What Infi Wants

Infi The Infinite Infant


On set, the first day of filming, staff had the members each shoot a short interview clip.


Woohyun: The first time I saw her, I thought she was a puppy! lol

Sungyeol: She's so fast. If I turn around for one minute, she's already in the kitchen!

Sunggyu: *casual disdain* Hn, I'll take on this challenge, just like every other obstacle thrown at me in life. Infinite will succeed. *cheeky smirk*

Dongwoo: Kyaa!~ She's too cute! I wanna squish her little cheeks! I can't wait to go to on playdates and teach her all sorts of things!

Hoya: *crickets chirping*

Myungsoo: Ha, her spit bubbles are the greatest! 

Sungjong: *sighs* I'll have to be the "mean daddy," won't I?




Also pre-recorded, was a video taken by the members at CPS's local facility detailing the importance of adoption, and warning potential parents that foster children need extra care, because they may have come from abusive homes. And, that all child need patience, love and nurturing when brought into a whole new environment - surrounded by strangers. They're not pets, but little humans that should be taken seriously. Each member vowed under oath to acknowledge these guidelines.




Following, staff revealed that they'd invited a childcare specialist, with the help of CPS, to come talk to the boys and answer any of their questions. 

"Oh, that's a good idea," Dongwoo started, "Maybe she can tell us how to keep Infi entertained." A never-ending cycle of a seemingly ADD infant. 

"I wanna know how to change a diaper, and her knees feel at little dry from crawling all the time. Do we put lotion on them? What kind of lotion is safe? What kind of candy can she have? How many hours should she sleep a day? When's an appropriate bedtime?" Myungsoo began a series of questions, to which Dongwoo just as quickly answered with his own semi-correct assumptions. "Sunggyu can show you, yes..gentle lotions, peas, and other smashed and easily digestible foods, 18? 5 pm?"

Next to them, Woohyun held Infi and asked her, "What do you think?" He nodded, "Ah yeah, I agree, your daddies need lots of help..." 

Approximately 30 minutes later she arrives, "Hello everyone I'm Kang Jihyul and i'm a pediatrician employed by CPS. Nice to meet you all," she greeted with a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, we are Infinite!" the boys chorused in unison - aware of the cameras surrounding them. If not for the cameras, they would have greeted her casually, and Myungsoo would have immediately attacked her with his infinite questions. But no, Gyu held him in place by his shirt collar. 

"Ah, shall we take a seat over here?" Ms. Kang noticed what looked like a temporary classroom set-up inside of Infinite's main living room. 

"Yes, of course," Gyu motioned her to the teacher's seat like a gentleman - Yeol mocking him from behind.

"Ok, oh.." she fidgeted with her briefcase upon sitting down, "Shall we start, Or--" she scanned the cameras, causing the members to laugh.

"Ha, just relax, you'll forget that the cameras are even here in a few minutes," Woohyun reassured her.

"Ah, i've never been filmed like this before."

"Don't worry, you're pretty. You look very pretty today," Dongwoo cheered, making Ms. Kang blush to all the members' amusement.

*cough cough* "Ready, cue!" the producer called. 

"Oh, wait," Hoya called out before running off to grab Infi from a staff member, "I wanna hold her," he insisted. Then returned to his seat with her in his lap, causing Myungsoo, Woohyun and Dongwoo to all groan, because they'd each tried and failed all morning to pry Infi away from their mostly female staff.

"Oh, you give Infi to Hoya, but not us!?" Myungsoo whined.

"Shh, we're rolling!" Was the director's crude response.

Ms. Kang chuckled at the boys then proceeded to take two deep breaths before beginning her well-rehearsed speech that she frequently gave at her clinic. This covered all the basics like how to: warm a bottle, understand food labels, change a diaper, put her to sleep, check her temperature, etc. And Gyu, ever the leader type took clean notes which Myungsoo planned on making multiple photocopying copies of. 

