Recalling The Past?

A Boy and A Girl

Due to the embarrassment in front of Taecyeon earlier, Yuri couldn't find a find to face him anymore. Getting into her own seat, while the maids were preparing the luxury breakfast for her and Taecyeon, Yuri pretended to pick up a magazine and scanned through it. Since Yuri figured that facing Taecyeon again might be weird, so in case Taecyeon walk down and sit together with her, she would have a magzine to cover herself up.

Yuri: "Are you done with the breakfast yet? Please hurry up. I need to go to school, fast" hurrying the maids in the kitchen. Hearing the command, the cooking one speeded herself and served the plate. Yuri felt a little bit relieve when the food was already in front of her.

She quickly grabbed the fork and the spoon, while constantly picking up the food. 

Taecyeon: "Please serve the food" he said while stepping down the stairs slowly. Yuri heard the voice and closed her eyes in disappointment, as her head slowly fell on the table.

- "Why are you devouring your food like a light Yuri ah" fixing up the sleeves of his school uniform. 

Yuri: "I...I...I need to go to school early. friends are..are waitng" said Yuri while stopping.

Taecyeon: "Wait for me!" Taecyeon pleased while running down the stairs, toward Yuri. Yuri expressed her confuse look and faced the other way. 

Yuri: "I can't! You go after, I...I need to go right now! You are very slow, so I can't wait for you. Now, go and enjoy your breakfast while I'm off now" picking up her backpack and dashed outside, toward where the driver was waiting for her. Taecyeon couldn't miss out any chance being together with Yuri so without even touching his plate, he grabbed his stuff and paced after Yuri.

Yuri got into the car, without knowing Taecyeon was right behind her, closed the door, signing her relieve. Just at when Yuri just felt better, succeed in escaping Taecyeon, she saw the door next to her opened. Taecyeon. Taecyeon got in with a smile on his face, while Yuri's jaw dropped.

Taecyeon: "Let's go mister!" he grinned at the driver. The driver nodded then plugged th key. The car took off, while Yuri, was clueless.

- "Why are you hiding from me. Is it because...of that?" pointing his thump toward his chest. Yuri gasped silently, seeing how gallantly he acted, plus with that confident smile too.

Yuri: "Yah! What are you talking about???" she argued, trying to defense herself.

Taecyeon: "Just kidding, just kidding, no need to get all mad about it" said Teacyeon, forming a cute and naughty smile on his lips.


Teacher: "Settle down students! Class had started, so find your way back into your seat! YAH, you guys over there, stop throwing papers, and YOU GUYS over on the left, get down from the chairs, AND YOU OVER HERE, be quiet!" a powerful commanded as she was standing behind the classroom's booth.

- "Yea that's right!" nodding her head when she saw the class was calming themselves down. The class was like a zoo today!

- "So how is the project going, did you guys finish anything? At least your plan or anything? You only have a week to finish with it." the teacher talked while she walked over to her bag and reached out a pile of paper.

None of the students answered her question, just some over here and there.

Yuri: "What is she thinking about, rushing to be done with this project by one week" she mumbled. 

Teacher: "Chanji, would you like to come up and pass out this for me please? These are the date of your deadline, plus how am I going to grade your couple dance, arasso?" the teacher put up a fake smile.

Class: "Nehhh" they responded.


Teacher: "Please write what on the board neatly on your paper students, you guys are going to turn this in, but my standard is neatly so don't mess it up!" pointing in the air.

- "YoonA and Nichkhun, are you guys done? Good! Can you two come up here and help me out a little?" he asked nicely. YoonA and Nichkhun looked at each other with a questioning look. They came up and stood next to their teacher, as the teacher patted their shoulders.

- "So thanks to YoonA and Nichkhun today, I'll let you guys see what am I talking about from these notes. Since we are in an acting class, and since we also got the scene written on the board over here, do you like to see your classmates trying acting it?" he raised his eyebrows. The class just nodded.

- "Alright, please start YoonA and Nichkhun, thank you!" as he stepped down and sat on one of the empty seat below, examing how his students were.


