Fourteenth Chapter

My Cyber World

I stared bewildered at MyungSoo, wondering why he was at Sung Yeol place. My gaze shifted from MyungSoo’s to Sung Yeol’s. He must’ve understood what I was thinking because in the next moment he told me that he would explain later. I nodded once and then let my eyes wander back to MyungSoo, and I didn’t like the look he gave me. It was as if he didn’t want me there.

“Hyung, why is she here?” MyungSoo asked as Sung Yeol slipped out off his shoes and stepped inside the living room, with MyungSoo fallowing after him as I was still standing in the hallway, not knowing what I was supposed to do. Fallow him, or stay?

“I’m going to show her something.” Sung Yeol replied before I could hear him call for me. An uneasy feeling enter my heart as I stepped out off my shoes and entered the living room area where Sung Yeol where placed. More exactly, he was placed in front of a computer.

“Come here.” Sung Yeol motioned for me to sit down next to him on the couch, which also meant that I need to sit next to MyungSoo who where placed just a meter away from Sung Yeol. Hesitantly I made my way towards the couch. But I came to a halt once I’d reached it, which earned me looks from the both of them.

‘What should I do?’

After taking a deep breath I placed myself in-between them, though, not without feeling a bit uneasy. What if they tried to do something funny? But all those thoughts disappeared in an instant once Sung Yeol started to type away on the computer placed on the living room table. I wanted to know how he could know all those things about me that no one else knew.

It didn’t take many minutes for me to understand how he could know. He had been hacking into my account, without me, nor anyone else knowing.

“Are you kidding me, is this why you know all those stuff? Because you hack into my account, don’t you know that’s a crime?” I was starting to get angry. What right had he to do such a thing? None, he had no right what so ever to do that.

“I think abuse is worse than hacking into someone’s Internet account.” He stated as he turned his attention from the laptop to me. I could feel how my pulse was increasing; did he know about me getting abused? “Don’t.” My tone was harsh, but none of them seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t think you know me. You have no idea how my life is like, and you are just like any other student at school, rich parents, many friends, and probably also a girlfriend.” I said and then stood up. Here I thought he would be different from the other ones at school. But just like any other time, I was wrong.

I made my way towards the hallway and my outerwear. Once I’d taken on my jacket and changed into my shoes a hand gripped my wrist and thus made me stop before I managed to open the door. I turned around and came face to face with Sung Yeol. His facial features hadn’t changed at all, a small smile played on his lips as he stared down on me. I thought he would be angry and furious at me after saying all those things.

“Do you know something?” he asked me and I stared up at him with curiosity, what did he mean by that. “I don’t understand.” I truly didn’t understand where he was going, that was before he told me that all those things I said about his parents friends and girlfriend was wrong.

“I don’t have any parents, the only friend I have is MyungSoo and if I had a girlfriend I wouldn’t do this.” My eyes widened as I saw how he lowered his head and pressed his lips against mine. I was too paralyzed by what he was doing to even move an inch. I could just stare into the distance once he pulled away and opened his eyes.

When I snapped out of my trance I lifted my hand up to slap his face, but he was faster than I were because he grabbed it and then pulled my body closer to his, as he told me that I shouldn’t do that.

“Let go, let go.” I swirled around and back away from him, only to back into something else. I yelped as I fell backwards and landed on something soft, something so soft that I doubted that it was the floor. And it didn’t take many seconds before I noticed that it was indeed not the floor that I had landed on, but on MyungSoo. And worst, he didn’t look too happy about it either.

I apologized immediately once I had managed to get up on my feet’s and thus also taken a few steps away from him. “S-Sung Yeol, h-h-he…” I couldn’t manage to say that he had kissed me out loud because I still felt embarrassed and a bit confused about it.

