Something Unbelievable!

A Boy and A Girl

Nichkhun made a sharp turn then stopped the car, facing a building. He gently hold up his phone and dialed someone's numbers. Waiting for the someone on the other line, Nichkhun felt like he been committing a crime his whole life.

YoonA: "Hello, it's YoonA here" she picked up her phone while concentrating on how to make Yuri's surprise brithday party perfect.

Nichkhun took a deep breath before he had courage to open his mouth and replied.

Nichkhun: "It's me, Nichkhun..." the words escape Nichkhun's mouth, hesitated. YoonA gasped as she heard the word 'Nichkhun'. She been trying to avoid him for a whole week already, and he never even bother to find her or anything. Now, he called her? YoonA thought in amazement, it must be something important to Nichkhun, again.

YoonA: "Uhh, hee-yy. Why are you calling?" said YoonA, softly. She was still embarrassed.

Nichkhun: "Can you come out for awhile. I have something very important to tell you. This is the matter of fact, related to you. Just for a while, it won't took much of your time, please?" he said in a kind of begging tone.

YoonA: "You're in front of MY HOUSE?" YoonA asked. Nichkhun didn't replied much about that, just only a breathing sound.

YoonA put down her phone and hurried down. Nichkhun sounded, weird. No matter what he was going to say, or even how uncomfortable it was to face him, YoonA must find out what was going on to him, right now!

YoonA widely opened her front door, seeing the flash of lights from Nichkhun's car. She slowly stepped down from the front porch, and met Nichkhun by his seat. Nichkhun got out from his spot. He stood there, eyes about to fill with tears, holding onto YoonA's diary, meeting her innocent eyes.

Nichkhun: "This..." holding up YoonA's diary. YoonA glanced at it and gulped. She could smell some problems right now.

- "You lost this when you were in a hurry, avoiding me, last time we saw each other. I was going to return this, but it seem like you always running away from me, so I kept it until tonight. A little ago, I flipped through the pages and accidentally found out..." he stopped.

YoonA: 'You mean you went through my private things huh?" she look boldly.

Nichkhun: "Anio, anio! I was--was--" attempting on explaining himself clearly.

YoonA: "No need to explain, you went through my secrets and knew all about it. Thanks, they are all spilled now" grabbing her diary and walked away like strangers. Nichkhun caught YoonA's thin wrist, causing her to pause.

Nichkhun: "Why don't you tell me about your feeling?" he breathed deeply before saying.

YoonA was trying to prevent that from coming. That was why she took her diary back and dashed inside. Now, the weirdest moment was when she had to talk about her feeling.

YoonA: "What feeling, I have no feeling" closing her eyes while grinding down her teeth. 

Nichkhun: "You don't have to hide anymore Yoong. I'm sorry for all those time when I talked and asked for your help about Yuri, when you were like this. I should've known better before doing all these to you. I know how these are very hurtful because I went through all these too. Yuri once always talk about Taecyeon in front of me, and I can understand that clearly, from your perspective. When I found out about yout feeling, I felt like I'm a love criminal. And even worst when I know you been hiding it, keep it for yourself and--" 

YoonA: "That's enough" her eyes become teary, hearing all those words.

- "What do you suppose I must do about it then? You're crazy in love with my bestfriend, even when she already got a Taecyeon. I know that you're not doing anything to block their relationship, but your sacrafice is just like mine!" YoonA yelled.

- "Your sacrafice to let Yuri and Taecyeon be, while your heart is still leaning toward her. Like me too, I won't bother you. In your mind, seeing Yuri happy makes you happy, and that is exactly like me. Seeing you happy is all I wish to see. However, I hate it when you're being sad and lonely without her!" her words flew by Nichkhun's ears as her tears slided down her cheeks.

Nichkhun couldn't help it but to pull her into a hug. In his embrace, YoonA continued to cry, like madness. Finally, those feeling of her could be freed.

Nichkhun: "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. Why don't we try like this. I feel like Yuri is now happy with Taecyeon already, and I should forget about her. Like you said, she should be my good memories. Why don't me and you try to go out, things would become better days by days. You can help me forget about her!" that sudden thought popped out from his head.

YoonA broke free from his embrace and looked at him in a quite surprise. She then cleaned her tears.