"Now, every rapidly growing baby needs to eat every 3-4 few hours." She continued, giving portion controlled advice, "And you'll know if she's properly fed is she successfully wets her diaper approximately 5 times a day. Next, here's how to tell if Infi's hungry. She seems like a relatively quiet baby, so she may not always cry loudly to alert you. Instead, she may simulate on your fingers or become grouchy. So you have to really pay close attention to her."

"Every other hour?" Woohun cried, "But isn't she suppose to sleep a lot too?"

"Yes, and if need be you should gently wake her." Moving on she added, "And, always, when checking on Infi in her crib make sure that she's laying on her back. She's about 6 months old, so she should have mastered the art of rolling over, but babies should never sleep on their stomachs. They can accidentally smother themselves  because they're still developing their motor skills."

"Oh my God!" half of Infinite yelled, "She can die in her sleep? I'm already paranoid about her falling out of her highchair, and random asteroid strikes, but she can kill herself!?" Yeol shrieked.

"Yes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is a very real danger. But, thankfully for you kids' Infi's already out of the most dangerous period."

Moving forward, "Who here knows how to efficiently stop a baby from crying?"

"Pick her up and rock her back and forth," "check her diaper," "feed her," "burp her," came a barrage of answers. 

"Yes, those are all good answers, but what if nothing works? And how do you feed or change a fussy baby? What if nothing's seemingly wrong at all? The best thing to do is to try and soothe her first. Then solve the problem. I'm going to show you a technique popularized by Dr. Robert Hamilton now. Watch closely," she picked up Infi, tucking both of Infi's arms into her chest with one hand and holding Infi's bottom with her other, "Like this. Lean Infi forward just a bit, wiggle her little bottom gently, lightly bounce her up and down, and carefully move her around in a circular motion."

"Will this really make her stop?" Gyu gasped. He'd have to try it himself the next time Infi screamed up a storm. 

"Yes, it's like magic," Ms. Kang joked, "This move stimulates your baby's memories from within the womb, and by leaning her forward at a 45-degree angle she's seeing her surroundings differently, and that peaks her interest. She'll simply forget what she's even fussing about." She pulled the giggling infant closer to her chest, "You see? Look at that big smile everyone. Such a happy little girl," before returning her to Hoya. 

Ms. Kang's lecture continued on to several more important topics. "Lastly, all babies are different, so the most important thing that all new parents need to do is form a strong bond with their baby. The stronger the bond, the more likely you'll be able to understand your baby's unique needs and personality. If you can't bond well enough then you'll have trouble deciphering, between 'Kyaa~ i'm happy' vs 'Boo, i'm grumpy' from Infi's babbles and actions. So, i'll ask you, what can you tell me right now about Infi?" 

"What can we tell you?" Woohyun asked dumbfounded.

"She loves Hammy!" Myungsoo shouted.

"She screams like a banshee and she likes on her toes!" Jong added.

"Ah! She's allergic to peanuts!" Dongwoo shouted. That's definitely important to know.

"Oh, she hates mashed peas," Hoya commented. Cue Hoya's flashback of pea vomit all over his shirt.

"She drools over everything I love," Gyu deadpanned. Hammy, his favorite jacket, his stereo system... 

"Aww, you did notice that she drooled on me," Woohyun cracked. *Smack*

"She crawls away and hides from me every time I try to pick her up," Myungsoo whine softly.

"I think she likes the color purple best?" Yeol surmised from his experiment the other night to see which pacifier Infi liked best. The purple one.

"Holy crap! And she love.ID.'s "Are You Hungry"! She made us listen to it the entire time we were in the car yesterday and screamed every time we tried to turn it off," Jong complained. 

Like this Infinite rambled on, ultimately realizing that they didn't know much about Infi... Not really...

"That's a good start," Ms. Kang concluded, "You've only had Infi for a week, yet you've already listed so many things. Now, how about we conduct and exercise?"' 

The boys leaned forward and listened closely, eagerly seeking to bond with Infi. Gyu unconsciously included.

