Our Beginning

A Boy and A Girl

As Taecyeon watched Yuri walked out of the room, he realized and determined to heal Yuri's broken heart.


YoonA: "Yuri ah, I think I need to ask you about this"

Yuri: "Huhm?"

YoonA: "About Taecyeon"

Yuri: "Huh? Why?"

YoonA: "You seem very worry about--"

Yuri: "Oh that? It's just nothing."

Fany: "How come?"

Yuri: "Well, I just think him as a friend"

Sica: "What? I thought you really hate him!"

SeoHyun: "Now, he's your friend unnie?"

Yuri: "I made a promise to him that even if in 2 weeks, I can't get me to like him, then we can be friends"

YoonA: "Eh?"

Taeyeon: "Don't you hate rich boys ever since that day?"

Hyoyeon: "Yah, you have changed Yul"

Sunny: "Just like what Taec claimed he to be"

Yuri: "Don't worry. I won't be liking him guys."

Taeyeon: "Listen Yul, we're friends, so we can't like control your relationship, but if you ever had feeling for that dude, you can just tell us!"

Yuri looked confuse.

Fany: "Yup, we won't be like controlling your life Yul, it's your freedom, your feeling."

Sica: "But we only care that you will choose a nice guy, unlike that idiot"

Sunny: "Even if he protect you from those dudes last night, you shouldn't become too easy about it"

Yuri:" When did I say I'll go easy on him?"

SooYoung: "By the way we judge you being worry for him Yuri"

YoonA: "But don't easy trusting him, he might be a devil inside. If you like him, then maybe telling us first, then try to find out what is really inside him"

Yuri: "Don't worry, I don't have to worry about that."

SeoHyun: "Just telling you unnie, you just might"

Yuri: "Let just forget about it, and enjoy our day?"

All smiled and went straight to class. Yuri then think about what the other just said "she did feel worry about him yesterday, isn't she?" then she shooked her head and returned to normal.


Yuri visited Taecyeon and she invited him to go on a movie, just to relax him a little. Taecyeon surely did agree to go. But when they get to the movie theater, there were only tickets to a horror movie. Taecyeon asked if Yuri really want to go in, Yuri said okay, but really, she was really afraid about it.

During the movie, Yuri just kept on holding into Taecyeon, while she never realized that it was her, she was holding against.

When the movie finished, Yuri was all wet because of all the fear. Taecyeon gave her the towel to dry it but Yuri just couldn't hold it. She's still nervous. So Taecyeon dried it for Yuri. Yuri felt very embarrassed when Taecyeon told her about it.

Taecyeon: "Why did you agree to go in there anyway Yuri ah"


It was time for another convincing date between Yuri and Taecyeon. Taecyeon took Yuri to the park. After an hour, it started it rain. All Yuri had on is just a thin jacket so Taecyeon just hold her toward his body, trying to warm her up. Yuri kept on shaking nonstop, seem like she going to be sick any moment soon. Taecyeon covered Yuri with his jacket and lead her under a place to hide. 

They got under a small roof.

Taecyeon: "Are you alright?"

Yuri: "I'm-- alright--" shaking.

Taecyeon: "No you're not."

Taecyeon tried to hug Yuri, but Yuri denied it. Taecyeon understood why...

Then a moment later, thunder suddenly bang up in the sky. Making Yuri too scare, and squeezed Taec. Taecyeon surprising by the action, but he kinda enjoyed it. When the thuner was over, Yuri released Taec and felt another embarrassment. As she releasing Taecyeon, their eyes met.

This time, it wasn't the same as the first time their eyes met when Taecyeon forced her to go on that date. It felt kinda different.

Yuri's heart just beating very hard as Taecyeon slowly putting his face toward her. She didn't know if she want it, or not. She did tried to move back a little, but it just kept on going nearer. As the result, they kissed. 

Taecyeon hold Yuri arms, as Yuri just frozed. Yuri thought "what is this?"

Then she broke the moment, blushing. She thought again "what did I just do?"

Taecyeon looked at Yuri in excitement.

Taecyeon: "Now this is what I call...willing"

- "You have already starting to like me don't you?"

Yuri: "No, no I'm not"

- "I was just shocked..."

Taecyeon: "No you're not. You let me."

- "You like me!"

Yuri: "AH! No I'm not! I don't like you, and never will geez!"

Yuri tried to ran out, because it was just too weird to stay there. Taecyeon hold her back, and pull her into his body.

Taecyeon: "It's still raining don't you see?"

Yuri: "Let me out!!!" as she struggling.