YoonA: "What are you talking about? I figure that you're still somewhere around Yuri in spirit, why are you doing this? I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me, you know. I'm fine without you. It's not like I'll be crazy about you forever, I'll find a right man, don't need to take responsibility, I'm strong enouggh to stand alone" explaining about Nichkhun was doing. She thought he was crazy at the moment.

Nichkhun: "I'm not feeling sorry for you. I just think that I need someone to free me from thinking about Yuri." his mood got serious.

- "I'm very close to you, always talk to you about my thoughts, don't you think that we can possibly go out and see where we'll go?"

YoonA: "Yah! I'm not joking" she crossed her arms.

Nichkhun: "I'm not joking either. You don't think that I'm good enough to be your boyfriend don't you?" he answered her hesitation.

YoonA: "It's not like that. It's just, it's just, are you serious?" she questioned.

Nichkhun: "Yes. Okay, if you're feeling weird about this, then why don't we just imagine it's like you are helping me, cleaning out my heart for a new person. Deal?" he smiled.

YoonA: "Love can't be forced. Don't force yourself" looking away.

Nichkhun: "I'm serious. I believe that if you're beside me, helping me then I'll back to a Nichkhun like before, before meeting Kwon Yuri!" turning her face back so she could see how serious his look was.

YoonA stared at that precious look. Maybe she could just assume that she was only helping Nichkhun out. This dating called 'trying' was very new to YoonA. Trying to date and see where thing would go was something only Nichkhun could think of, at this moment.

YoonA: "Fine..." she said like whisper.

Nichkhun: "Okay, let's begin then, girlfriend! We'll see how things go after me and you dating. I believe things would be different" holding YoonA's shoulders and pull her in for another hug.

In his mind, Nichkhun muttered quietly "If I can't love you YoonA, I'm sorry. But I believe that you can make me love you"


Today was the last day for Yuri to act about forgetting her memories. Tomorrow, she could reveal how her condition really was and Taecyeon would definitely be happy about it!


Jessica: "Go Taec, lead Yuri outside, to somewhere private! Tomorrow is her birthday already, and it's friday today. We need to get thing completely planned out, and ready. Don't you remember that this must be perfect, and Yuri unoticed about our plan? Don't bring her back here. At least not until we give you a call or something. Taking her out ans stay with her until the bell rang for class is more perfect. Hwaiting Taec!" Sica told Taecyeon what to do, looking at Yuri, who was choosing her lunch.

The other pushed Taecyeon out and toward Yuri. After Yuri got her lunch, Taecyeon guide Yuri outside, to the school's garden, where it was peaceful. Yuri nicely agreed in following Taecyeon, was the real Yuri.

Jessica: "Okay guys. Let get things organized!" Sica began.

- "Khun, did Jaybeom told you about it yet?" she asked Nichkhun, who was eating his food, seating beside YoonA. YoonA and him still kept the story about their new relationship as a secret, without anyone knowing.

Nichkhun: "About what?" gulping down what he had devoured.

Jessica glared over at Jaybeom, who was clueless.

Jaybeom: "Sorry??? I just forgot about that! Sorry you guys. But you can tell Nichkhun now" pouting after seeing Sica's scary glare. She was already cold, now with that glare, it was definitely not good indeed.

Taeyeon: "Aish, you dudes" as she started telling what they were planning. It was all about Yuri's surprise party.


Yuri: "Taecyeon ah... looks like we are out of popcorn. We can't watch a movie without popcorn. What should we do about it now? Should I go and get some at the nearby store, only blocks away? You can stay here and prepare the movie..." searching around the cabinets.

Taecyeon: "It's okay, I'll take care about that. Let me go and you stay here. It isn't safe for you to go out at this time." grinning widely and took off with his jacket. Because the store was very near, so Taecyeon only went out with his feet. No cars, no bikes. Just by walking.

Yuri looked after Taecyeon. At his broad shoulder and back. Just hours togo, and she could return to herself again, years ago. Yuri smile silently and about to walk inside, but a shadow of someone she knew caused her to stop. It was no other than, Nichkhun.

Nichkhun waved at her and Yuri waved back. Maybe it was time for Yuri to resolve about those time when she loved Nichkhun.

Nichkhun: "Looks like you're happy being with Taecyeon now huh?" he said with a grin on his face. Since he was trying to forget about Yuri now and being together with YoonA, he was here to tell Yuri about it.