YoonA: "That was so weird, when did I accepted to act in front of the class" YoonA said as she ruffled her hairs. Nichkhun walked from behind and added a few lines.

Nickhun: "That was very weird indeed. And that is his habit, picking students randomly." crossing his arms.

YoonA: "Hey Khun, do you want to go and get something with me, in the library? I just remembered I need to get a book to do something very important. Ughh, it's okay if you don't want to, I just asked you randomly since you're already here next to me" 

Nichkhun: "No need to reason, I got you! Alright, let's go. We got a short break anyway, so why not?" he smiled as he pulled YoonA by her arm and dragged her nicely toward the library.


Yuri: "So you planned out all the steps already right, last night?" she questioned Taecyeon, who was drinking water from his bottle.

Taecyeon: "Uh yea, why. Do you have any change in mind and want to revise it or something? I got it right here if you wanna" said Taecyeon.

Yuri: "Anio, anio, I just want to make sure what we've done so far. So I can think about what we are going to do next. Oh yea, we got quite a break here, why not practice at least a little in the dance room, we can get things done little by little" Yuri offered.

Taecyeon: "Alright, but are you sure?" he stopped from walking. Yuri turned back and checked what Taecyeon was talking about.

Yuri: "Why am I not sure? It's my project, your project, ooouurr project! We need to get it done, by 1 week, do you want a F on your grade dude?" Yuri raised her eyebrows.

Taecyeon: "No, not that! I mean are you sure about practicing with me? Last night, I thought that you won't be want to practice and do anything near me, and when we start our practice, I assume that you will be doing it by yourself and me on my own, then we just do it in front of the class on that day" he replied.

Yuri: "Ah wae? What are you talking about now?! We are suppose to do a couple dance, not solo. We need to practice together, so we'll get each other's beat and fix any mistakes." she explained.

Taecyeon: "Chinja? So you're starting to get comfortable being around me?" his face brighten up!

Yuri: "I guess" she whispered to herself as she turned herself back to her old position. Taecyeon could barely heard what Yuri said, no nevermind about that, being able to practice with Yuri was fine enough.

Taecyeon: "Wait up Yul!" while catching up with the girl. His face showed a bright smile, full of happiness as Yuri was walking in a fast mode.

Taecyeon caught up with Yuri but kept on joking and teasing Yuri. She constantly smiling and grinning at Taecyeon's childish mind and action. However, passing by along with them were Nichkhun and YoonA. Taecyeon were to busy tailing and joking around at Yuri, while Yuri was just walking straight, not turning anywhere toward the dance room. No one notice each other, except for Nichkhun, and ... YoonA.

Nichkhun took a long stare at Yuri, who look happy with Taecyeon, now. His eyes even widen when he could spot Yuri's slight smile. YoonA on the other side was watching every movement of Nichkhun, in disappointment. 

Nichkhun's head dropped as he slowly stepped on his own way. YoonA followed. 

In front of the library, Nichkhun didn't say a word until YoonA asked him a question.

YoonA: "You saw Yuri and Taecyeon?"

Nichkhun: "Well, they are in front of my eyes! How can't I miss them? With Taecyeon's loud mouth and everything, do you think that Yuri is happy without me Yoong? Do you she was just slightly moved by my kind action and misunderstood me as friend for love? That's why she could forget me so easily, like that? What---" yet interupted by YoonA.

YoonA: "Do you look at me as a friend or an answering machine Khun? Why do you always have to bring up your memories with Yuri in front of me? Can you just think of her as your good memories and let it flash by? Is that too much to ask for? This is for your own good Khun, please forget Yuri, Yuri my bestfriend, Yuri your good memories and start all over again! Do you know that there are someone who's waiting for you Khun?" she stopped, as she recognized what she just blurted out. Something that she probably shouldn't.

Nichkhun: "Sorry? But wait, who's waiting for me Yoong?" he questioned Yoong back.

YoonA: "No one, I just meant that your friends are waiting for you to return to your normal self, as cheerful and all" she answered.

