A love like this: Chapter 31

A love like this ♥


The glass broke into pieces as it fell on the floor. YoungSaeng panicked. He didnt know what to do. He was afraid that the other members would see this and think that he's stupid.
"Yahhh.. too clumsy... I hate myself T___T"
So in order to not let them witness this major failure, he decided to PICK UP the broken pieces. Which was too absurd.
"I have to clean this no matter wha-- OUCH!"
As what was expected, he got pricked.
"Ahh.. ouch."
Blood was flowing onto his finger. The Prince was scared of what might happen to him, he might suffer blood lost he thought. Saengie was too nervous with just a simple injury.
"Yah! What the?"
"Eh? H-HyungJoon??"
"What the hell are you doing to yourself!?"
"No dont come here! There are broken glasses on the floor! You might get hurt!"
"Dont worry im wearing shoes. Let me see that!"
"Yah no im fine!"
HyungJoon was staring at him, more like glaring.
"You know.. something bad might happen if you wont let me see it."
"You know I know someone who had been also pricked like you.. He didnt let anyone see it, eventually.. he died.."
"Eh? Ehh? EHHHHH????"
Baby was laughing so hard that he got weak. YoungSaeng was too curious of what was going on with him.
"Yah.. HyungJoon-ah, are you alright--"
"Yeah.. thank you for the funny time."
"Eh? Uhmm.. thanks?"
"Mhm.. As for paying you back, Ill take care of this ."
HyungJoon got YoungSaeng's hand. He figured out what finger got hurt. After knowing it was the index one, he immediately did what he had to do. *warning: YAIO scenes*
"Ahh.. Yahh--"
"Dont.. Im doing fine."
"Yah.. HyungJoon.. Ahh... this is.."
HyungJoon was all the blood. He didnt know YoungSaeng was so sensitive. The Prince got his face super red from blushing. The scene was pretty hot since the Prince cant help but to moan.
"Ahh... Dont.. harder.... Yahh---"
"Yahh.. dont.. stop it already.. Im fine.. HyungJoon-ah... Yahh.."
Baby was already done. When he looked at Saengie, he saw his bright red face. He got curious why he suddenly became like that.
"Yah. Why are you so red? Are you sick."
HyungJoon touched his forehead, checking if his ill.
"No! Im not.."
"You sure?"
"Good. Ill take a shower now."
"Th-thank you."
"Yeah, hey wash your hands now. Dont worry about the blood, less will come out, just bear with it."
"Oh.. and with that someone who died.. thats not true. Im just teasing you, hehe. Youre so cute."
Baby went upstairs and headed for the bathroom, but too bad Leader was still using it.
So he decided to go to the Balcony and stay there for a while. He slided the door but too bad, someone was there.
JungMin was there. Baby didnt know what to do. Does he have to leave? Or stay there since that was what he really wanted to do.
"Youre not gonna leave just because Im hear right?"
JungMin asked with such a serious face.
"Why would I leave? This place isnt only yours."
HyungJoon answered with a straight face too. Obviously, they are not in the mood. But JungMin couldnt help but to talk.
"You know.. I guess Hyung would be better off to be your roommate."
"Its getting too awkward for us.. We cant stay and sleep at one room anymore."
HyungJoon cornered JungMin. Still, the pretty Mal has his serious face.
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Tara-ss501 #1
hi! please updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
thank you.
Ichiissa #2
hahaha thankies for reading this story XD even though its taking me time to reveal who ends up with who :)
Could you please please if it is possible in any way continue this. Because I really wanna know how this will end. I am so excited and don't wanna stop reading, but here I am at the end of this chapter not knowing what to do, other than wait. But please *puppy dog eyes* continue this because your story is so awesome!!! ^^
Ichiissa #4
@mindreaderhero and other fellow readers... I want to write as much as i want until my fingers gets numb.. I really would love to update but college life is killing me. seriously, there's no time. Just wait you guys, Ill update after everything. :)
mindreaderhero #5
hey....<br />
why aren't u writing anymore?... i've been waiting for long and yet there's no update... why?... i like it.... it was fun... could u plz start writing again?
Lol new reader..it's a bit confusing O.O