A Week Without Sangyeon

Sang Sang & Jake Jake


When Sangyeon tells the members that he has to go away for a week to do a filming, he expects Jacob to be heart broken. Thankfully, Jacob seems okay with it. Jacob does not really act any differently for the next couple of days, but he eventually breaks. 

They are laying in bed together at night, having their usual talk about how their day went. Sangyeon senses that there is something wrong with Jacob as he looks into his eyes. 

"Jacob, tell me the truth. Will you miss me while I am gone?" 

Jacob nods and bursts into tears. 

"I know that it is selfish of me to want you to stay and I tried not to be upset, but I'm going to miss you so much." Jacob says, before he cries into Sangyeon's chest. 

"Jakey, it's okay. You don't have to hide it, I'll miss you too. This is the first time we will be apart for a long time, so it makes sense. I promise we will spend a lot of time together when I get back." Sangyeon replies, rubbing Jacob's back. 

"Would you like that?" 

"Yes." Jacob replies, tears not flowing anymore. 

"Good. Will you smile for me? You know how much I love that cute little smile that you have." 

Sangyeon's words make Jacob smile and he continues to do so when Sangyeon smiles back at him. 

"Good night my angel." 

"Good night sweetheart." 

They kiss before they go to sleep. 

The next day, Sangyeon has to leave in the afternoon. All of the boys hug him and say their farewells before he leaves. 

"Okay guys, Hyunjae and Jacob are in charge while I'm gone. Be good this week." 

Sangyeon gives Jacob a kiss before he goes. Jacob watches him walk all the way down the hallway, he will not see his boyfriend for a week. 

"It's alright Jacob, he will be back before you know it." Kevin says. 

"You're right, it is only a week. It can't be that bad." 

Jacob does fine and acts completely normal the first few days, but after that he starts feeling blue. 

Jacob wakes up in the bed that he shares with Sangyeon and his feelings of missing him are worse. Jacob barely sleeps in his own bed anymore, so sleeping without Sangyeon feels lonely. He still gets out of bed and wakes up the rest of the members, but after that he spends the rest of the day moping around and laying on the couch, not really doing much. 

When he wakes up the next morning, he doesn't feel like waking the others up. He doesn't really have to anyway, they don't have a schedule today. So he just lays in bed, and stares at the poster of Sangyeon on the wall. 

"I miss you so much. Why can't you be back already?" 

Jacob starts crying , he wishes that Sangyeon was here to comfort him. He decides to put on one of Sangyeon's sweatshirts to make it seem like he is around, it is not the same, but it will do. Jacob lays back on the bed and goes back to staring at the poster. 

"This hoodie smells just like you. I've always loved the cologne that you wear. I almost feel like you're hugging me." Jacob says, before he cries into the pillow. 

He doesn't stop crying until someone knocks on the door. 

"Who is it?" 

"It's me, Kevin." 

Jacob dries his tears and tells Kevin to enter the room. 

"Jacob, I know you have been crying. Your eyes are red." 

"How can I not cry? Sangyeon has been away for days. We've never been apart for this long. I just feel so lonely and empty without him. Kevin.... I think that I love him." 

"Well, I must admit that I am not shocked. Even though you two started dating about six months ago, you have known each other for a long time." 

"Do you think that I should tell him?" Jacob asks. 

"I think that you should wait a while, maybe two more months at least. You are really emotional now, so you should wait until you are stable again before you think about telling him." Kevin answers. 


"So, do you want to have breakfast?" 

"No thanks. I just want to stay in here." 

"Are you sure? We can eat whatever you want." 

Jacob declines the offer again. Kevin encourages him to cheer up because Sangyeon will be back soon, then he leaves the room. 

Noon rolls around and Jacob is still in bed, so the members go to check on him. 

"Jacob, you have been in here all day." Hyunjae says, as they enter the room. 

"I don't want to get up. I just want to lay in bed, eat cereal, and think about Sangyeon." 

"He'll be back soon, hyung." Hwall responds. 

"How about I hold you and you can pretend that I'm Sangyeon hyung?" Younghoon suggests. 

"It's not the same, you're not muscular enough and you're too tall." Jacob answers. 

"Not muscular?" Younghoon replies. 

"Forget about that. Come on Jacob hyung, let's go hang out somewhere." 

"We can go to the park and you can beat us basketball." Kevin points out. 

"No thanks." 

"At least watch some television with us." 

Jacob tells them no before he pulls the blanket over his head. 

"Okay. If you need company, you know where to find us." New says. 

They all exit, Jacob is now alone under the covers. 

"Will Jacob hyung ever come hang out with us?" Eric asks. 

"He will feel better once Sangyeon hyung come back. For now, let's just let him do what he wants. All we have to do is wait and he will be back to normal." Kevin says. 

The boys watch television together in the living room, hoping that Jacob will come join them. About an hour later, the phone rings, so Hyunjae goes to answer it. 


