Jennie's Birthday

Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

I suggest listening to ''The Only Exception'' by Paramore, even better if you listened to Chaeyoung's own version of it :) 

‘’Have you guys bought everything?’’

Chaeyoung beamed at the item she bought ‘’This is enough for me’’ She grinned and turned to Lisa ‘’How about you babe?’’

‘’Oh yeah’’ Lisa said sheepishly ‘’I think Jen would love this gift’’

‘’Finally’’ Jisoo groaned ‘’You guys walk too far’’

‘’You just have short legs unnie’’ Lisa smirked ‘’Let’s go something to eat? I bet chipmunk here is hungry’’

‘’Now that you mention it’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’I am kind of hungry’’

‘’Let’s go find something to eat then’’ Jisoo said ‘’And please, have mercy on my short legs’’

Chaelisa laughed lightly and they proceeded to a pho restaurant. Lisa smiled in recognition of the pho restaurant; After playing at the arcade a few months ago, she lost the bet and carried Chaeyoung here in piggyback style…


It was so simple back then, it felt like she had a fighting chance and now she got the girl


‘’I still got her…’’ Lisa glanced at the excited Chaeyoung already scanning the menu ‘’right?’’ She bit her lip


‘’What’s bothering you?’’


Lisa jumped a bit in surprise and smiled weakly at Jisoo ‘’Nothing much…’’

Jisoo frowned before switching to her unnie mode ‘’Hey pasta! Why don’t you order the food for us? We’ll find our table since there are quite a lot of people here’’

‘’Sure unnie’’ Chaeyoung smiled and got their orders before lining up and waiting for her turn.

The two girls quickly found a table and sat down. Lisa looked down in thought while Jisoo stared at her in concern

‘’Are you still bothered by it?’’ Jisoo asked quietly

‘’How can I not be?’’ Lisa sighed ‘’You saw the way the two held each other on your birthday’’

‘’Lisa…’’ Jisoo scooted closer to her ‘’They were sleeping, it could be because Chaeyoungie thought Jennie was you. You do remember Chaeyoung pulling away quickly when she realized it was Jennie she was hugging…’’

‘’Yeah…’’ Lisa said and her mind went back to Jisoo’s birthday


Lisa woke up quite early, she didn’t spot her unnie next to her and she was wondering why she doesn’t feel her girlfriend’s arms around her. She’s pretty sure that her chipmunk hugged her last night…

She looked at the other side and froze


There she saw


Her girlfriend and her best friend


Hugging…Cuddling like they’re…


Lisa gulped and stood up, wanting to get away for a bit as she walked outside to Jisoo’s room to get a glass of water


Maybe she’s imagining things?


Lisa gulped down the glass of water, her mind flashing Chaeyoung’s peaceful face and Jennie’s small smile as they cuddled to each other.

Her hand gripped the glass so tight that it might crack under the pressure she’s exerting

‘’Don’t you dare break that glass Lalisa Manoban or you’re paying for it’’


Lisa wanted to smile in relief seeing her eldest unnie

Jisoo’s joking face turned to a worried one seeing the distress look of the maknae ‘’So…’’ She said awkwardly

‘’I guess you saw them?’’

Lisa nodded sadly ‘’Unnie…’’ She sighed and released the haunting thought that’s been in her mind for a few weeks now

‘’I think something happened between Jennie and Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa whispered


‘’Like…really happened’’



‘’What do you mean Lisa?’’ Jisoo scrunched up her face in confusion ‘’You think Chaeyoung…cheated on you with Jennie?’’

Lisa winced at the disapproving tone of Jisoo ‘’I know, I feel bad for even thinking about it but…’’ She bit her lip and blurted out


‘’Jennie’s still in love with Chaeyoung unnie…’’


Jisoo froze ‘’You mean to tell me…Jennie is still in love of Chaeyoung even in their Christmas vacation?’’

Lisa nodded sadly ‘’Me and Jennie talked to each other before they went to New Zealand…and she promised to enjoy it with Chaeyoung as best friends.’’ She stated before whispering ‘’Or at least I thought she did…I saw her lock screen wallpaper is my girlfriend’’

Jisoo was quiet and now that Lisa mentioned it, Chaeyoung and Jennie do seem a bit fidgety yesterday whenever their Christmas vacation was mentioned, but Chaeyoung is not like that right? She’s a fiercely loyal person and always reassures her loved ones if there’s something wrong. Almost a perfect girl if you ask Jisoo

‘’I don’t know if it’s me being crazy but…’’ Lisa started tearing up ‘’I think Chaeyoung has changed ever since she flew back here from New Zealand’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

Lisa told her everything; From their minimum calls overseas, the minimal kisses lately, and up until now

‘’I feel like she’s been hesitating with me ever since’’ Lisa explained as Jisoo consoled her ‘’Does she even love me right now?’’ Her lips quivered at the thought

‘’I love her unnie…I love her so much that I’ll almost do anything to keep her with me’’ Lisa cried

Jisoo’s heart is in pain as she witnessed the happy-go-lucky maknae in tears ‘’Talk to her about it Lisa; Chaeyoung is not the kind of person who would intentionally hurt your feelings you know? She loves you. I was with you when you asked her to be your girlfriend. Are you really going to let that go?’’