"First, one of the best ways to bond is through constant communication. Speak to her while you're playing. She may not be able to talk yet, but she can understand general emotions, and she's excited to interact with you. So, always respond to her because you're fostering a healthy active mind by encouraging her. And, you can interpret her babbles any way you wish. You can create fictitious nonsense conversations if you like. You can even babble, yourselves, and she'll love every second of it. And also, even when you're busy doing other tasks I'd like you to occasionally call out to her. Let her know that you're there. Sing for her. So she doesn't feel lonely." Each member nodding in compliance. 

"It's also ok to sometimes be quiet, too. For example, if Infi's in a grumpy mood and gets upset at the smallest noises. In that case, you can simply stay close to her. Shower her with kisses, or just hold her hand. This way she'll know that you care for her and that it's ok to be grumpy once in awhile. Other bonding methods you should also frequent are keeping eye contact when you interact with her, and letting her listen to your heartbeat while holding her."  

"Ooooh," Myungsoo audibly agreed.

"Now, let's each take turns bonding with Infi! Who wants to go first?"

"Dongwoo Dongwoo Dongwoo Dongwoo!" Dongwoo chanted his name in excitement.

"I love your enthusiasm, Dongwoo," Ms. Kang laughed.

With that Dongwoo took Infi from Hoya's lap, "Waa~ Infi do you want to bond with Daddy Dongwoo?," he asked as Infi giggled, "What? Do you? How about I give you a raspberry?" Dongwoo lifted Infi towards his face and blew on her stomach, resulting in Infi's screams of delight.

"Excellent, "Ms. Kang congratulated him. "That was perfect! Hoya, how about you go next?"

"Me?" Hoya gawked, "Ah..ok." He stood up and took Infi, "Can..Can I rap?" He asked almost hysterically cluelessly.

"Of course you can," Ms. Kang encouraged him, amongst Yeol and Gyu's snarking 'idiot' comments.

"Uh I got it!" So freaking awkward, "Baby Infi, daddy promises to buy you a Bentley, so don't be empty. You'll have plenty. You'll be trendy. So please play gently with our Infinite assembly," Hoya rattled off, simultaneously entertaining Infi with funny hand movements. (Gawd shoot me for that horrible mess. > <)

"Oh oh, Infi actually like that!?" Myungsoo shouted in disbelief, as Infi happily cooed and held onto Hoya's fingers. Honestly, Hoya was just as bewildered as the rest, and proud of himself. He's had next to no luck with her until then. Earlier she hadn't laughed at a single one of his jokes.

"Yes, she loves it. You should rap to her more often," Ms. Kang cheered. "Let's have Myungsoo go next."

"Ye," Myungsoo ran up to grab Infi and shot her his famous dimpled smile, "Infi, Hello~" But, Infi only stared back at him blankly. "Ah, why don't like me?" He frowned. Truth be told, he wasn't lying when he said that Infi always hid from him every time he tried to pick her up. "Hmm", he pulled her closer," the others seeing the worry on his face, "Maybe, you don't like my voice? How about this?" Myungsoo mocked a deep voice, "Or this?" He increased his pitch, "I'm Daddy Myungsoo. I like you so much!"

"Aish, stop with the Mickey Mouse !" Yeol shouted, "You're hurting my ears!"

"I'm only trying to make Infi laugh," Myungsoo ed back.

"Try something else!" 

"Fine!" Myungsoo bent down to grab one of Infi's favorite toys - an orange ball, "Would you like to play with daddy?" Infi's response this time was to immediately grab the ball and slobber on it. Odd that Infi hadn't cried at all, but she clearly didn't favor Myungsoo, and that was starting to really hurt Myungsoo's feelings.  

"Hmm, that's a good first attempt. Maybe the two of your should spend some one-on-one time without the other members," Ms. Kang suggested, "I'm sure she'll warm up to you soon. You did a good job with that ball. How did you know which toy to grab?" 

