1 Year Anniversary Part 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Happy Days

I Promise This Isn’t A Cult

Min-Woof: Are you guys excited for today!? (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

B-Bomb: What’s today?
Red Minhyuk: *gasp* You don’t know what today is!?
B-Bomb: Please don’t * actions, it gives me rp flashbacks.

Drummer Boi: So you were one of those kids who rp’ed

B-Bomb: We all had to fill our buckets somehow.

Gentleman Prince: That’s nasty.

Pretty Senpai: You had some weird kinks when you were younger.

B-Bomb: That’s rich coming from you, Minhyun. Or should I call you Dave.

Gentleman Prince: Really? Dave? I thought you would be more of an Eridan.

B-Bomb: We all know Minhyun is a Nepeta

Min-Woof: Can we go back to what I was talking about? (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

Pretty Senpai: What were you talking about?

Min-Woof: Do any of you know what today is!? (; ̄Д ̄)

Red Minhyuk: I know what today is!

Drummer Boi: What is it?

Red MInhyuk: It’s laundry day!


Gentleman Prince: 

Drummer Boi: 

Pretty Senpai: 


Red Minhyuk: What?

Min-Woof: Anyways… Its been one whole year since Rocky joined us so we have to celebrate!   ☆ミヾ(∇≦((ヾ(≧∇≦)〃))≧∇)ノ彡☆

Min-Woof: Minhyuk is distracting him with movies and lunch so we have plenty of time to prepare.

Rocky: Y’all know I’m in this chat too, right?

Min-Woof: Damn it Minhyuk, you were supposed to keep him busy.

Chip: Woah, you can’t blame me! You should have made another chat to plan all of this.


And that’s why Rocky is sitting in the middle of an empty flood canal. Minhyuk(nr) left him there before running off to do god knows what. Rocky looked at his phone again but there was nothing to do. Rocky was about to get up and climb out of the canal but a low rumbling caught his attention. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes widen at the giant wave of water rushing towards him. Without another thought Rocky jumps up and starts running down the canal but the water was too fast, he was swept up by the waves. The rushing water was so disorienting that Rocky didn’t notice someone jumping into the water until he felt an arm around his waist. Rocky hit dry land with a wet plop and started coughing up water. When the coughing stopped, Rocky looked around and noticed the person who saved him was still being swept away by the flood. He let out a breath of relief when he saw Minhyuk grab onto the latter on the side of the canal. Thinking they were both safe, Rocky got up to find Minhyuk but a loud splash had him running back towards the edge, he watched in horror as Minhyuk was dragged under the waves. What Rocky didn’t see was the smirking Minhyuk who had pushed Minhyuk back into the water. Long Live the King.

Rocky ran along the edge of the canal until he reached the end. Floating in the water was an unmoving Minhyuk, Rocky gently pulled him out of the water and silently wepped for his friend. The sound of someone approaching him causes Rocky to look up, it was Minhyuk.

“What happened?” Minhyuk asks.

“I-I…” Rocky didn’t know what to say.

“This wasn’t your fault was it?” ...Was it Rocky’s fault? If Rocky hadn’t been in danger than this would have never happened. “It was wasn’t it. You do know what this means right?” Rocky shakes his head. “You’re a murderer Rocky. If they find you, who knows what will happen.”

“What should I do?” Rocky asks.

“Run away, Rocky, run away until your legs give up... and never come back.” Minhyuk answers firmly. That was all Rocky had to hear. He ran and ran until his legs felt like jelly and his lungs filled with fire. Rocky fell to his knees when his legs refused to move anymore, he didn’t know where he was but he didn’t have time to think about that as the world around him went dark. Rocky woke up to a sore body and someone poking his ribs.

“Do you think he’s dead?” Someone asked.

“Nah, he’s breathing… I think?” Someone answered. Rocky made a soft grunt and someone gasped.

“He’s alive!”

“That’s what I just said!”

Rocky slowly opened his eyes, thank god he was in the shade or else the sunlight would have blinded him. “Where am I?”

“You’re in paradise!” The man on his left said.


“Yeah, Hakuna Matata or some .”
“It means no worries.” The man on his right chirped. “C’mon we’ll show you around!” Rocky didn’t have any say in this as he was practically dragged across the floor until he got fed up and somehow managed to stand up☆ミヾ(∇≦((ヾ(≧∇≦)〃))≧∇)ノ彡☆ (I can’t be bothered to fix my mis clicks.) Rocky couldn’t help but look around in awe, he was surrounded by fancy decorated walls.

“Does this place also have food?” Rocky asks while he rubs his empty stomach.

“Of course! What kind of paradise would this be if it didn’t have food.” One of the men said.

“Wait… What are your names??” Yes Rocky, stranger danger.

“I’m Minhyuk.”

“I’m Minhyuk as well.” okay… That didn’t help at all, seeing as Rocky is also Minhyuk. Cue the walking across the log montague because Someone is too lazy to write that.

It had been years since Minhyuk’s death and Rocky had honestly forgotten all about it but the memory had come rushing back when he bumped into Minhyuk(nr). It was a tearful reunion with plenty was hugs and stuff.

“What are you doing here Minhyuk?” Rocky asked.

“I should be the one asking you that, everyone thinks you’re dead.” Minhyuk(nr) countered.

“I ran away and ended up here.” Rocky mumbled.

“Why did you run-” Minhyuk paused for a quick second. “Nevermind you probably had your reasons, but you have to come back. When you left Minhyuk took over and now our homeland is ruined and bare. Only you can stop him.” Minhyuk(nr) explained.

“Do I have to?” Rocky whined.

“Yes! Now come on, we have no time to waste.” And so Rocky, Minhyuk(nr), Minhyuk and Minhyuk avenged Minhyuk’s death by sending Minhyuk to the shadow realm and brought peace back to the land.


The End.




(A/N): You guys thought this was going to be another crazy adventure but I pranked all of you. I was serious about the Lion King thing. I don’t regret anything!

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