Happy Birthdays

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


"Sang Sang, wake up." Jacob whispers. 

"What is it, Jakey?" 

"Happy birthday, Sangyeon!" Jacob exclaims, setting off a party popper. 

With that pop, Sangyeon is now fully awake.

"Honey, it's midnight." 

"I know. Your birthday has just started, and I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday." 

"You are so sweet. Thank you my angel." Sangyeon responds, giving Jacob a hug and a kiss. 

"You're welcome." 

"Now, time to go back to bed. Okay?" 

Jacob agrees with Sangyeon, and they go back to sleep. 

The next morning, Jacob gets up when the sun does, so that he can make breakfast for Sangyeon. This may or may not turn out well, Jacob isn't really good at cooking. He is great at baking, but cooking is a completely different story. 

"I just hope this won't turn into a disaster." Jacob thinks. 

He decides to go with something simple to make, waffles. All he has to do is follow the instructions on the box to make the batter and then put the batter into the machine. 

"Seems easy enough." Jacob says, after he reads the back of the box. 

In the end, the waffles turn out perfectly, they are not burned or overcooked. Jacob is glad that for once, he has cooked something perfectly. Jacob goes to wake Sangyeon up afterwards, to make sure his breakfast does not get cold. 

"Sweetheart, wake up. It's morning." 

"Jake Jake, you're up early." Sangyeon acknowledges. 

"I have a surprise for you. Follow me." Jacob replies, with his hand out. 

Sangyeon takes Jacob's hand and follows him to the kitchen. 


"Jake Jake, you actually did this?" 

"Yeah, I used the waffle maker and didn't burn anything this time." Jacob answers. 

"I'm so proud of you, Jacob." 

During breakfast, Q walks in looking upset. 

"Changmin, what's wrong?" Sangyeon questions. 

"Yeah. Why do you look so upset? It is almost your birthday. The almost birthday boy shouldn't feel down." Jacob adds. 

"I lost my favorite stuffed animal. I couldn't sleep at all last night without it." Q explains. 

"I'm sure it will turn up if you search hard enough." 

"I can help you look for it today if you want." Sangyeon offers. 

"Really hyung? You would spend your birthday helping me look for my stuffed toy?" 

"Of course I would. I know how important it is to you, so we can search for it today. We will search until we find it." Sangyeon responds. 

"Thank you so much Sangyeon hyung! You are the best!" Q says, hugging Sangyeon tightly. 

Sangyeon pats his head and tells him to get ready so that they can go search for it after breakfast. 

"Since I'm going to help Changmin find his toy, Juyeon will help you walk Eric to school. Okay, sweetie?" 

"Alright. I'm sure Eric will love that." 

Jacob wakes up Juyeon and they walk Eric to school together. 

"Hyung! Hyung! I want a piggyback ride. Please?" 

Juyeon agrees like always, and gives Eric a piggyback ride for the second half of their walk. 

"Bye, Eric. We'll see you later." 

"I lub you guys." Eric responds, waving at them as he enters the school. 

On the way home, Jacob and Juyeon get stuff for the party that will be taking place later today. 

"Are you sure Changmin will be able to get Sangyeon to look for that elephant all day long?" Juyeon asks, as they walk back home. 

"He knows what to do, he is basically leading him on a wild goose chase, and it won't just be in the dorm." 

The two of them return home to see that Q and Sangyeon are currently looking for Q's favorite toy in the living room. 

"You guys still haven't found it?" Jacob asks. 

"No, and we have looked all over the house for it so far." 

"Maybe it isn't in the house." Juyeon suggests.

"But where else could it be?" 

"Oh my gosh, hyung! It could be at the practice room. Remember when we all spent the night there? I think I left it there. Can we please go check there?" Q says. 

Of course, Sangyeon says yes and the two of them go to the company. Once Jacob is sure that they are gone, he wakes up the rest of the boys so that they can help decorate for the birthday party. 

"Okay, hyung we have to search the whole building." Q says, once they enter the company. 

"But you said it was in the practice room." 

"I know, but if it isn't there then we should look in other areas too." Q explains. 

"Don't worry, Changminnie, we will find your plushie." 

At home, the members all do different tasks. Which include putting up the baner, blowing up balloons, baking a cake, and wrapping gifts. 

"We're almost done, time to text Changmin to come home." Jacob says. 

Jacob texts Q that he can bring Sangyeon back home now. 

"Oh! I just remembered, I think that I left my elephant under my bed. Let's go home and check." Q blurts out, as he drags his leader out of the practice room. 

"It was at the dorm this whole time?! Ji Changmin, you are lucky I care about you guys so much." 

"I know hyung, I lub you too." 

"You guys did such a great job decorating, I know they will love the party." Jacob praises. 

"I hope so, those balloon took forever to blow up." Eric says. 

Jacob smiles and ruffles Eric's hair. 

About ten minutes later, Q and Sangyeon arrive at the dorm. 

"Surprise!" All of the members shout, as they come through the door. 

Sangyeon and Q are shocked, but Q is shocked a little bit more because he thought he just had to distract Sangyeon so they could set up for his party, he didn't know that the party was for him as well.

"Happy birthday, hyungs." Hwall says, as he puts party hats on both of them. 

Sangyeon and Q thank the members for their sweet gesture. 

"Time to open presents." 

"Here hyungs, I made these for you." Haknyeon says, handing them each a wrapped box. 

They unwrap the gifts, to see a wooden box that is shaped like a tiny house. 

"What is it?" 

"A bird house. I made it when I saw how much you guys like to watch the birds go by your window sometimes." 

"Well, thank you Haknyeonnie." Sangyeon says, patting Haknyeon's head. 

"Thank you Haknyeon, I will make sure to put it up tomorrow." Q says. 

Haknyeon smiles, happy that his hyungs like his handmade gift. 

"Here, we all got you these." Kevin announces, handing them each another set of presents. 

Q does his high pitched scream when he unwraps his gift. 

"You guys got me that mini fridge that I wanted. Thank you so much!" 

"Okay Sangyeon hyung, now you open yours." 

Sangyeon unwraps the present. It is a framed photo of the time the boys went to the amusement park together and had tons of fun, this is his favorite picture of them. 

"Awww, you guys framed the photo of us at the amusement park, I love it. How did you know that this is my favorite photo?" 

"Jacob hyung said it was." New tells him. 

"You guys are so sweet, thank you for this. I'm going to hang it up later." Sangyeon smiles. 

After the presents, they have pizza for dinner and homemade cake for dessert. 

Q and Sangyeon make a wish and blow out the candles together. 

A while after the party, it is time to go sleep. The members all tell Q and Sangyeon happy birthday one last time before they go to their rooms. As Sangyeon and Jacob lay in bed, Sangyeon realizes something. 

"Did Changmin really lose his elephant? Or did you guys trick us so that you could set up for that party?" 

"Okay, you caught me. I told Changmin to send you on that search so we could decorate for you guys. His elephant was here the whole time." Jacob admits. 

"You sneaky boys." 

"What? You guys had fun, so that wild goose chase was worth it."

"Yes, it was a lot of fun. Thank you again for today and for framing my favorite picture. I lub you Jake Jake." Sangyeon says. 

"I lub you too Sang Sang. Happy birthday." 

"Thank you, and...." 

Sangyeon pauses for about two minutes and Jacob is confused as to what he is doing. 

"Happy birthday to our little Changminnie." Sangyeon continues, as the clock turns to midnight. 


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Chapter 23: ...
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Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!