‘’Of course not…’’ Lisa said sadly ‘’It’s just…kind of hard to talk to her since she seems really distracted lately’’

‘’Then give her time and be patient. Chaeyoung loves you okay?’’ Jisoo said soothingly

‘’Yeah’’ Lisa nodded and wiped her tears away ‘’She loves me…’’

Lisa looked at Jisoo and hesitated ‘’Um unnie?’’

‘’Let me guess’’ Jisoo chuckled ‘’You’re going to ask me a favor and that is to ask Jennie if something really happened between them?’’

‘’Sometimes you’re scarily right’’

‘’I’ll do it’’

Lisa looks surprise; She didn’t expect Jisoo to agree because she doesn’t want to be tangled up in this love triangle between them. Well, until Jisoo helped her at the dance competition that is…

‘’I’m worried too okay’’ Jisoo sighed seeing Lisa’s look ‘’This is on a whole new level that could affect us all’’

‘’If something did happen between the two…we deserve to know’’ Jisoo said calmly

‘’Otherwise…this will burn our bridges down’’

Lisa gulped. She doesn’t want it to come to that

They started walking towards Jisoo’s bedroom just in time to see Chaeyoung yelping in slight surprise before letting go of Jennie with wide eyes

Lisa felt immensely relief at that ‘’Maybe I am just being a paranoid girlfriend’’

‘’Good morning chipmunk’’ Lisa smiled at her and Chaeyoung’s alert eyes turned to her

‘’L-Lisa? You woke up earlier than me?’’

Jisoo chuckled as Lisa rolled her eyes and went to her girlfriend to kiss her

Chaeyoung giggled ‘’Yah, we have morning breath’’

‘’Morning breath or not, I want to kiss you every morning’’ Lisa smiled cheekily

‘’Spare me the sappiness please’’ Jisoo mumbled

They all laughed causing another one of their best friends to wake up, cutely rubbing her eyes as she yawned

‘’What did I miss?’’ Jennie slurred

And they spent their day just enjoying each other’s presence before school starts next week.

End Flashback

‘’Have you two talked about it?’’ Jisoo asked

‘’Nope…everything seems to go back to normal’’ Lisa whispered ‘’I hope so…’’

‘’Is Chaeyoung still acting distracted?’’

‘’Sometimes’’ Lisa shrugged ‘’We’ve all been busy at school so I don’t know what to say’’

‘’Then why are you acting like you guys just had a massive fight?’’ Jisoo asked, a bit frustrated at the maknae’s distracted thoughts

‘’I’m sorry unnie’’ Lisa whispered and looked down ‘’I just have this bad feeling lately…like something really bad is about to happen’’

‘’With your luck, it’s probably not going to happen’’ Jisoo chuckled trying to cheer her up

‘’You really love to diss me even in my sad moments’’ Lisa rolled her eyes but a small smile is playing on her lips

‘’You should be thankful that I decided to come with you two despite the chances of being third wheeled’’ Jisoo pointed her fork at her

‘’Whatever stupid unnie’’ Lisa stuck out her tongue at her and she could finally feel her heart at ease, and that’s thanks to the girl in front of her


‘’Hey Jisoo-unnie?’’




‘’Thank you…for being there for me’’


Jisoo smiled at the rare sincerity of the maknae ‘’I’m always here for all of you’’

‘’Found you!’’

Chaeyoung arrived with a number and an excited smile, possibly because she’s going to eat

Lisa chuckled imagining Chaeyoung reacting to every food on their dates with that cute little dance of hers

‘’What’s so funny Lisa?’’ Chaeyoung asked, a bit amused and curious at her girlfriend’s reaction

‘’Just thinking about your chipmunk cheeks blowing out as you eat later’’ Lisa smirked


Jisoo laughed lightly as Lisa pecked Chaeyoung on the lips as an apology

‘’I think they’re going to be alright’’

‘’Thank you for letting us surprise her Mrs. Kim’’

Chaeyoung grinned seeing the woman helping them set up Jennie’s room.