Nichkhun: "I don't think so. I remembered I told me twice, about that someone. Can you just tell me who?" he begged.

YoonA: "That someone are your friends!!! I just remembered that I can't go to the library anymore, got something important to take care of. Bye!!" YoonA finished it off as quickly as she could, to avoid Nichkhun's glance. The suspicious glance, about that someone, that someone who was right besides him. 

Nichkhun: "Yoong, Yoong wai---" before he could even finished his sentence, YoonA was already out of sight. She ran like a thunderbolt. She was gone. Gone with the secret of someone...


Teacher: "Clap clap everyone, for that special performance by your classmates, Taecyeon and Yuri!" as everyone were clapping their hands, Yuri and Taecyeon shyly stepped down. Their couple dance, was complete!

After the bell rang, Yuri grabbed her bag and hurried outside. However, a guy stopped her way. He was blocking with his big body, like a beast, named Taecyeon.

Yuri: "Taecyeon-yah! Get out!" she yelled at the smirking Taecyeon.

Taecyeon: "Aren't you going to celebrate for our victory Yul? However right now, it's lunch right? What do you say, my partner?" he weirdly smile. The chill ran down Yuri's spine right afterward. Taecyeon was acting, pretty weird.

Yuri: "First, let me clarify to you that I am no longer to your partner, I'm going solo now! Second of all, why are you acting so like a ert? Lastly, get out already!" she boldly push Taecyeon out of her way, using her amazingly hidden strength.

Yuri was already dashing through the hall. Taecyeon just followed her with his eyes.

Taecyeon: "Where are you going? Keep in mind that I'm going to see you at the girls' table alright? You can't hide you know!" his voice echoing after Yuri. Yuri just gave Taecyeon a face and ran off.

On Yuri's run, to somewhere, she didn't really took a careful look at where she was going. All she have in mind was to head straight to the library, returning her overdue book. She might forgot to again, if she didn't go now. 

Passing through the guys' court, where they were playing basketball like ants fighting for food, a basketball from somewhere, from one of the court bounced right on top her Yuri's head, hard, and then bounced back onto the ground. She was in a hurry so in such a moment, she fell straight on the ground. Shaking her head in dizziness.

She got a hold onto her head, one hand on one side, recalling something, very unusual. She couldn't opened her eyes wide enough, to see what was happening around her, but just some blurry picture beyond her small eyes.

Suddenly, a flashback of memories rushed toward her mind. She didn't recognized what were they yet, and why were they rushing toward her brain like that, but she ony knew that it felt very heavy.

Everyone around just look in their bewilder faces. While Yuri was struggling to figure out what was happening to her right now.

For a second, Yuri could see some pictures of a guy and her, with a little dog, running around in laughing. For another, she saw a girl was leaving on a plane, which then she saw her face. The girl, was her. Yuri. The constant pictures kept on coming foward and foward, sad or happy moments, she recalled them all. 

Was it the time for Yuri to remember all of her lost memories?



Sorry for keeping you guys waiting if you're eager to find out what happened. I will now try to finish this story as quick as I could. And as you can tell, Yuri is now, recalling something huh? Enjoy and please leave a comment >*<

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although I' read this late, I think it's wonderful. Good job author-ssi (:
sone1259 #2
I love KhunRi more!!
I want khunri, I think taecyeon is more suitable for yoona and nichkhun is for yuri!
Sweet_Dessert #4
:( I want KHUNRI!!!!!
New reader here... I'll start reading tomorrow coz I have some things to do right now.. I found it interesting so I'll bookmark it.. Even though I like Khunri morethan taecyul... I'll still read it.. ^__^
yoonhee7 #6
Happy ending!
Love it a lot:)
merna8 #7
I love it!
aw such a happy ending!!!!! now update your 2 nd fic because i was waiting so much ^^
Thank you all readers, and commenters on my story! Thank you for supporting my first fanfic ever ♥
Wait no Taec!It's not what it looks like!!!!!
Awwwww Khuna is so cute!!!!!And they are dating-ish!!!!!!!