Twelfth Chapter

My Cyber World

I felt like a dog, unwanted and dirty by the fact that I had spent the night in a stairway to a semi-run down apartment building. I had packed myself into my clothes in order to sustain the coldness of the night, but even though that I froze and had a hard time sleeping. Not only because of the situation, but because I couldn’t get Sung Yeol out of my mind.

Why? Because there was something with him, I didn’t feel afraid when he was close. There was this gentleness to him that no one I’d met had, with an exception for Yong Sook. But I couldn’t be all too relaxed. Because I know very well how someone can change. I know by the fact that dad did it, as well as the Yoo family. They turned from loving to hating, and last but not least we have Sangmin.

So I couldn’t take Sung Yeol and Yong Sook's gentleness for granted because they could change to the worse.

My thoughts were interrupted when something fell down from the stairs before it hit the floor next to me. My heart rate exhilarated as I slowly turned my head to look up at the end of the stairs. My tension released when I saw that it was just a cat, a small one too. I stared at it as it was doing the same.

“Do you want to come down?” I asked it as I stood up and proceeded up the stairs before I gently lifted it up and placed it towards my chest. “Woah, you are really light and dirty.” I stated, wondering whether this kitten actually got fed and brushed. It didn’t look like it.

Though after that I had let it down I grabbed my bag and bid goodbye to it. Honestly, I didn’t want to leave it there. But I couldn’t take it with me either. I didn’t even have a place to live on my own, and besides what if someone was looking for it.

With a heavy heart I bent down and its fur gently. It didn’t take many seconds before it lay down and rolled o its back. My heart was smiling at the cuteness; it wanted me to scratch its tummy. Though, as I did that I noticed that it didn’t have one of those necklaces around its neck. So, this cat actually didn’t have an owner. I guess that’s why it was so skinny and light, no one fed it.

Without further ado I swept it up in my arms before I pushed the door open and vanished from there. I had to take it to a vet so that it could get cleaned and so that it got all the vaccinations needed. Plus to see if there was anything more wrong, which I hoped it wasn’t.

It took quite a while to find one actually. It wasn’t like I had looked for a vet before since I had never in my life had a cat, neither less a pet.

When I entered I was greeted by a lady that was sitting behind this really stylish desk, well the whole reception looked flawless as she greeted me with a friendly hello and how may I help you. And so I began telling her that I wanted the kitten I was holding onto to see a vet so it could be cleaned and get the vaccination needed.

“You need to fill this paper out.” she spoke and handed over a piece of paper, which I took together with a pen, before I sat down and started to fill it out. They wanted to know my full name, along with what was needed, plus the cat’s name. Oh, I needed to come up with a name for it.

Carefully I flipped it over to see which it had; it was a girl, which means that it as to be castrated. This was for sure going to be expensive. Lucky me, that I managed to get a hold of my credit-card when I ran away, because the money I had in my bag was for sure not going to cover the expenses of this.

“What should I name you.” I asked it as it stared up at me with its large cute eyes that made my heart soften and I smiled slightly. I know, I could use my mother’s first character along with my last one, and then it would be Sooni, almost like Sunny. It fit perfectly, because I knew that this kitten would definitely bring me happiness in this lonely world.

After writing down Sooni I returned the paper over to the lady, who told me to sit down for a while as she would speak to someone. I did as she told and before I knew it a vet appeared and introduced herself. After a short talk I handed Sooni over to her and I was told that she would need to spend the night because of the castration and the need of checking that everything was alright afterwards.

“Then I’ll come back tomorrow morning.” I bid farewell to Sooni and the vet before I slung my bag over the shoulder and proceeded out through the door. What was I suppose to do know? I didn’t know where Sangmin lived, nor did I have a phone so I could call him.

Maybe I should buy a new cell phone; Sangmin wouldn’t be able to get his hands on my number now since I didn’t live at home. As I went inside the closest cell phone store I was a bit worried. Which one should I buy? I didn’t know it was this hard to actually pick out a phone. Though, after much looking and fidgeting with the phones themselves I had chosen the one I wanted.