‘’Anything to make my daughter happy’’ Mrs. Kim winked at her ‘’It’s been a while Chaeyoung. I haven’t seen you for quite some time dear. How have you been?’’

Chaeyoung looked at the big letters taped in Jennie’s room and smiled a bit ‘’I’ve been...quite fine now. School’s been making us busy and yeah…’’

Mrs. Kim glanced at the younger girl as she was deep in thought with a small smile in her face ‘’Well, that’s good to know you’re doing well and happy’’

‘’Hey babe! Help me with these balloons’’ Lisa complained ‘’There’s so many and I think I lost one of my lungs just now’’

Chaeyoung chuckled and just nodded at Mrs. Kim


‘’This helium is so cool!’’ Jisoo laughed in her helium fueled voice

‘’Annyeong annyeong Jisoo-yah’’ Jisoo sang ‘’I ate helium so I became like this~’’

Chaeyoung laughed out loud ‘’That’s so funny unnie!’’

‘’Hey let me try also!’’ Lisa excitedly said and inhaled some helium

‘’Chipmunk I love you!’’ Lisa screamed in her helium voice making Chaeyoung laugh even harder

‘’You guys are so funny!’’ Chaeyoung exclaimed happily ‘’Let me try it!’’

Mrs. Kim laughed seeing the three of them goofing up while finishing up designing Jennie’s room for a surprise birthday party

A ping was heard and Mrs. Kim opened her phone. Her eyes widened and ushered the three girls ‘’Quick girls! Jennie and my husband are already near the house!’’

That stopped the three girls from laughing at each other and hastily placed the balloons around Jennie’s room


‘’Yah! Lalisa help me tape this thing near the letters!’’


‘’But I’m busy cleaning up the mess!’’


‘’I’ll handle this babe, just go help Jisoo-unnie’’


‘’Thanks babe!’’


Mrs. Kim wanted to laugh so hard right now because they’re speaking to each other in their helium voice ‘’I better come down and meet them there’’

‘’Okay! Thank you Mrs. Kim!’’ The three girls yelled in appreciation as Mrs. Kim went out and closed the door while giggling, just as the door downstairs opened making them panic even more

‘’What?! They’re already here?’’ Jisoo said in frustration ‘’I haven’t even fixed myself yet! I look like a rag doll!’’

‘’You’re a beautiful rag doll unnie’’ Chaeyoung said innocently

‘’Aww thanks pasta but the rag doll part is not reassuring at all’’

‘’I’m beautiful too right babe?’’ Lisa pouted

Chaeyoung giggled and fixed Lisa’s disheveled hair ‘’Yeah you’re as beautiful as ever’’

Lisa grinned and poked Chaeyoung’s cheeks just as Jisoo screamed while holding

‘’Our voice!’’

Lisa and Chaeyoung blinked before shrieking as well ‘’Oh God! Our voice is still not back to normal!’’

‘’Mom? Did you buy chipmunks or something?’’

‘’Why do you think so dear?’’

‘’I just think I heard something in my room…I better go check it out’’

‘’Sure, me and your dad will finish things up here’’

The three girls looked at each other in panic with exaggerated hand gestures


‘What do we do?! Are we going to really greet Jennie in these voices?!’ Chaeyoung

‘Is there a sign language for happy birthday?’ Lisa

Jisoo rolled her eyes ‘Did you think Jennie will know the meaning of it even if we searched it?!’

‘’Oh yeah almost forgot mom, can you text Chaeyoung and the others?’’ They heard Jennie shout as she’s now upstairs as the three girls started to pace around the room nervously

‘’Lisa the cake!’’ Jisoo cursed quietly pointing to the unlit candles of the cake

‘’Oh shhhi!’’ Lisa hurried and tried to find the lighter ‘’Where’s the lighter?!’’

‘’Oh for Christ sake! You lost the lighter?!’’ Jisoo angrily whispered and Chaeyoung wanted to laugh for how cute she sounded in her chipmunk voice but the situation is really making them panic

‘’Uhmm…I hid the lighter’’ Chaeyoung nervously hand them the lighter

‘’…..’’ Both Jisoo and Lisa looked at her as if contemplating to yell the heck out of her or just let it be

So they decided to cut parts

Lisa took the lighter and immediately started lighting up the candles while Jisoo started yelling quietly to Chaeyoung

‘’You had it all this time you cute but stupid chipmunk!’’ Jisoo scolded her while Chaeyoung chuckled nervously with an embarrassed blush

