A love like this: Chapter 29

A love like this ♥


"Yah! Where have you been?"
"Yeah, you suddenly disappeared."
HyungJoon just went to the studio after JungMin's scolding.
"I.. I just went back to the apartment.."
"Eh? Wae?"
"I forgot something.."
"Oh.. You could've notified us. Hyung here was already having his 4Dness with me. O_O"
"Yeah! I was like maybe he got caught by some aliens, or been kidnapped by an unknown creature or--"
"Yah~ shut up already, here we go again.."
Baby was not in the mood to do anything.. He was still worried sick about JungMin.
"Yah! I told you I'm fine!!"
"Are you sure? What if--"
"Stop the what if's! If I say I'm fine, then I am!"
"But maybe you're just pretending!"
"Why would I pretend? To attract attentions?"
"No! I didn't mean it that way!"
"Tss.. now I think I'm totally sick.."
"Are you alright--"
"Please.. HyungJoon-ah.. Dont make things so complicated.."
"Dont tell him that you like me.."
"Ahh.. JungMin-ah.. what are you talking about.."
"Just shut up and leave.."
"Ahh... O_O okay.. I'll leave..."
*end of flashback*
Baby was just sitting at a corner, watching Leader do his moves. Kyu on the other side noticed Baby with such dull eyes. With this, he went closer to him and asked if something's wrong.
"Yah! You've been quiet for the whole time.. Are you alright?"
"Ahh.. Aniyo~ I'm fine!"
"Really? Your smile is fake."
"Huh? KyuJong-ah! Don't be like an old man! You sound like one~"
"Errr.. stop acting, you look stupid."
Baby didn't take KyuJong's cleverness. He was easily seen by him. HyungJoon suddenly became quiet again and looked away from KyuJong.
"Yah.. something happened?"
"Is it that weird to be worried for someone?"
"Huh? How could that be weird?"
"Yeah.. but what if that person gets mad at you for being worried for him?"
"Yah! Now he's the weird one!"
"Really? Arraso.. stupid Mal.."
KyuJong realized that JungMin was the one HyungJoon was talking about right after he said the word Mal.
"So.. what happened between you guys?"
"Hehe.. how energetic.."
"YAH!! He even said he's fine with YoungSaeng! Aishhh.. O_O"
"He said that?"
Leader just finished the two dances and went in to Kyu and Baby's conversation.
"He said he's fine with YoungSaeng carrying him if he collapses."
"Really? Wow, he's changing."
"He's finally being nice to him. Good to hear that."
"You're the only reason why JungMin hates YoungSaeng afterall."
"Yah.. Uhm.. whatever.."
"Gross mal.. liking a guy.. >___<"
"You're one to talk.." Kyu thought in mind after hearing this from HyungJoon.
"Hmm.. how is that gross?"
"Well you see.. OMO!"
HyungJoon realized that Leader also likes a guy. On top of that, he is the one JungMin likes. So he suddenly stopped the rant and appologized to HyunJoong.
"Mhm. You cant blame him.. I also like a guy.."
"Ahh.. I.. I guess.."
It was such an awkward situation for the 3 of them Leader being straightforward made the two think how slow they were in declaring their love.
"Yah.. Hyung.. How does it feel.. to confess your love?"
"Hmm.. it feels kinda awkward.. since were both males.."
Baby suddenly turned red. He couldn't take Leader's answer. It was too embarrassing to put it into words.
"Please.. enough with this talk.. its getting too much embarassing.."
"Yeah sure.. hehe."
KyuJong feels like loosing again. So he wanted to stop their conversation but Baby wouldnt just listen.
"Yah~ KyuJong-ah.. Do you like someone?"
"I never heard you talk about anything like that.. so.. is there any?"
"Uhh.. well.."
"He has.. he just doesnt want to share it.."
"Ehh? How stingy!"
HyunJoong was having his little laugh after teasing KyuJong. Kyu on the other hand just let Leader do whatever he wants.
"Aigoo~ just end this topic."
"Mehrong~" *sound in making this action ":P"*
After a few hours, afternoon came and the three were about to head home.
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Tara-ss501 #1
hi! please updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
thank you.
Ichiissa #2
hahaha thankies for reading this story XD even though its taking me time to reveal who ends up with who :)
Could you please please if it is possible in any way continue this. Because I really wanna know how this will end. I am so excited and don't wanna stop reading, but here I am at the end of this chapter not knowing what to do, other than wait. But please *puppy dog eyes* continue this because your story is so awesome!!! ^^
Ichiissa #4
@mindreaderhero and other fellow readers... I want to write as much as i want until my fingers gets numb.. I really would love to update but college life is killing me. seriously, there's no time. Just wait you guys, Ill update after everything. :)
mindreaderhero #5
hey....<br />
why aren't u writing anymore?... i've been waiting for long and yet there's no update... why?... i like it.... it was fun... could u plz start writing again?
Lol new reader..it's a bit confusing O.O