"Hyunjae, it's me." 

"Oh, hi hyung. So, how is the filming going?" Hyunjae replies. 

"It's so busy. I would have called you guys earlier, but there is just so much to do. I miss you guys." 

"I know you do. I bet you miss Jacob a lot." 

"I do. I feel so alone without him around. I miss his smile and I miss cuddling with him. Whenever he is really close to me, I can smell that mango conditioner that he uses. It's not the same without him. Hyunjae.... I think that I love him." 

Kevin and Jacob don't know, but Hyunjae actually heard some of their conversation earlier, most importantly the part where Jacob said that he loves Sangyeon. Hyunjae sees this as the perfect opportunity to intervene. 

"I think you should wait to tell him. Maybe about two months, then you can be sure that you really do feel that way." 

"You joke around a lot Hyunjae, but what you just said makes a lot of sense, so thank you." 

"You're welcome. I know that I am a genius." 

"Yes, you are definitely a genius. Anyway how are things going at home? Are you guys alright?" 

"Yeah we are just watching television. Except, Jacob isn't doing so well." 

"What? What's wrong?! Is he sick? Did he get hurt? Put him on the phone now!" 

Hyunjae opens the door and tells Jacob that Sangyeon is on the phone and wants to talk to him.

"Don't joke with me like that." 

Hyunjae hands over the phone so he can see for himself. 

"Hello?" Jacob answers. 

"Sweetheart, are you alright? Hyunjae told me you weren't doing well. What's wrong?" 

"Sangyeon, calm down. I'm not sick or anything, I just miss you really badly."

"I miss you too, Jakey. I'll be back in a couple of days though." 

"I know, but it just isn't the same without you." Jacob says, before he starts crying. 

Sangyeon can hear his sobs and it makes his chest hurt. 

"Jacob, please don't cry. I know it's hard, but I am coming back. Then we can spend time together all you want. It will come sooner than you think. Until then, will you just smile for me and be happy? My sweet angel." 

Jacob loves it when Sangyeon calls him those cute names. Just that alone and hearing his voice brings his smile back. 

"I will smile, it is only two more days. Talking to you made me feel a lot better." 

"Me too. Well, I have to go now. Just hold on until I get back. Take good care of the boys and don't forget to tell them good night for me." 

"I promise I will." 

"Good, see you in two days." 

"See you." 

Jacob hangs up and hugs the phone. He puts the phone back on the receiver and joins the other members in the living room. 

"Feel better?" Hyunjae asks. 

"Yeah. Do you guys still want to play basketball?" Jacob replies. 

"You bet we do. Let's all get dressed." 

They go to the park and play basketball, where Jacob scores most of the points. By the time they get home, it is time to start making dinner. After dinner, Kevin and Jacob wash dishes together. 

"I'm glad you feel better, Jacob." 

"I do too. I just overreacted earlier." Jacob admits. 

"Do you still love Sangyeon?" Kevin brings up. 

"I do, but I am going to wait to tell him. I don't want to do it too soon." 

"I can tell he really means a lot to you." 

"He does." Jacob agrees. 

That night, Jacob tells all of the boys good night, just like Sangyeon told him to. 

"Hyung, are you one hundred percent sure that you feel better now?" Eric asks, as Jacob tucks him in. 

"Yes, Eric. Hyung isn't sad anymore." 

"That makes me glad. Good night hyung." 

"Good night, Eric." Jacob says, before he kisses Eric on the forehead and then goes to his own room. 

Jacob enters his room and turns to Sangyeon's poster. 

"Good night, Sang Sang. I love you." 

Jacob leans in and kisses the poster. 

"Ummm, Jacob. Why are you making out with Sangyeon's poster?" Kevin interrupts. 

"I was not. Just forget about that. Anyway, what are you doing in here?" 

"I came to check on you. If you feel lonely you can share a bed with me." 

"I'm back to normal now. Thank you Kevin." 

"No problem." 

They hug before Kevin leaves and Jacob goes to bed. 

When Sangyeon finally returns, Jacob is overjoyed. 

Jacob is sleeping when he hears Sangyeon calling his name. He thinks that it is a dream, so he doesn't fully wake up, but then he feels a hand on his shoulder. 

"Jake Jake, wake up. It's morning time." 

Jacob opens his eyes now and sees Sangyeon smiling at him. 

"Good mor-"

Before Sangyeon can finish his greeting, Jacob pounces on him and hugs him. 

"You're are finally back! I missed you." Jacob exclaims. 

"I missed you too." Sangyeon responds, hugging Jacob tightly. 


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Chapter 23: ...
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Chapter 22: If this isn’t a big mood lmao
Chapter 20: This has me all squealing and everything. This is adorable!
Chapter 19: I’m soft
Chapter 17: My heart is not ok
Chapter 16: Cute~!
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Chapter 15: This is so cute! I love this.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute!