Brand New Bear

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


"Sangyeon hyung. Sangyeon hyung." Eric whispers to Sangyeon while he is trying to sleep. 

Sangyeon rolls over, opening his eyes.

"What is it Eric?" 

"Can I sleep in your bed? I had another nightmare." 

"Sure, get in." Sangyeon replies, raising the blanket up. 

Eric gets under the covers and latches onto Sangyeon. Sangyeon tucks them in tightly to make sure Eric feels safe.

This is the fourth time this week that Eric has had nightmares and comes to Sangyeon for comfort. Sangyeon is worried that Eric is having too many nightmares. He is also worried that he is not getting enough sleep. He has no problem letting Eric sleep in his bed if that makes him feel secure, but it is hard to fall asleep next to him because he talks and kicks in his sleep. 

Sangyeon wakes up the next morning feeling very tired. 

"Sangyeon, are you still sleepy?" Jacob asks, at the breakfast table with Sangyeon. 

"Of course I'm still sleepy! You try going to sleep while being kicked and listening to constant chattering!" Sangyeon snaps. 

Jacob frowns and Sangyeon quickly notices. 

"I'm sorry, Jacob. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I am just so tired, Eric has been coming to sleep in my bed for four days now and he talks and kicks in his sleep." Sangyeon explains. 

"You haven't been sleeping much lately, huh?" Jacob says, rubbing Sangyeon's back. 


"How about you just tell Eric no?" Jacob suggests. 

"Tell Eric no? You know how hard it is to say no to that face? Especially when he comes to me after a nightmare, he is so scared and I am the only one who can help him." 

"You are right. Maybe there is a way to stop Eric's nightmares." 

Jacob thinks about it for a moment before a lightbulb goes off in his head. 

"I've got it. We need to get a new bear for Eric to rely on." 

"Oh, yeah. New and Kevin destroyed the last one and I still haven't gotten around to getting a replacement." 

"Then we should get one-" 

"Today. As soon as possible." Sangyeon interrupts. 

"We need to get that bear. I don't think that I can handle another sleepless night." 

"Do you want to take a nap before we go to the store?" Jacob asks. 

"Yes. Don't forget to wake up the other members. In fact, wake Kevn up first and have him help you." Sangyeon says. 


"Do you want to nap with me after they all get up?" 

"I'd love to." 

Sangyeon ruffles Jacob's hair before going to their room to wake up Eric and then take a nap. 

Jacob wakes Kevin up and the two of them wake up all the members. Once they are all up and eating breakfast, Jacob goes back to his room. Sangyeon is laying under the covers, so Jacob sneaks in next to him, trying carefully not to wake Sangyeon up. Before Jacob falls asleep, Sangyeon wraps his arms around him and pulls him closely, making Jacob feel safe. They sleep until Sangyeon's alarm goes off at noon. 

"Wake up angel." Sangyeon says to Jacob. 

Jacob opens his eyes and sees Sangyeon smiling down at him, a more positive expression than the one he had on this morning. 

"Let's get ready and go get Eric so he can pick out a new bear." 

Once all three of them are ready, they walk to the store together. 

"Can I get a big bear? A really huge one?" 

"I don't know about that Eric. You have to carry it all the way home. A big bear might get too heavy to carry." Jacob responds. 

"Alright. I can still pick out any bear that I want though, right?" 

"Any bear you want." Sangyeon confirms. 

When they arrive at the store, Eric runs to the stuffed bears. 

"While Eric picks a bear out, how about you pick out that dog that you wanted?" 

"Any dog?" 

"As long as it is a stuffed animal." Sangyeon answers. 

"I'm okay with anything. Why don't you surprise me?" 

"Alright then. Go watch Eric while I get one for you." 

Jacob goes to Eric in the bear section of the store. 

"Did you decide on one yet?" 

"No, there are so many to choose from." Eric replies. 

"How about this one? It's so cute isn't it?" Jacob says, holding a small bear with a red bow tie. 

"It's cute, but too small. I need a big bear to protect me from big nightmares." 

It takes Eric about five more minutes before he finally picks a bear. The bear is a medium size, not too small but not so big that it will be hard to carry. The bear is brown and wears a white t-shirt with a duck on the front, and has blue pants with ducks all over. It also has a duck sleep mask on top of its head.  

"It is such a cute bear, Eric." Sangyeon says, as they walk home. 

"Thank you for the bear, Sangyeon hyung." 

"You realize this means no more sleeping in hyung's bed anymore, right?" Sangyeon questions. 

"I know, I won't need to anymore though. I have Mr. Cuddlesworth and he can protect me." Eric says, hugging his bear. 

When they arrive home, Sangyeon lets Jacob see the dog that he got for him. 

"Here is the dog you have always wanted." Sangyeon says, handing Jacob a paper shopping bag. 

Jacob opens the bag to reveal a stuffed pug. 

"Awww, it is so adorable. Thank you Sang Sang." Jacob responds, before hugging Sangyeon. 

"I was hoping you would like it. I know it isn't a real dog, but I remembered how much you freaked out over that pug at the cafe, so I figured this would be a good choice." 

"I love it. You are such a sweetheart." Jacob says, hugging Sangyeon even tighter. 

That night, Jacob has trouble sleeping. Unlike Eric and a majority of the other members, he does not believe that a stuffed animal can help him, so he goes to the kitchen to warm some chamomile tea. He drinks the tea as he watches television on a low volume to avoid waking up the others. It is fall and it is really cold at night, so Jacob wastes no time in finishing the tea. He continues to watch infomercials for a little while longer until he is interrupted. 

"Jakey, what are you doing up this late?" Sangyeon asks.

"I was having trouble falling asleep, so I drank tea." 

"Why didn't you tell me that you were having trouble sleeping?" 

"I didn't want to bother you. You were already asleep and you are so exhausted from dealing with Eric's nightmares." Jacob answers. 

"I'm never too tired for any of you guys, especially you my angel." 

Jacob smiles at Sangyeon's response. 

"Do you want to come sleep in bed with me? Maybe it will help you sleep." Sangyeon adds. 

Jacob loves being close to Sangyeon and cuddling with him. How could he turn down an offer like that? Jacob accepts, turning the television off before following his boyfriend back to their room. Sangyeon gets under the covers and lifts them for Jacob. He gets under, snuggling up to Sangyeon. Jacob now feels like he can sleep again. He understands why Eric always goes to Sangyeon when he has nightmares. Being around him makes you feel warm and safe at night. 

"Feel sleepy yet?" Sangyeon ask, running his hand through Jacob's hair. 

"Yeah. Can we do this more often? Even when I'm not having trouble sleeping?" 

"Of course we can. You can sleep in my bed whenever you want to." 

Jacob is filled with joy when he hears this, so he kisses Sangyeon. 

"Good night, Sang Sang." Jacob says, right after the kiss. 

"Good night, Jakey." 


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Chapter 23: ...
My poor heart
Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
Hyunjae really was going to expose Jacob like that though. Ugh, why do I stan him?
Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!