Yuri: "So what brings you here Khun?" Yuri asked. Nichkhun was caught of guard after he heard Yuri bright side. Especially when he was standing in front of her right now. He thought Yuri was mad and all at him.

Nichkhun: "You're strange. Did you lose more of your memories? I thought you were very mad at me before that you don't even want to face me!" he asked in concern.

Yuri: "I know you would say that. No way, I didn't lose anymore memories. In fact, I remembered everything now!" she replied. Nichkhun's eyes were widen after he heard that. That time had already came.

- "And of course, I remember you too, Nichkhun. Sorry for being such a trouble when I forgot about everything. And...about your feeling toward me, I'm sorry about that. When I was forgetting everything, do you remember that you told me about your love history toward me? I got it. I was feeling sorry for not replying your love with my mine, since you know where it went"

Nichkhun: "So you recall about everything huh? Good! About my feeling, it's okay now. I know that you only love Taecyeon so I'm not forcing. I'm happy that you're happy. What brought me here in the first place was to tell you that I'm trying to forget you by going out with YoonA. I thought that you're happy now with Taecyeon, so I wanted to make sure things between us are cleared."

Yuri: "Really? That is absolutely great. YoonA is a good girl, don't you dare to hurt her" she laughed happily.

Nichkhun: "So did you tell Taecyeon about it yet?" he asked. 'Yuri must've already told Taecyeon about it' he thought.

Yuri: "No yet. Since tomorrow is my birthday so I'm planning to tell him and everyone tomorrow. A wonderful surprise on my birthday huh?"

Nichkhun: "A surprise for a surprise. Tomorrow is suddenly something to remember about. Oh and we are now friends right?"

Yuri: "Of course, like we always are. But wait, did you say that you're trying to forget me by going out with YoonA? You meant you're only trying? If you're are in the mid of attempting, then let me tell you this, don't think about me, but only focus only YoonA. You'll be able to love her if you only think about her. Think of me as your friends, and everything would be fine" giving Nichkhun some advices.

Nichkhun: "I'm trying, but don't worry. Since you got your memories back now, why would I dare to interfere you and Taecyeon!" as they both laugh out loud.

- "A return hug, as friends?" Nichkhun asked. Yuri nodded her head and spread out her arms. 

They stayed in their friendship embrace for quite awhile. Nichkhun was now peaceful, when he saw that Yuri happy again, especially since she remember everything. Now, the only thing he needed to worry about was himself. He must get over Yuri and try to love YoonA. He shouldn't disappoint YoonA. 

Taecyeon, on the other side was walking in happiness toward Nichkhun and Yuri. He looked at his bag, the bag he just bought from the store. There were popcorn, chips, and many more delicious food. Him and Yuri must have a great time tonight, watching a movie before the big day tomorrow, Yuri's birthday!

He fixed his eyes back on the road and what ahead. What surprised him was Yuri and Nichkhun, hugging??! Taecyeon paused his steps for a second, hoping that whatever he was seeing wasn't true. But Yuri and Nichkhun hugging each other was what he couldn't stop thinking about!

Did Yuri and Nichkhun got back together? he thought. His happy thoughts about the time he was about to spend with Yuri was going to shatter into pieces, seeing Yuri and Nichkhun like that.



Hello and again! Sorry if I disappoint you guys about Khunna, because they are not quite a lovey dovey couple, yet! Here is my last normal chapter before the 'Final' chapter, on my next update! This story been so you want do know what will happen? Please leave a comment!

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although I' read this late, I think it's wonderful. Good job author-ssi (:
sone1259 #2
I love KhunRi more!!
I want khunri, I think taecyeon is more suitable for yoona and nichkhun is for yuri!
Sweet_Dessert #4
:( I want KHUNRI!!!!!
New reader here... I'll start reading tomorrow coz I have some things to do right now.. I found it interesting so I'll bookmark it.. Even though I like Khunri morethan taecyul... I'll still read it.. ^__^
yoonhee7 #6
Happy ending!
Love it a lot:)
merna8 #7
I love it!
aw such a happy ending!!!!! now update your 2 nd fic because i was waiting so much ^^
Thank you all readers, and commenters on my story! Thank you for supporting my first fanfic ever ♥
Wait no Taec!It's not what it looks like!!!!!
Awwwww Khuna is so cute!!!!!And they are dating-ish!!!!!!!