‘’I’m sorry’’ Chaeyoung apologized

‘’Thanks mom!’’ Jennie shouted and mumbled as she entered her room ‘’I swear those girls are always late…’’

Chaeyoung immediately found the confetti blasters and fired it upwards earning a loud scream from Jennie who clutched her chest looking at the party makeover of her bedroom

‘’Happy birthday!’’ They all yelled happily, momentarily forgetting their helium voice and started cheering at Jennie’s dumbfounded face. Running around in circles while screaming (AN: Imagine their HYLT Frozen Edition and you'll know what I their chipmunk voice right now)

Jennie wanted to cry and laugh at the same time; Cry because they put on all this effort just for her special day, and laugh because of silly they look and sound as they scream. It’s like watching Alvin and the Chipmunks live


So she did just that.


Jennie laughed out loud while her eyes released tears of joy ‘’Y-you guys!’’ She shook with laughter ‘’Oh God! What’s up with your voices!’’

‘’It’s Jisoo-unnie’s fault!’’ Lisa pouted ‘’She started inhaling helium and we followed her!’’

‘’It’s not my fault you all followed my footsteps’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes

Jennie started holding her stomach in laughter hearing them argue in their voices ‘’I love you guys so much!’’ Jennie released her gummy smile filled with happiness ‘’I never would have thought you would throw me a surprise birthday party!’’

Chaeyoung giggled and hugged Jennie ‘’Happy birthday wifey…’’

Jennie could only let her heart enjoy this moment forever ‘’Thank you hubby…’’

‘’We deserve our thanks too you know!’’ Jisoo pouted

Jennie laughed happily ‘’Of course you all deserve it! Come here and let’s have a group hug!’’

Both maknae and fake maknae lunged at them as they relished their group hug. It’s been a while since they’ve done this and it really feels refreshing for them all that their group is all fine and dandy

‘’Let’s never separate in our lives’’ Jennie said in her rare vulnerability ‘’ I need you guys so much in my life…I wouldn’t know what to do without all of you. You all make me happy…I wanted all of you to know that’’

‘’Aww Jendeukie you’re so sappy’’ Jisoo smiled so wide that her eyes shone with it; It’s rare for Jennie to let out her feelings so she knows that what she said is genuine ‘’We love you too’’

‘’We love you unnie!’’ Lisa grinned

Chaeyoung nodded ‘’Yeah, we really do wifey’’

Jennie felt more tears stream down her face; This is literally the best birthday of her life

‘’Thank you for everything you guys…’’

After dinner and lots of storytelling with each other, night time came quick as it is time for their traditional movie marathon to end their fun-filled day.

‘’I can’t believe Lisa thought about all that’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’Seriously? An idol group? You’re just like my sister’’

‘’It’s true chipmunk!’’ Lisa exclaimed ‘’Imagine it! You as the main vocalist, me as the main dancer, Jennie-unnie as the main rapper, and Jisoo-unnie as the visual!’’

‘’So you’re admitting that I’m the most beautiful one out of the four of us?’’ Jisoo smirked

‘’Yeah yeah but I’m the hottest okay?’’ Lisa smirked back

‘’It could be possible you know?’’ Jennie chuckled

‘’What? Us as an idol group?’’ Chaeyoung giggled ‘’I could see chaos when that happens’’

‘’Yeah, chaos because we’re going to take the whole world by storm’’ Lisa gestured the world in her hands ‘’We could take over charts like Blackpink!’’

‘’Okay let’s change the topic before Lisa says that we will probably end up in Coachella or something’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’Yeah, it’s time for our movie marathon anyway’’ Jisoo looked at the clock and indeed it was getting late.

‘’Come on monkey let’s go and get some snacks for our movie marathon’’

Lisa frowned and felt a bit unsettled leaving her girlfriend and Jennie alone but nonetheless agreed


They stood up and started arguing what’s the best snack to go for a movie marathon

‘’They’re like two children fighting over a toy’’ Jennie laughed

‘’I think it’s cute’’ Chaeyoung smiled and glanced at Jennie’s guitar ‘’Mind if I play for a bit?’’

‘’Sure’’ Jennie said ‘’It’s been a while since I played it. It must be missing being played’’

Chaeyoung strummed and laugh lightly ‘’Yeah, it’s out of tune. Let’s fix that’’

Jennie watched with admiration as Chaeyoung tuned her guitar. She strummed again and this time hummed in satisfaction

‘’There, perfect’’ Chaeyoung beamed at her ‘’Any songs you like to hear?’’

‘’Hmmm it’s up to you’’ Jennie’s eyes twinkled ‘’Think of it as a bonus gift for me. What would you sing for me?’’

