" Jacob questions.

"We were, but the elevator broke down."

"What?! Don't worry, I'll call for help. Just stay calm and do not panic." 

"I'm fine. Kevin is the one who is freaking out."

"Hand him the phone." Jacob replies. 

"Hello?" Kevin answers.

"Kevin, you really need to calm down. You might worry Haknyeon and Eric. You know how they feed off of energy. Just be calm, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try my best." Kevin responds. 

"Good, Now I will call for help so sit tight."

They say goodbye before hanging up. 

"What's wrong?" Hwall asks, sitting on Jacob's lap. 

"Younghoon, Kevin, Haknyeon, and Eric are stuck in the elevator."

"Are they going to be okay?"

"Yes. I'm calling for help right now." 

In the elevator, the boys are still talking about the fountain. 

"The fountain was so pretty. Was it made of silver?" 

"Maybe, or it was just silver paint. Either way it was so nice."

"I'm glad I got to see if before I die." Kevin says, crouched in the corner. 

"Kevin, help will come."

"What if it takes forever? What if they don't find us? We will trapped in here until we die a slow death." 

Kevin begins to panic and faints. 

"Hyung, do something." Eric says. 

"Do what?"

"I don't know, kiss him better. He might have hit his head." 

Younghoon looks at Kevin, he is still breathing. He leans over and kisses his forehead. Kevin smiles in response. 

"Hyung, it's working. Do it again." Haknyeon suggests.

Younghoon kisses Kevin's forehead one more time and then tickles his chin. 

"Stop it, that tickles." He giggles, as he gets back up.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Back in the waiting room, Jacob tells Sangyeon about the situation. 

"Well, there's not much else we can do expect wait for help to arrive I guess." 

"They said they would be here in twenty minutes."

"I hope the babies can be patient." Sangyeon states.

"Hyung, I'm hungry." Haknyeon whines.

"You always are." Younghoon responds.

"I'm hungry too." Eric chimes in.


Younghoon goes through his jacket and finds a packet of cookies that Jacob gave them all during snack time. 

"Here, eat these."

"Thank you. Are you sure you don't want any?" 

"No, I'm fine."

"Do you want any, Kevin hyung?"

"No thanks. I want to starve so don't have to prolong my death."

"Kevin, we're not going to die in here. The repairman will be here soon." Younghoon says. 

"Do you need a hug?" Younghoon adds.

Kevin nods in response.

Younghoon hugs him while Eric and Haknyeon eat their cookies. 

Moments later, Jacob is leading the repairman to the elevator. Jacob thought it would have taken an hour or more to get them out, but the elevator is up and running again in thirty minutes. It dings and then opens up. 

"Jacob hyung!" Haknyeon and Eric exclaim, running over to Jacob for a hug.

"Hello my little maknaes. I'm so glad you're alright. I bet you were so scared." Jacob says, hugging them tightly. 

"We weren't, but Kevin hyung was." Eric laughs. 

Kevin comes out of the elevator clinging to Younghoon.

"What happened to what I told you? About being brave for the maknaes."

"Well, they have Younghoon for that. He is older than me anyway. Let's just not tell anybody about this, okay?"

"Okay, we will tell them that you didn't freak out that you were very brave." Younghoon chuckles, as they all begin to walk back to the waiting room. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!