Taecyeon: "You're beginning to open up your heart, see..."

Yuri: "No I don't!"

- "Stop saying that"

Taecyeon: "Then stop struggling, just wait like this until the rain stop?!!!"

Yuri stayed put with moving until the rain had finally stop on falling down. "Why am I feeling like this? Usually, I fight as hard as I could, but how am I just froze like this? Yuri-ah" the thoughts going around her mind.

Then Taecyeon pulled Yuri to the car, which is kinda far away, then made their way home.


Yuri: "Do I like him already?"

- "No, no way. It can never happen."

- "But can it?"

- "It just can't be!!!"

- "I can't be liking a guy like him! But he changed?!!"

- "Stop this, aish"


Taecyeon: "I knew she would be liking me..."

- "But what if she doesn't?"

- "No, she let me kissed her doesn't she? So she must be having feeling toward me"

Taecyeon happily think about it by himself and giggled.


It was Saturday, and Yuri got a called from Nichkhun.

Nichkhun: "Hi Yuri"

Yuri: "Hey Khun" half asleep

Nichkhun: "So you want to go out, and hang out with me today? I'm bored today"

Yuri: "Oh? Sure"

- "When?"

Nichkhun: "At 10?"

Yuri: "Okay" she yawned.

Nichkhun: "Great, see you at 10, can I pick you up?"

Yuri: "That's fine, yea"

After Yuri got dressed and all, the door bell rang. She opened the door and waved to Nichkhun. He showed her his car, she nodded, and said to be right there. While the two were talking there, Taecyeon from somewhere appeared.

However, as he she Yuri was talking to Nichkhun, he felt down. "She's happily talking to him, aw, I just wanna surprise her today."

Taecyeon: "I guess she doesn't like me, and what happened yesterday, was really like shocked." as he sadly walked home."


Nichkhun: "I heard you let Taecyeon have a chance to prove that he really changed and like you"

Yuri: "Uhm, ya... but it's getting nowhere" she kinda lied.

Nichkhun: "So how is it develop so far, any feeling?"

Yuri: "Uhm... no--"

Nichkhun: "You look quite unsure about it Yul"

Yuri: "Well, I think there's a little feeling"

Nichkhun surprised answer.

Nichkhun: "Huh? Really?"

Yuri: "I don't know, but I kinda feel something around him"

Nichkhun looked down. But he looked up after hearing Yuri constantly coughing.

Nichkhun: "Are you okay Yuri?"

- "You look very pale today!"

Yuri: "I am? It's okay---" as the coughing interupted her.

Nichkhun: "I don't think you can go with me today. You can go home and rest"

- "Tomorrow there's no school anyway, maybe we'll go out someday when you get better, okay?"

Yuri: "You don't mind right?"

- "Sorry!"

Nichkhun: "Come, I'll take you home, sure?"

Yuri: "Okay"

In the afternoon, YoonA called Yuri to ask if she want to hang out with the group.

YoonA: "Hey Yuri"

Yuri: "Hi YoonA"

YoonA: "What's wrong with your voice? Sick?"

Yuri: "Ya..."

YoonA: Aw, then you can't come hang out with us then, Rest well Yul"

Yuri: "Thanks Yoong"

YoonA and Yuri both hang up.

YoonA: "Our Black Pearl is sick guys"

All: "Aw!"

Taecyeon on his way home, still sad about when he saw Yuri with Nichkhun. So he took his car, and wanna find out why. He called Yuri.

Taecyeon: "Yuri?"

Yuri: "Hello YoonA, need something again--?" coughing

Taecyeon: "Taecyeon Yul, not YoonA"

Yuri: "Oh, why did you call?"

Taecyeon: "Are you sick, you sounds bad"

Yuri: "Yes! Thanks for your raining day yesterday"

Taecyeon: "Oh, can I come and visit you?"

Yuri: "No thank you" and hang up.

Taecyeon knew that she would answer that, so he just ignored and go straight to Yuri's house. He rang the bell.

Mrs. Kwon: "Hi, who are you?"

Taecyeon: "Hi Mrs. Kwon, I'm Yuri's friend. I heard she sick on the phone, and just want to drop by"

Mrs. Kwon: "Yuri asked you to come over?"

Taecyeon: "Yes mam: lying so he can get in.

Mrs. Kwon: "Oh well, come in"

Taecyeon: "Thank you mam"

Mrs. Kwon directed Taecyeon into Yuri's room. *Knock Knock*

Yuri: "Come in mom"

Yuri looked back and saw Taecyeon.