Chaeyoung looked deep in thought and nodded ‘’I hope this song is familiar to you’’ She started strumming a familiar tune to Jennie and Jennie immediately knew what song it was as her heart started to flutter the moment Chaeyoung opened to sing

When I was younger

I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart

And I watched

As he tried to reassemble it


And my momma swore

That she would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love

If it does not exist, but darlin'


You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception


Maybe I know, somewhere

Deep in my soul

That love never lasts

And we've got to find other ways

To make it alone

But keep a straight face


And I've always lived like this

Keeping a comfortable, distance

And up until now

I had sworn to myself that I'm content

With loneliness

Chaeyoung smiled sadly as she sang the next line and the chorus with all her feelings

Because none of it was ever worth the risk


But, you are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception


I've got a tight grip on reality

But I can't let go of what's in front of me here

I know your leaving in the morning, when you wake up

Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream, oh


You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception

You are, the only exception


And I'm on my way to believing

Oh, and I'm on my way to believing…

‘’That was beautiful hubby’’

Chaeyoung opened her eyes as she was singing with her eyes closed the whole time, imagining and singing to the birthday girl in front of her.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her gaze was met by an awe look of her wifey, looking at her with pure love and joy as well as a bit of tears are also in her eyes.

‘’You meant that?’’ Jennie whispered as if she only wants Chaeyoung to hear it

Chaeyoung just smiled at her wide and Jennie immediately knew the answer as she felt compelled to pull the younger girl closer. Before she could do that, a voice stopped her

‘’Wow babe that was amazing!’’

Lisa and Jisoo entered carrying snacks in their arms; Lisa looking at them with a forced smile while Jisoo is glancing at Lisa with a hint of concern.

‘’O-oh thanks babe’’ Chaeyoung stuttered

‘’You should sing to me time to time too you know’’ Lisa nudged her girlfriend ‘’We don’t play music to each other much now’’ She teased but her eyes are screaming jealousy

‘’I will’’ Chaeyoung sent her a small smile and put Jennie’s guitar back to the case ‘’Shall we watch?’’ She said to distinguish the slight tension in the room

‘’Sure, let’s binge watch Netflix’’ Jisoo cheerfully said

They decided to watch Stranger Things since it’s Jennie’s favorite as they settled at the floor filled with comforters and pillows as well as their snacks

Despite watching her favorite series, Jennie is a bit saddened that Chaeyoung is not next to her but couldn’t voice it out since it would seem weird.

 The order was Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Lisa, and Jennie.

‘’Seems like Lisa still didn’t forget our cuddle a few weeks ago’’ Jennie thought as she opened her phone, unaware of watchful eyes next to her.

Chaeyoung sighed feeling Lisa tense beside her ‘’I got to time it right…I have to tell Lisa sooner or later…’’

Jisoo felt a head hit her shoulder and glanced to see Chaeyoung watching the series with a troubled look, she immediately knew and feel that there is something wrong with Chaeyoung ‘’What are you thinking Chaeyoungie?’’

The four of them were quiet, feeling that if one speaks, the tension might come back and it might ruin their night.

Sooner or later, the four of them began dozing off with troubled thoughts in their minds

‘’I hope you guys solve this soon…I get a feeling something did happen’’ Jisoo thought as she closed her eyes ‘’I have to talk to Jennie soon…as well as Chaeyoung’’

‘’I miss her scent…but I can’t cheat on Lisa’’ Chaeyoung chuckled bitterly inside her ‘’Who am I kidding…I already did cheat on her…I have to tell Lisa soon’’ Chaeyoung hugged the ‘sleeping’ Lisa tightly ‘’You don’t deserve these lies’’

‘’I miss you hubby…when are you going to tell her?’’ Jennie sighed and turned away from the hugging pair, her heart hurting ‘’…or is this you showing me you’ll choose Lisa?’’

Lisa turned around and faced the back of her love rival ‘’…Why Jennie why?’’ A tear escaped her eye as she closed her eyes to let sleep claim her, but not without a final thought after seeing two people looking at each other with their hairs tousled up after ziplining

‘’Why is your home screen you and my girlfriend looking at each other full of love?’’

I'm back with another chapter! God I could feel tension is really rising don't you think so? I would definitely love to spoil you for days withouth updating, so I would say that I'm almost done writing this story up to its ending. Maybe I'll post another update after you guys have read this or maybe I'll update tomorrow. I have school now so I've been really busy since this new normal is really to me. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this latest chapter! Let me know your thoughts and the other readers as well as me, will sympathize with you. Stay safe everyone and love you guys!

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story