A pink LG cookie.

My stomach suddenly let out a small rumble as I exited the shop. Food would be great right now; I didn’t have to look that long before finding a café that served western style breakfast. I hadn’t eaten that for so long, so when those American pancakes met my tongue I smiled slightly.

I could hear someone calling my name before a person sat down on the seat opposite of me, the piece of pancake stuck in my throat when I saw that it was Sung Yeol. I reached out for my glass of orange juice and took a sip, and luckily for me the piece of pancake let free and fallowed down together with the juice towards my stomach.

“You don’t need to be so surprised.” He laughed whole heartily and I found myself frown a bit. Out of nowhere he asked for the waitress who came running and asking what we wanted, or more like. What he wanted.

“Can I get what she has.” He pointed at my syrup soaked pancakes and smiled. “Would you want something to drink?” she asked him. He shifted his gaze from her to me, and then back to her. I had no clue why, and it wasn’t like I wanted to know it either.

“I’ll have one coffee.”

The girl disappeared, and thus leaving the two of us alone, an awkward silence filled the air and I returned to eat my pancakes in peace. I could feel his stare on me and it made me feel uneasy. I hated it when people watched me eat.

“Could you please stop staring at me?” I stated in-between my bites and without looking up at him. Impolite one may think, but he was that himself, impolite. You don’t place yourself down at someone’s table without asking, and you don’t stare at people. That’s simple manners.


Ugh, that guy was going to drive me insane if he continues. But before I got a chance to say something the waitress returned with Sung Yeol’s order, which was exactly like mine except that he ordered coffee instead of orange juice. I stopped in my actions and saw him eat.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he looked up from his plate and I watched dumfound as he reached out his fork and grabbed a piece of my pancake before he stuffed it inside his mouth. Okay, here I buy food so that I can get something in my stomach, and then he takes it. I let my fork rest on the plate; my appetite had vanished completely as I kicked his leg under the table. Though that was something I regretted immediately once I shot me a look of shock.

“I-I’m so-so-sorry.” I bowed my head apologetic as I waited for a hand to hit me. But as seconds passed by and nothing happened I slowly lifted my head up. The look he gave me, it felt as he was the one being sorry.


I scrambled to my feet’s and put the money that I owned down on the table next to the glass before I darted out through the door. Why did I feel so ashamed, humiliated?

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Chapter 40: OMG I hope there's a sequel and myungsoo to be his husband LOL XD
Chapter 40: Author-nim! You're trolling with my feelings again. How they just become a like that? Ckckck.

By the way, while reading this, I remembered a quote that I read once, "If you love two persons at once, choose the second one. Because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't fall for the second one." Kkk.

Anyhow, your writings is one of many that I liked :) Sungyeol's character seems cool as always. Myungsoo was often described as a meanie-but-nice guy.
Thank you for your fic, Author-nim! It made my day~
Chapter 8: I'm sorry it WAS Sungyeol that was just a mistake. Sorry...Btw it's "following" not fallowing :) Though; I'm starting to like this better since things are looking a tiny bit better. <3
Chapter 7: Uhm I noticed you only use "where" instead of "was" or "were" so far after reading this chappie...And Sun Yeol? Sungyeol? Omg I'm confused o.o
Other than that this story is really interesting and I'm definitely going to read further :) It's pretty goos
MyOnlyBoyfriend #5
Chapter 40: this is the best fanfic ever i swear just omg i'm gonna recommend it to my friends but the ending HAHAHA I was in the state of wut just happened ._.
Chapter 40: Wow..just wow!
At first because she was sooo depressed even as areader I became depressed too...its one of the traits/habits I have when reading a story..Ill somehow 'be' the character...
Overall its a nice angsty romantic dort of story..^^
glad the bad ones get what they deserved and good ones their happiness..
Hope to read more from you! ^^
byeol1122 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good...i cant even....omg
new reader here :)
Please do another sad one like this I literally balled my eyes out. You are the most amazing writer EVER! please do more infinite fanfics like this. THANK YOU! <3
poppop3 #10
omg!! i enjoyed it