This is why I don’t play with scrubs like you.

I Promise This Isn’t A Cult

Min-Woof: Hey s que up with me! (ง •̀_•́)ง

Pretty Senpai: You could ask nicely.

Red Minhyuk: No thanks, you guys get way to into it.

Drummer Boi: Remember that one time when Minhyuk almost broke his keyboard, because I do.

B-Bomb: Good times, good times.

Min-Woof: Aww c’mon guys, that was one time! (。•́︿•̀。)

Rocky: I’m down to que up.

Min-Woof: I knew I could count on you! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

B-Bomb: You guys are a bunch of nerds.

Gentleman Prince: And you aren’t?

B-Bomb: Nope, I’m a normal person.

Red Minhyuk: I dunno, having a weird experimental mutant pet seems really nerdy.

Pretty Senpai: This is very true.

B-Bomb: But I didn’t make it, therefore I am not a nerd.

Min-Woof: Less arguing about being nerds and more queing up! (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

Gentleman Prince: Why don’t you play with your other friends?

Min-Woof: They’re all busy. (´;Д;`)

B-Bomb: Or maybe they don’t want to play with you?

Drummer Boi: It would make sense.

Red Minhyuk: They’re scared of him breaking all the keyboards.

Min-Woof: For the last time it was only once! 。゜(`Д´)゜。

Rocky: But we’ll never forget. R.I.P Keyboard.

Pretty Senpai: Not that I don’t enjoy bullying Minhyuk but are we queing up or nah?

Gentleman Prince: Yeah, might as well.

B-Bomb: Sure.

Drummer Boi: Wait do you play overwatch?

B-Bomb: Occasionally, usually to waste time but most of the time I play with Jihoon.

Rocky: Ohhh, exciting.

Min-Woof: What rank are you?

B-Bomb: I’m not sure? I don’t pay attention to that.

Red Minhyuk: You’re probably still better than me.

Drummer Boi: I’m pretty sure everyone is better than you.

Rocky: I mean, he’s not wrong.

Gentleman Prince: So who’s all playing?

Min-Woof: Me, Rocky, Minhyun, You, and BBomb. We have room for one more °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Drummer Boi: Ehh, I’ll pass.

Red Minhyuk: Same, I have to start dinner soon.

Pretty Senpai: Alright, text you guys later.

Drummer Boi: Have fun, you guys!

Min-Woof: Hold the up, How is BBomb Diamond Rank!?

B-Bomb: I dunno, Jihoon is really good at the game?

Rocky: I like how you can tell how shook Minhyuk is when he doesn't use emojis.

Gentleman Prince: Poor thing is probably questioning his whole existence.

Pretty Senpai: You can’t really blame him, I’m just as surprised as him. It’s like we entered the twilight zone.

B-Bomb: What can I say, I’m not a scrub like all of you.


(A/N): Ehhh, not my proudest chapter. I'm having some major writer's block at the moment, not only with this fic but in general. Hopefully it goes away soon!

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