
Sang Sang & Jake Jake


"Jacob, what's wrong?" Sangyeon asks.

"I'm just shocked that you want to get married."

"Why? You don't want to marry me?" 

"No, I do want to marry you. It is just that it seems so fast. I always pictured you asking me to marry you a little differently. I just want to make sure you are completely certain about it and aren't just doing it because you feel you have to or something like that." Jacob explains. 

"Okay, I understand. I guess I got carried away with the whole incident in the hospital. I will think it over a bit longer, and then I will get down on one knee and ask my Jake Jake to marry me." Sanyeon says, before giving Jacob a kiss. 

The next afternoon, while Sangyeon and Jacob are on the couch together, Jacob comes up with an idea. 

"Let's build a fort." 

"You want to build a fort?" Sangyeon questions. 

"Yeah, a huge one. We haven't built one in a while. Please, you don't even have to lift a finger. I will do everything."


"Good, just lay here. I will build your castle, my sweet prince."

It only takes Jacob half an hour to build a castle that takes up half the living room. 

"Yeonie, wake up." Jacob whispers, shaking Sangyeon a couple times. 

Sangyeon opens his eyes and sees the huge fort made of blankets, chairs, and cushions. 

"Whoa, that is a big fort." He comments. 

"Yeah, it took a lot of blankets. Now come on, let's go in."

Jacob takes Sangyeon's hand and leads him to the fort. 

"So, what are we going to do?" Sangyeon asks, once they are inside.

"Just sit in here and relax, since your arm is wrapped up. I want you to have as much rest as possible so you can heal quickly."

"Does that mean you are going to take care of me?" 

"Yes. Is that okay with you?"

"It always is." 

"Good." Jacob replies, kissing Sangyeon's forehead.

As the leader, Sangyeon is the one who takes care of everyone most of the time, but he likes to be taken care of sometimes too. Especially when he is sick or injured. It's a good thing Jacob is always there for him no matter what. 

"Is there anything that you need right now?" Jacob questions. 

"Well, it is close to lunchtime. Will you make me something?" 

"Sure. Some protein might help you heal faster. Do you want a chicken sandwich and some milk?" 

"Can I have cookies too?"

"Of course you can. I'll be right back." 

When Jacob does come back with the food, he feeds Sangyeon. His dominant hand isn't even the one that is wrapped up, Jacob just wants Sangyeon to take it very easy. Sangyeon allows him to do this, happily enjoying the pampering from his boyfriend. 

After lunch, Sangyeon and Jacob talk about the future. 

"What do you think it will be like when we do get married?" Sangyeon blurts out, during their game of tic-tac-toe.

"Well, I'm not sure, but I bet it will be great. Oh, for our wedding day we should wear matching suits. Then you can wear a tie and I will wear a bow-tie." 

"I like that, it's a cute idea. Speaking of cute ideas, I'm also going to get those dogs you said you wanted when we get married." Sangyeon responds. 

"Really? Can we name one Teddy and the other one Bear?" Jacob asks. 

"You bet we can. We're also going to have our own house too. Then we can decorate it ourselves, be alone, and have a nice backyard for the dogs to run freely." 

"Sangyeon, that all sounds so wonderful. I love you." 

"I love you too." Sangyeon replies, before kissing Jacob. 

"I'm getting sleepy." Sangyeon yawns. 

"Yeah, I made the milk warm so you would take a nap. You need your rest." 

Jacob grabs a nearby pillow and pats it for Sangyeon to lay down. When he does, Jacob lays down behind him and puts a blanket over them. 

"You're going to be the cuddler? I've never been cuddled before. I kinda like it." 

"I should cuddle you more often then. Sweet dreams, Sang Sang." Jacob replies, kissing behind Sangyeon's ear. 

The two of them end up falling asleep just like that. 

When Sangyeon wakes up, Jacob is still holding onto him from behind, but now Haknyeon has his face buried in Sangyeon's chest. Sangyeon raises his head and looks around to see that all of the boys are now sleeping in the tent with them as well. This moment makes Sangyeon so happy. He is with the love of his life and he is surrounded by his boys. In this moment they are sleeping peacefully instead of playing loud games or running around and yelling, Sangyeon loves times like this. He looks at Jacob's hand that is around his waist and holds it. He can't wait to put a wedding ring on that finger one day. 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!