"She won't play with me, but I like watching her from a distance. She loves playing with this ball - more than any other toy," Myungsoo confessed.

"What a wonderful observation. I'm positive that you'll master Infi's affection within a matter of days," she continued, while the other members felt bad for him.

"Woohyun, why don't you have a try?"

"Uugghh whhaa~" Woohyun exaggerated a big stretch, "Gimme, gimmie," he chuckled as Myungsoo handed Infi to him and sat down.

"Infi, why are you being so mean to Daddy Myungsoo?" He playfully scolded her. "He only loves you."

"It's because he's cuter than me," Woohyun imitated Infi's baby voice, successfully defusing the heavy atmosphere.

"What!? It's because you're jealous?" he feigned shock, "You're jealous of Daddy Myungsoo? Wow?"

"Ne, I'm jealous. I want to steal his dimples!" 

"Ooooh, Hmm, I agree. You're both cute, but you have to be nice or Daddy Woohyun will punish you~" Woohyun imitated Sailor Moon with that last bit. And, Infi's eating it up - and babbling nonsense.

"Kya~? Is that it?" Myungsoo laughed loudly, "Ha, I'm relieved!"

"Wonderful," Ms. Kang clapped. 

"I did wonderfully?" Woohyun and his never ceasing need to be continuously complimented, beamed.


"Alright you, come here," Gyu stood up to take Infi, Infi eyeing him with this look of bewilderment. He held her silently for a moment double-checking that he was, indeed, holding her correctly, before singing part of "Love Letter." Infi's eyes slowly closing, as the song lulled her to sleep. 

"Oh, excellent," Ms. Kang commented, almost whispered. "On that note, we should probably let her continue to sleep. I'm sure she's experienced lots of excitement today."

The members and staff nodded.

"Cut," the directed called making sure not to wake her. The members would film their after-class interviews while Infi slept. Before leaving Ms. Kang also answered any remaining questions and gave each member a baby journal to write in each night. 





Woot! Started around 2 pm, and now it's 5 pm! Quick write as usual. ;P I'mma try to get the next chapter up tonight, but right now I gotta run to the store.

Poor Myungsoo T.T

The soothing baby trick source: https://www.sciencechannel.com/tv-shows/outrageous-acts-of-science/videos/how-to-instantly-make-a-baby-stop-crying?utm_campaign=trueanthem_sciencechannel&utm_content=593fa99300bd470007266c15&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook

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The first Infi and Ubi chapter is up! It's just a quickie~


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Chapter 45: Yeahhh! Their new journey!
Chapter 45: Eh? Thank you ❤
Chapter 45: Looking forward to the new adventures!
Chapter 44: They are cute
Chapter 44: Eeeeep! WooGyu first kiss! I seriously thought Gyu was going to propose right there and then!
Chapter 43: Si have this little idea in my head so here goes

Sungyu finally figure it out . " so you played me why " he said to them . " what do you mean hyung " Dong woo asked him ." You know what I mean Dongwoo you messed with me !" Guy yelled . " I trusted you the most but then you have to me why you " Gyu said to them ." Oh um hyung but I mean I just " Dongwoo couldn't find words to say. " I don't hear jut from you woohyun I acutely tried to do stuff you like but you do to me play with my heart " Gyu said . Woohyun was about to say something but Gyu stooped him ." I can't believe you would do this you know Mabey u should leave you three here and don't follow me " Gyu said as he ran off other three just looked in sadness and thought how they hurt their leader .
With Gyu
Gyu started to cry under a tree . He knew wasn't the best leader but he tried . He kept thinking of how useless he was then it him Mabey he leave infinite .

I hope you like
Chapter 43: Lmao this is so funny ❤❤
Chapter 43: Infinite at the amusement park will never be not funny! Poor Gyu lol
Chapter 42: Hahaha woohyun's wishlists are superrr amazing XD tq for the update
Chapter 41: Awwww cuuuute! Woogyu should marry for real! Lol