“I kissed her, that’s why.” Sung Yeol uttered like it wasn’t a big deal, but for me it was. Because that was my first ‘real’ kiss. I didn’t see Sangmin’s as kisses, because those was forced upon me, plus what he did was wrong. I know Sung Yeol’s kiss wasn’t something I agreed on either. But I couldn’t manage to be angry at Sung Yeol for that. I weren’t mad at him because it didn’t feel wrong.

“Aren’t you scared?” MyungSoo’s question came as a surprise. But honestly, I was scared. Well I wasn’t scared of Sung Yeol, but at him.

“Only by you, I’m not scared of Sung Yeol.” I stated and saw how his mouth twitched slightly. It wasn’t like I hated him; it was just that he gave the impression that he hated me. That he wanted me to disappear from his sight.

“Why I’m scared of you is because it feels as if you hate me.” I told him truthfully, after all, it was no idea with trying to hide it.

Ah, right I needed to ask Sung Yeol what he meant with that he had no parents. That had to be a lie, because how could he afford going to Kyunggi and pay the rent of this enormous apartment. It didn’t make any sense. So I turned my attention towards Sung Yeol and asked him. I could hear a low sigh escape his lips as he looked at me.

“I’m an adoptee, though the man that adopted me died a few weeks after I turned 19 and thus left all his fortune to me. So MyungSoo is the only person I have left.” Sung Yeol explained as I gawked at him. He was also an adoptee, just like me. “What about MyungSoo?” I asked Sung Yeol, though my eyes were fixed on MyungSoo.

“I ran away from the orphanage that I stayed at. I couldn’t take being there after Sung Yeol got adopted.” MyungSoo answered the question instead of Sung Yeol. And I found myself getting even more confused.

“So, what you are saying that you two are living together without any parents and no worries about money.” I said out loud, as if that would make everything clearer. They both nodded their heads and I found myself frown a bit.

“Lucky.” I whispered quietly. If they only knew how much I would love to live a life like theirs, without any worries. I sighed as I glanced at the clock on my wrist. It was starting to get late, and I needed to find a place to stay the night, a place where I could have a cat, since I was going to pick up Sooni at the vet tomorrow.

“I need to go.” As soon as I finished that sentence I could hear how something was ripped open and before I knew it. All my belongings scattered down on the floor.

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Chapter 40: OMG I hope there's a sequel and myungsoo to be his husband LOL XD
Chapter 40: Author-nim! You're trolling with my feelings again. How they just become a like that? Ckckck.

By the way, while reading this, I remembered a quote that I read once, "If you love two persons at once, choose the second one. Because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't fall for the second one." Kkk.

Anyhow, your writings is one of many that I liked :) Sungyeol's character seems cool as always. Myungsoo was often described as a meanie-but-nice guy.
Thank you for your fic, Author-nim! It made my day~
Chapter 8: I'm sorry it WAS Sungyeol that was just a mistake. Sorry...Btw it's "following" not fallowing :) Though; I'm starting to like this better since things are looking a tiny bit better. <3
Chapter 7: Uhm I noticed you only use "where" instead of "was" or "were" so far after reading this chappie...And Sun Yeol? Sungyeol? Omg I'm confused o.o
Other than that this story is really interesting and I'm definitely going to read further :) It's pretty goos
MyOnlyBoyfriend #5
Chapter 40: this is the best fanfic ever i swear just omg i'm gonna recommend it to my friends but the ending HAHAHA I was in the state of wut just happened ._.
Chapter 40: Wow..just wow!
At first because she was sooo depressed even as areader I became depressed too...its one of the traits/habits I have when reading a story..Ill somehow 'be' the character...
Overall its a nice angsty romantic dort of story..^^
glad the bad ones get what they deserved and good ones their happiness..
Hope to read more from you! ^^
byeol1122 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good...i cant even....omg
new reader here :)
Please do another sad one like this I literally balled my eyes out. You are the most amazing writer EVER! please do more infinite fanfics like this. THANK YOU! <3
poppop3 #10
omg!! i enjoyed it