Oh no! You sunk my ship!

I Promise This Isn’t A Cult

Rocky: You would think that human evolution would have given us wings by now.

Pretty Senpai: What do you mean?

Rocky: Well we fly a lot so you would think that our bodies would be like “Hey we should make it easier to fly” but nope.

Gentleman Prince: But not everyone has flown. I know plenty of people who have never been in a plane before.

Min-Woof: Flying is overrated anyways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Drummer Boi: You're overrated.

Min-Woof: Thanks hyung. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Gentleman Prince: It’s less funny when you just accept it.

Red Minhyuk: I feel a disturbance in the air.

Pretty Senpai: Is your mom senses going off?

Gentleman Prince: Maybe Leo is tangled in his bedsheets again…

Min-Woof: I remember that. Good times. (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Red Minhyuk: No, I already checked on everyone.

Rocky: Where’s B-Bomb hyung?

Drummer Boi: He’s chilling with Block B I think.

Red Minhyuk: I wonder what this feeling is than.

Gentleman Prince: Maybe it's indigestion.

Pretty Senpai: Maybe hyung is like those animals who freak out before a storm happens.

Rocky: Except instead of weather storms it's metaphorical storms.

Drummer Boi: So right now it's the calm before the storm.

Min-Woof: That sounds like a cheesy chapter title. ( ˘︿ ˘ )

Pretty Senpai: I'm pretty sure every anime has at least one episode titled The Calm Before The Storm tbh.

Red Minhyuk: The real question is what's about to happen…

Rocky: Nothing is happening…

Drummer Boi: Give it a few more minutes.

Min-Woof: Welp I'm bored with waiting. ƪ(‾ε‾“)

Red Minhyuk: Huh, I'm not used to being wrong about these feelings.

Gentleman Prince: We can't be right all the time.

Pretty Senpai: Hey, change of topics but do any of you want yo help me make a homunculus… for science reasons.

Rocky: I’m always down to break the laws of nature and play god.

B-Bomb: Sooo, I broke up with Kyung.

B-Bomb: Sorry was this a bad time?

Red Minhyuk: Oh my hunch wasn't actually indigestion!

Red Minhyuk: I mean, I'm so sorry to hear that want to tell us what happened and then we'll go beat up Kyung.

Pretty Senpai: The Homunculus can wait, we’re about to fight.

B-Bomb: Nah, it's cool. It's only a temporary break up, he'll come back once he apologizes.

Drummer Boi: So what happened??

Min-Woof: Spill the tea. Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ

B-Bomb: Ehh, it was just one of those petty fights. Nothing dramatic happened.

Rocky: You’re just too stubborn to let him win?

Gentleman Prince: I still want to know the deets.

B-Bomb: Basically Kyung and Taeil were joking around yesterday and Kyung said that would be more upset if we split then he would. He even went as far to say that he would celebrate the freedom. I get that he was joking but it still made me feel like so today before we left to go visit everyone I was like “I’m breaking up with you.” and closed the door on his face. I even made sure to take his key so he couldn’t get back in.

Pretty Senpai: Damn, that’s cold hearted. I love it, show him who's boss.

Drummer Boi: What did he do after you locked him out?

B-Bomb: He tried to get in and called me a bunch then finally gave up. The others texted me as well and I’ve been leaving them on ‘read’ because they’re on his side. Granted they only know Kyung’s side of the story and he probably doesn’t even know what he did wrong.

Min-Woof: That’s so mean hyung, you are a true inspiration. (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Gentleman Prince: I’m surprised Zico hasn’t come over to break the door down.

B-Bomb: He’s probably too confused to do anything.

Rocky: I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t know what to do if MJ and JinJin broke up.

Red Minhyuk: They would have to fight for who kept which kid.

Rocky: We would all go with MJ…

Drummer Boi: Why??

Rocky: Reasons...

Min-Woof: So mysterious. (*゚ー゚)

Red Minhyuk: BBomb, you want us to come over? We can bring food!

B-Bomb: It’s cool, apparently Jihoon is coming over?

Pretty Senpai: Are you going to let him in?

B-Bomb: Of course! I can’t lock the baby out, he might catch a cold or something.

Rocky: But it’s spring? How could catch a cold??

Gentleman Prince: When there’s a P.O. there’s a way.

Min-Woof: This is very true and kinda scary. ( ̄□ ̄ ; )

Red Minhyuk: Never underestimate P.O.

Drummer Boi: Anyways, what’s he planning to do?

B-Bomb: I’m not sure? He didn’t say anything other than that he’s coming over so he’s either going to cry or demand answers.

Min-Woof: Sounds like a fun time. (  ̄へ ̄ )

Rocky: Maybe you should sneak out.

Pretty Senpai: This sounds like a great idea.

B-Bomb: Too late he’s already knocking on the door.

Red Minhyuk: Jump out the window.

Gentleman Prince: Doesn’t B-Bomb live on like the 5th floor?

Rocky: He could have survived if he had wings…

Min-Woof: Oh my god he could have. ∑(゚ロ゚〃)

Drummer Boi: And now we're full circle to the original conversation.

Pretty Senpai: It just shows how important wings are. I got an idea for the homunculus we could make.

Red Minhyuk: Minhyun, no.

Rocky: Minhyun, YES.

Pretty Senpai: Rocky okayed it so I’m allowed to do it.

Drummer Boi: You know for being the youngest Rocky seems to have a lot of power over our decisions.

Min-Woof: I’ve notice this too but I accepted my fate already. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Gentleman Prince: I think we all have.

B-Bomb: Jihoon is a precious human bean. He came in and said “I don’t know what happened but you shouldn’t be alone so i’ll be your new boyfriend.” and he brought all my favorite foods and movies. I can’t.

Gentleman Prince: Excuse me but where do I get a P.O. for myself?
Red Minhyuk: Sadly there is only one in existence.

Rocky: For now…

Pretty Senpai: Rocky, yes.

Drummer Boi: Guys please, don’t ruin this moment with your questionable science stuff.

Min-Woof: Are you guys cuddling on the couch? That’s so cute. (●♡∀♡)

B-Bomb: Did you look at my snapchat? I just wanted to with Kyung a bit.

Red Minhyuk: I wonder how long it will take for him to come running back.

B-Bomb: I’m not sure but I’m having P.O. send subtle texts to everyone about what’s wrong.

Gentleman Prince: He’s such a good boy.

Pretty Senpai: He’s a very good boy and must be protected at all costs.

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