Yuri: "What the-- why are you here?"

Taecyeon: "Visit you"

Yuri: "I thought I told you not to, plase go away" coughing still

Taecyeon: "Don't get mad, or you will be worse"

Yuri: "No need, thanks to you I'm sick you see?"

Taecyeon: "I'm -- I'm sorry Yuri-ah" looking serious.

- "I so sorry, but I promise not to make you sick again."

Yuri: "You're not my boyfriend, why are you saying such thing?"

Taecyeon: "I'll be, soon"

Yuri: "Well, who said?"

Taecyeon: "Me"

- "But hold on, before I get going, I wanna show you something"

Then he got up, Yuri sat up on her bed, wondering what is it. He turn his back, and suddenly turn in front of Yuri and dance, singing. He sang it cutely, like a boy, a little boy. 

Taecyeon: "♫ Yuri, please don't be mad at me. Yuri please don't be mad at me. I promise to make you happy, I promise to make smile. Yuri ah, Yuri ah, Yuri ah! ♫" making Yuri laugh.

Taecyeon: "You are smiling, you seem more pretty when you laughing" as Yuri starting to stop laughing.

Yuri: "Oh thanks"

Taecyeon: "But it not done yet, let see this!"

Yuri: "wh--"

Taecyeon immediately tickled Yuri, making her rolling and laughing. 

Yuri: "Stop, stop , stop" 

Taecyeon: "Are you happy now?"

Yuri: "Ya" drying her tears from all the laughing.

Taecyeon: "Well, I'll get going now, bye bye Yuri" as he leaning and kissed Yuri's forehead. He waved while Yuri sat there.

Yuri looked behind as Taecyeon leaving, thought "Why am I so happy? I like him already?"


YoonA: "Hey Yuri, feeling well?"

Yuri: "Yup!"

Sooyoung: "Nice to see you again!" as she hugging Yuri.

Yuri: "Thanks Soo"

- "Oh, and can we meet guys, in the designing studio, I need to tell you guys something"

Taeyeon: "Sure, let's go"

They all sat down and Yuri began.

Yuri: "I know that if I say this, you all might be shocked. But just telling you guys ahead."

- "I think-- I like Taecyeon"

All: "Serious?"

Sunny: "You can't be Yul"

SeoHyun: "Unnie, this isn't a joke"

YoonA: "Yuri?"

SooYoung: "Lovey dovey couple!"

Taeyeon: "Stop guys"

- "So Yuri, you said you might like Taeyeon?"

- "Not you really like him?"

Yuri: "Uh huh. I feel like happy and got some feeling when I'm with him Tae"

YoonA: "but I thought you said you won't"

Yuri: "I don't know, but I'm not sure. But I think I can figure it out, if something happen"

Hyoyeon: "Something?"

Fany: "What something?"

Yuri: "I don't know. If something serious happen, I think I can sure do I like him"

Sica: "Like those dramas Yuri? Something just happen, then one of the two just suddenly know that he or she like him or her?"

Yuri: "I think so?"

Taeyeon: "I don't know about that. It's only been 1 week, and you two only been together, giving him a chance for like 3 times. What did you guys do?"

Yuri shyly told them.

Taeyeon: "So now I know"

- "But are you sure he's not playing with you?" 

Sica: "Did he even prove it?"

Yuri: "I guess he did?"

YoonA: "You are not even sure. I think you just thinking Yul. Never mind about that, there is still 1 more week, try to get your feeling straight by then?"

Yuri: "Okay"

Then the bell rang and all got up, went to their classes.




What you do think? Sorry about the long stories. It sitll getting no where much, and it's already chapter 10.

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although I' read this late, I think it's wonderful. Good job author-ssi (:
sone1259 #2
I love KhunRi more!!
I want khunri, I think taecyeon is more suitable for yoona and nichkhun is for yuri!
Sweet_Dessert #4
:( I want KHUNRI!!!!!
New reader here... I'll start reading tomorrow coz I have some things to do right now.. I found it interesting so I'll bookmark it.. Even though I like Khunri morethan taecyul... I'll still read it.. ^__^
yoonhee7 #6
Happy ending!
Love it a lot:)
merna8 #7
I love it!
aw such a happy ending!!!!! now update your 2 nd fic because i was waiting so much ^^
Thank you all readers, and commenters on my story! Thank you for supporting my first fanfic ever ♥
Wait no Taec!It's not what it looks like!!!!!
Awwwww Khuna is so cute!!!!!And they are dating-ish!!!!!!!